Chapter 16 True and False News

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  Chapter 16 True and False News
  The Sixth Squadron suffered a lot of casualties and was transferred to Haddon Castle by Captain Sharp to rest. Following them were dozens of wounded soldiers from the Eighth Battalion.

  Harden Castle is thirty kilometers west of the Platos Mountains and forms an obtuse triangle with Flame Castle and Platos Castle.

  The Platos fortress group is in the front, and Harden Castle is already in the rear. The castle is now guarded by the second-line city defense force.

  After the Sixth Squadron was transferred over, with Baron Harden's warrant, the city defense army immediately mobilized soldiers to supplement the formation. This batch of supplementary soldiers is of high quality and looks tough and strong. Two soldiers are already advanced warrior trainees, enough to serve as grassroots officers.

  There is also a master archer whose archery level has reached level three, and he can barely control the enchanted crossbow to kill the enemy.

  It seems that this batch of supplementary soldiers should be carefully selected. It is now a wartime situation, and the Sixth Squadron still has the order from Baron Harden, the supreme commander of the defense line. The city defense army did not dare to neglect and use new soldiers to fool them.

  Prevent the Sixth Squadron from reporting to superiors and holding them accountable.

  After the reinforcements came in, the Sixth Squadron was enriched. After returning from injury, he can continue to form two teams to complete the organization.

  Ron is a junior officer, and after the battle, he will be treated by the priest first.

  After using the healing technique, most of his injuries have recovered, and he can now move around normally. If you continue to rest for about ten days, you will almost be fully recovered.

  In this battle, Richard killed two professionals and gained 2,500 experience points.

  "It seems that killing miscellaneous soldiers will not increase experience. I don't know if killing professionals with a lower level than mine will increase experience when my level increases?" Richard thought to himself and silently opened the attribute panel

  . .

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.8
  Mental Strength: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Skill: Level 4 (256/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (521/4000)

  Archery: Level 4 (574/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (489/4000)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skills : Level 2 (581/2000)

  Experience value: 2500
  In the past few days, Richard has been training hard, and his experience in various skills has increased slightly. However, there is still a long way to go to advance.

  Especially the breathing method, which is related to professional level, has just begun to be practiced.

  If you practice the breathing method step by step, it may take two to three years to advance.

  A professional's combat effectiveness mainly depends on attributes, equipment and skills.

  As the professional level increases, attributes are mainly increased. A good breathing method, after advancement, the bonus to attributes is slightly larger, and there is also a special fighting spirit attribute killing effect.

  Even if the Mad Lion Legion's breathing method is not as good as the top breathing method in Dawn Continent, the difference is not too big, and the overall evaluation is already top-notch.

  It is rumored that the breathing techniques practiced by the three northern armies are all the breathing techniques treasured by the royal family of Grand Duke Stanik.

  A hundred years ago, a brutal internal struggle broke out in the Principality of Stanik. The Jonathan family was ousted by the country's major nobles and exiled to the in-law Grant Kingdom, becoming the current Duke Jonathan family.

  The heritage of the Jonathan family was also handed over to the Grant royal family. These include advanced breathing techniques.

  The Grant royal family used these three breathing methods to mobilize some resources to establish three main legions and devoted them to the northern development war.

  The Dukedom of Jonathan, the territories of the three northern provinces, and the fortress at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains are all spoils of victory in the pioneering war a hundred years ago.

  Richard is now in a war, and the most important thing is to increase his combat effectiveness.

  Adding 2500 experience points to the breathing method has no effect on improving combat effectiveness.

  The top priority is to improve various skills. Archery, which is most helpful in combat, has been upgraded to the fourth level and cannot be upgraded for the time being. The only thing that can be upgraded now is the basic fighting skills of the Northern Legion.

  Richard gained 1,500 experience points in the Northern Army's fighting skills, and the attribute panel immediately changed.

  Fortunately, Richard spent all the remaining one thousand experience points on the Mad Lion Legion's breathing technique. These one thousand points of experience are equivalent to a month of hard training for Richard.

  After adding killing experience, Richard's attribute panel becomes.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.8
  Mental Power: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 4 (1256/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (521/4000)

  Archery: Level 4 ( 574/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (489/4000)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 3 (81/4000)

  Experience: 0
  After that, the Sixth Squadron has been resting in Harden Castle, and Richard began to adapt to Level 3 Basic fighting skills to avoid the embarrassment of unfamiliar skills on the battlefield.

  In this way, the Sixth Squadron spent ten leisurely days.

  Suddenly, Richard received news from the front that the orc army had once again launched an attack on the Platos fortress complex.

  This time, there were as many as two and a half brigades of orcs attacking the city. Except for the brigades that were crippled last time, the other two were all fresh troops.

  In this siege, the orc army did not take risks and chose to fight steadily.

  In the past two or three days, the fighting on the front has been very tense.

  Richard found that the number of wounded soldiers withdrawn from the front line had increased a lot, and the total number had exceeded 300.

  Among the wounded were members of Baron Harden's Cavalry Regiment.

  By talking to the wounded, Richard heard that Baron Harden once again led a team to charge into the battle, killing the sixth-level orc commander and defeating the main orc brigade before stabilizing the battle line and repelling the orcs.

  After two defensive operations, the Eighth Battalion had suffered 400 casualties in total. Although no inch of ground was lost on the front line, relying on the Eighth Battalion to hold on, it was already difficult to support the defense line.

  The orcs also began to cross the Platos Mountains and began to infiltrate into the Barony of Harden.

  The news ahead is constantly changing.

  One moment it was said that Baron Harden was preparing to abandon the Platos Castle complex, and the next it was said that Baron Harden was insisting on holding on and waiting for reinforcements.

  Whether it was true or false, the wounded soldiers who retreated had everything they said. Even Richard, who was personally present at the battle, was a little confused.

  In the baron's castle, in addition to the sixth squadron, there are several city defense squadrons stationed there. In addition, Baron Harden also left several officers behind, leading a part of the serf army to protect his family.

  Not only did the city defense army have no enchanted equipment, each squadron only had a dozen soldiers who practiced breathing techniques. The backbones of the city defense army were transferred to supplement the Sixth Squadron, but they were again strained.

  Several squadrons combined cannot defeat one squadron of the main army.

  Even if the Sixth Squadron had just completed its replenishment, a single charge led by Richard could defeat hundreds of city defense troops.

  The combat effectiveness of the city defense army was already very poor, and what was even worse were the serf soldiers.

  The serf soldiers in the castle were not even fully equipped with weapons. Many of them carried hoes and dung forks, and had very few armors and bows and arrows. Except for a few officers who looked good, they were useless. Facing the attack of the orcs, they could not stand up in the field. It has no effect at all and can only be used to defend the city.

  (End of chapter)

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