Chapter 18 Lure the enemy deeper

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  Chapter 18: Lure
  the Enemy Deeply. Richard thought for a moment, thought about the countermeasures, went through it in his mind, and felt that there was nothing wrong. He whispered: "After a while, Ron deliberately exposed his traces and led some kobolds into the forest. Hayden Watching the enemy from that big tree, I prepared an ambush on the high ground behind me and was responsible for shooting the enemy.

  The task is very difficult, can it be completed?"

  Although Richard's face is still a little immature, his expression is firm and courageous. . Especially after a battle, it felt a bit decisive.

  At this moment, Richard was no longer Ron's brother, but a brave superior officer.

  Looking at Richard's firm eyes, Ron replied seriously: "Squadron leader, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to complete the task of luring the enemy." "

  Pay attention to safety and come back alive."

  Ron nodded and quickly moved toward the dog's head. The camp moved forward.

  He moved his mouth and made several bird calls. This is a unique scouting technique that only a few scouts can master.

  Ron can move freely in the forest and has studied with Powell for many years. He has mastered a variety of hidden tricks.

  Before dawn, he was lurking near the kobold camp.

  Ron used the short bow he had with him and quickly shot an arrow.

  Although Ron's archery skills were average, about the second-level level, he stood upwind, less than thirty meters away from the kobold sentry.

  At such a close distance, even though his archery skills were far inferior to Richard's, he still hit the kobold accurately.

  Ordinary scouts are inconvenient to carry longbows with a long range, and they cannot afford expensive enchanted bows. To increase the lethality, venom is applied to the arrows.

  The poisonous arrow hit the kobold's throat, and the sentry fell to the ground before he could howl.

  The kobold camp was laid out very formally, with not only open sentinels but also hidden sentries.

  As soon as the outpost soldier died, the secret outpost kobold screamed immediately.

  The camp suddenly became chaotic, and Ron immediately fled into the jungle while taking advantage of the chaos.

  The two sleeping kobold warriors got up one after another to check on the sentry who had been killed by an arrow.

  As a species of kobolds, individual strength is average and it is difficult for them to advance to high-level professions. But they are very smart. Many kobold tribes have mastered the skill of smelting steel, and some powerful kobold tribes can even make magic weapons.

  Coupled with their super fertility, most orc legions will incorporate a large number of kobold soldiers.

  The status of the kobold race in the orc empire is not low. There are many kobolds serving as grassroots officers in the orc army.

  "I have seen arrows like this, they were made by human scouts."

  The Kobold Squadron Leader pulled out the arrow and said with certainty.

  Another kobold warrior shouted angrily: "I will take a small group of soldiers to kill the enemy in the forest." "

  It may be a trap." "

  There are not many elite soldiers in Haden Castle. Even if there is a trap, the enemy's strength is It won't be very strong. Besides, the harpy inspector will arrive as soon as dawn. There are inspectors scouting in the sky, and human soldiers can't escape the eyes of the inspector." Soon the kobold warrior led

  a small team of kobolds. They formed a formation and then entered the jungle as a skirmisher.

  Following the traces left by Ron, the kobolds entered about two kilometers away and vaguely discovered traces of Ron.

  The kobold warrior immediately became very excited and loudly drove the soldiers to surround Ron.

  In fact, the mission this time was to investigate the enemy's situation, and this battle could be avoided. However, Richard wanted to hunt down the kobold professionals and hand over the heads to Ron for meritorious service, so he asked Ron to lure the enemy. Discovering that the enemy had entered his range, Richard hid at the ambush site, held his breath, and shot a fatal arrow decisively.

  Richard's archery skills have been improved to the fourth level, and he can shoot people's eyes from a distance of 100 meters. With his strength and the enchanted bow and arrow in his hand, the range reached 800 meters.

  Shooting a target in the forest is not easy even for an expert archer. Dense tree trunks will block sight, and the complex environment also affects the archer's perception.

  In order to ensure success this time, Richard has placed the enemy very close.

  The distance of four hundred meters, even in the forest, was already a sure thing for Richard.

  The arrow carried powerful energy and ferociously penetrated the trunk of a tree as thick as a bowl. It pierced the soft belly of the kobold warrior and nailed it to a big tree.

  Hit by an arrow, the kobold warrior was not dead for a while. Intense pain filled his mind, and miserable howls came from his mouth.

  The kobold professional was about to cut off the arrow shaft, but the second arrow had already struck. It quickly raised its arm shield to block it. The arrow, with a powerful force, penetrated the arm shield with a pop and pierced through. The kobold's arm, the arrow pierced deeply into the kobold's mouth.

  "Kill a first-level kobold and you will be rewarded with 500 experience points."

  The attribute panel prompt came again in his mind.

  Richard shot the kobold professional with two arrows, and Ron and Hayden also shot arrows, killing two kobolds. Seeing how ferocious Richard's arrows were, the remaining kobolds were frightened. They did not dare to help their injured companions and chose to run away in panic.

  Because he was unfamiliar with the terrain and the enemy's situation, Richard did not dare to risk pursuit, so he opened his enchanted bow and shot three kobold soldiers.

  Killed the kobold professional and defeated the kobold team. Richard quickly walked to the kobold corpse and cut off the head of the kobold professional.

  The heads of orc professionals can be exchanged for military merit.

  Richard carefully searched the body of the kobold professional, seized the kobold officer's weapons, and then put the kobold professional's head into a cloth bag, handed it to Ron, and gave the order to retreat.

  Seeing that Richard gave up the battle achievements to him, Ron's face suddenly looked a little shocked.

  "Take it, exchange it for the follow-up breathing method, and be promoted to a professional as soon as possible."

  Ron took the bag with some anxiety and followed with a complicated mood.

  Obtaining the head of a kobold professional is equivalent to achieving military exploits. After exchanging the breathing method to become a professional, your identity will be completely different.

  At this moment, Ron was very happy.

  At the same time, Ron, as the eldest brother, needs his younger brother to take care of him, and he feels a little ashamed in his heart.

  Seeing Richard continue to perform meritorious service in the war, Ron complained in his heart about his father's injustice and his inability to even out a bowl of water.

  As the eldest son and the first heir according to the laws of the kingdom, Ron was never treated favorably by William, and resources were given to Richard and Barron first.

  He often thought to himself: "What would happen if my father invested resources in himself?

  Maybe I would become a professional, but it would be difficult to make military exploits.

  I am nine years older than Richard, and I am good at archery." The accuracy is far inferior to that of a young man like Richard. Even if he has an enchanted bow and arrow in his hand, I am afraid it will be difficult to accurately shoot the orc professional and continue to make meritorious deeds." It is also difficult for young people to admit their own mediocrity (


  chapter over)

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