Chapter 163 Defeat the opponent

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  Chapter 163: Defeat the opponent.
  Richard opened the gap with the Warcraft Cavalry, and the heavy cavalry that followed immediately rushed in along the gap.

  Richard and Thoros were both higher-level professionals. Using the two of them as arrows, they rushed towards the place where the orcs were the most numerous and densely gathered, and defeated their opponents with the most violent and ferocious attacks.

  The cavalry roared and roared across the orc formation.

  The orc captain was unwilling to escape. He waved his spear and knocked a Warcraft cavalry off his horse, but was hit hard by the iron horned horse.

  Even a fifth-level wild boar man could not withstand such a powerful inertial impact. He immediately took a few steps back, tripped over the corpse at his feet and fell to the ground.

  Just as the wild boar captain was about to stand up, he was immediately trampled to the ground by the Warcraft horse.

  The iron horned horse has a huge body, weighing about 2,500 kilograms. The horse is covered with nearly 200 kilograms of heavy armor. Adding the weight of the knight, armor, weapons, etc., the weight is almost more than three thousand kilograms.

  Even though the fifth-level wild boar man had rough skin and thick flesh, with a weight of three thousand kilograms pressed on his stomach, severe pain immediately penetrated his bones.

  The fifth-level wild boar man immediately became furious and wildly activated his fighting energy. A huge force came from his body, and he overturned a three-thousand-jin iron can, and then stabbed the iron horned horse's abdomen with a spear.

  When the Iron Wild Horse was about to die, it went crazy and immediately fired an energy missile, hitting the wild boar man's chest, shattering the iron armor on the wild boar man's body and leaving his chest bloody and bloody.

  Although he was injured, the wild boar captain also successfully defeated two Warcraft Cavalry. It was preparing to continue its attack, but Thoros had already taken action first, opening his bow and attaching a shovel arrow, aiming at the opponent.

  The distance between the two sides was less than ten steps, with six or seven riders in between.

  Six or seven cavalrymen waved their weapons, and there was only a slight gap before they were caught by Soros.

  Shovel arrows are heavy arrows specially used to break armor, with short range and sufficient power. Thoros let go decisively, and the shovel arrow was aimed at the chest of the wild boar man.

  Richard likes to aim at the head when shooting enemies, and Soros likes to aim at the chest when shooting.

  The shovel arrow hit the wild boar man hard, directly penetrating the wild boar man.

  An arrow pierced his heart and he died on the spot.

  As soon as the orc captain died, the command immediately became chaotic, and the two organized orc squadrons were immediately defeated by the Warcraft Cavalry.

  The remaining orc soldiers panicked and fled the camp, throwing away their helmets and armor. They wished they had lost two legs and fled into the forest near the camp.

  With only three hundred cavalry around Richard, it was impossible to intercept the orcs.

  This battle could only be a rout, with more than 600 heads taken.

  Most of the orc soldiers successfully fled into the valley.

  This operation was originally a reconnaissance mission. Unexpectedly, the orcs' defense was lax. When fighter planes appeared, Richard decisively changed the reconnaissance into a surprise attack. He defeated his opponent in one fell swoop, captured the orcs' station, and cut off the retreat of the orcs of Gunderson's tribe.

  "It's a pity that we didn't bring the main force of infantry with us when we came out. If we had a few squadrons of infantry to assist us, we could have completely wiped out our opponents

  in this battle." Roland said with regret as he looked at the orcs who fled into the forest.

  "Unexpected things always happen on the battlefield. We don't know how to predict spells? The reason why we didn't bring infantry at that time was to facilitate escape. Once the orcs were ambushed, it would be inconvenient to withdraw with infantry. I thought that not bringing infantry would have its disadvantages. , unexpectedly failed to annihilate all opponents."

  As Soros spoke, he cut off the head of the fifth-level wild boar man. This head can be exchanged for three medium skills, and he is one step closer to becoming a hereditary baron.

  The soldiers cleaned the battlefield and seized a batch of grain and dried meat.

  Richard didn't dare let the soldiers eat the meat stored by the orcs. Who knew if there was human flesh in it?

  All this batch of meat was buried and destroyed by Richard, and the food was taken away as much as possible, and what could not be taken away would be destroyed. In addition to grain and dried meat, the military depot also stocked some weapons and armor. These weapons and armor were prepared for the orcs and could not be used directly by human soldiers.

  It needs to be sent back to the territory to be refurbished, and hundreds of thousands of kilograms of iron can be considered an income.

  The most precious materials are some Warcraft materials.

  When this orc brigade entered the Eagle Mountains, they discovered an earth dragon beast.

  Although Earthdramon is a high-level monster and very powerful, it is not a match for an orc brigade after all.

  After killing the Earth Dragon Beast, the materials on the Warcraft became cheaper for the Orcs.

  Dragon marrow liquid, magic core, animal skins, animal bones, including blood and internal organs were all carefully collected by the orcs.

  Now that the orcs have been defeated, this batch of warcraft materials has all become cheaper for Richard.

  The dragon marrow liquid can still be exchanged for benefits with Duke Jonathan. The magic core can be used for magic research and is a treasure that provides magic power.

  The skin of the earth dragon beast can be used to make a batch of enchanted leather armor, and the dragon tendons can be made into bow strings, which Richard plans to use to make a batch of magic crossbows.

  The last time the wyvern was killed, the Harland territory gained great benefits.

  Is there such a benefit from defeating the orc army this time?
  The location of the orc military station is very dangerous. If Richard sends heavy troops to garrison it, it will cut off Gunderson's retreat.

  The grain road is cut off, if Graveson Castle can hold it. Gunderson's army must have no way of survival.

  But according to Richard's analysis, relying on two main squadrons and facing four brigades of orcs, Graveson Castle simply cannot be defended.

  Although Richard lied to them about having reinforcements, it could boost the morale of the defenders.

  But the contrast in strength is too great. Unless the defenders can create a war miracle, Graveson Castle will definitely fall within a day or two.

  Since it is a miracle, it must be very rare.

  There is extraordinary power in the Dawn Plane, and the role of strategy has been greatly reduced.

  Most wars are won or lost by relying on head-to-head confrontation, relying on strength and national power to overwhelm the opponent.

  If Graveson Castle is lost, the Baronies of Harland, Dirham, and Barzel will all have their soft bellies exposed.

  The orcs will enter the territory to burn, kill, and loot, and they will attack Fort William from behind, open a channel for attack, and capture the Harland Valley.

  The defense of Fort William is mainly aimed at the north of the castle. If the orcs raid from the south, most of the geographical advantages will be lost, and the castle will be difficult to defend.

  Once Fort William was captured by the orcs and the territory's population was massacred and plundered by the orcs, Richard held the Harland Valley and blocked the orcs' retreat. This battle was also a huge defeat.

  Blocking the orcs' food routes is helpful to the overall war.

  However, the security of Harland's territory will be threatened by the orcs, which will not be beneficial to the development of the territory.

  It is the right choice to abandon the orc military station, bring the soldiers back to the territory, and cooperate with the coalition of nobles in Heihe County to protect the territory from being harmed by the orcs. Richard is just a baron of the Harland family, not the commander of the Northern Army, so he will naturally choose tactics that are beneficial to the territory.

  (End of chapter)

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