Chapter 17 Detecting the Enemy Situation

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  Chapter 17
  It is difficult to tell whether the information about the enemy's situation is true or false. In order to stabilize people's hearts, squadron leader Diarra summoned the main officers of Haddon Castle.

  When Richard, Owen and other officers all arrived, Diarra said very directly: "I just received news that the passage between Harden Castle and Platos Fortress Group has been cut off. The wounded soldiers who retreated have been slaughtered by the orcs. Only three people escaped. I sent out scouts in the morning, but they haven't returned yet. They were probably killed by the orcs on the way. In

  recent days, the war in the direction of Platos may have changed a lot."

  Diarra did not choose to conceal it and told the information he received. At such a critical moment, concealment is not necessarily a good thing and is of no use.

  "Squadron Captain, if the front line changes, we should make plans early. The location of Harden Castle is very important. Just relying on one of our troops to guard it may not be able to withstand the orc attack." Hearing that the wounded soldiers were being slaughtered, Owen behaved

  very Surprised, his face turned pale at first, then a little angry. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he was about to leave the city and fight the orcs at any moment.

  The Sixth Squadron had just made a contribution and had not rested for a few days. Unexpectedly, the battle turned out to be unsatisfactory and it was likely to be in danger again.

  "I have sent a messenger to pass the news to Flame Castle, requesting Legion reinforcements." "

  Since the orcs have blocked the mountain road, I am afraid they will intercept and kill the messenger." "

  Then continue to send people to find out the news clearly and pass it on. Company How can we fight this battle if we can’t figure out the enemy’s intelligence?”

  The person who spoke was a city defense army squadron leader named D’Amico. He was once the deputy squadron leader of the Mad Lion Legion and joined the city defense army after retiring from the main army. .

  "It's easy for you to say. The main force is in Platos Castle. We don't have many cavalry at all. How can we break through the orc blockade?"

  Richard thought for a moment and said: "Our squadron has a few iron horned horses. I will lead the team. Go to the Platos Mountains to perform a reconnaissance mission. Baron Harden also left a cavalry team that can go to Flame Castle to ask for reinforcements."

  "Our responsibility is to protect Master Ram and Mrs. Rowling."

  Mrs. Rowling is the fourth wife of Baron Harden. She has royal blood and is a distant branch of the Grant royal family.

  The lady was not yet thirty years old, and was still very young compared to Baron Harden.

  Their son Ram is only six years old. If he grows up to become a professional, he should be the sixth heir to Baron Harden.

  It is rumored that the Baron likes Master Ram very much and is likely to divide the territory and set aside a piece of territory for him to inherit.

  Baron Harden has two baronies, one in the south and one in the north. The southern territories were not only rich but also did not need to face war. In addition, he has accumulated profound meritorious service, and I am afraid that he will be granted a barony after the war.

  Baron Harden has publicly stated several times that he will divide the territory among his different sons.

  The words have been spoken, and since Baron Harden is already old, it is estimated that he will not choose to be promoted to a peerage.

  Although it hadn't been long since he entered the Baron's castle, Richard had already heard some rumors.

  Seeing that Baron Harden stayed behind and the officers were unwilling to obey the order, Diarra did not force him, but calmly persuaded him: "The Baron is fighting on the front line, and the only member of the Harden family left in the castle is Master Ram. According to the nobles of the kingdom

  , According to the law, nobles cannot abandon the territory, otherwise they will give up the inheritance rights of the territory.

  Although Master Ram is not an adult, he is still a respectable noble and cannot leave the castle. Now we are stationed in the castle, Master Ram and Rowling The safety of the lady is sufficiently guaranteed."

  "The military order given to us by the baron is to protect the young master and his wife. We will not obey other people's orders." Diarra kept talking, but still failed to convince the cavalry under Baron Harden. . In the end, everyone could only leave unhappy.

  While there was no one around, Richard quietly said to Diarra: "The task of opening the passage should continue. We three brothers are riding iron horned horses and are responsible for detecting the enemy's situation. The main force must also be careful in the castle. When things are irreversible, You must be decisive when it’s time to be decisive. Don’t be unable to leave for a long time when it’s time to retreat.”

  "Don't worry, I have experienced three orc invasion wars. I have rich experience and know how to survive the war.

  On the contrary, you three brothers are still very young. Don't be careless when you go out to investigate the enemy's situation this time. You are riding Warcraft horses. , faster than most orc scouts, be careful in your actions and don't be greedy for credit." They have not

  known each other for a long time, and the two sides already have a deep comradeship. In a state of war, the relationship between people can easily enter their hearts.

  Especially comrades in the same squadron. Eating from the same pot, sleeping in the same bed, facing the same enemy with swords, guns and arrows.

  Even if the time of acquaintance is short, after a brutal battle, they can often become very close comrades-in-arms and a life-long friendship.

  Richard said goodbye to Diarra, took Hayden and Ron to ride the Iron Wildebeest, left the Baron Castle and headed towards the Plasto Mountains.

  Night falls slowly.

  The three Richard brothers are also unfamiliar with the terrain of the Platos Mountains.

  Serving as scouts originally requires people who are familiar with the terrain, and most of these people are in the city defense army.

  It's a pity that they are not cavalry. Facing the blockade of the orc scouts, it is impossible for these soldiers with poor combat effectiveness to break through the blockade, open the passage, and detect the enemy's situation.

  The night sky was pitch black, and the moon peeked out from the clouds, emitting a pale light.

  It's already April, early summer, and the forest is no longer peaceful.

  Richard and the other three were walking along the foot of the mountain. A few pairs of eyes were carefully observing the movement of the mountain pass through the cover of tree trunks and branches.

  "Is there an orc camp at the entrance of the canyon?"

  Ron jumped down from the tree canopy nimbly. After a period of recuperation, the army chaplain used healing techniques to treat him twice, and his injuries have completely recovered.

  Ron was good at climbing and falling from trees without making a sound. Although he has no talent beyond ordinary people, he has studied investigative skills with his second uncle Powell for a long time and is a qualified scout.

  "Can you determine the number of enemies?"

  "I have just counted a squadron of kobolds stationed there. There are two kobold warriors among them, and the remaining more than a hundred kobolds are ordinary soldiers." "Continue to observe and see if there are any other high-ranking kobolds in the camp

  . High-level arms?"

  Orcs are not good at using enchanted weapons, but they have a wide variety of high-level arms. They also have powerful power, and the three Richard brothers will lose their lives if they are not careful.

  Ron observed the orc camp for two hours and whispered: "There is no other discovery. There should be no other arms."

  (End of Chapter)

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