Chapter 164 The fall of Graveson

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  Chapter 164 Graveson's Fall It was
  a March night, and the cold was still pressing.

  Richard took out the flask from his horse and took a sip of strong wine, feeling a rush of heat in his stomach.

  Liquor is a necessity in the army of Haaland Territory. High-quality liquor can not only be used to disinfect the battlefield.

  During a war, if the climate is relatively cold, some liquor must be provided to the soldiers.

  Take a sip and your stomach will feel much better.

  In addition to being equipped with liquor, the territory will also issue a steel hip flask to soldiers.

  The hip flask is only about the size of a palm, with a capacity of about four taels. It is made by casting and costs about ten copper coins.

  Richard took a sip of white wine to dispel some of the chill in his body. He turned around and asked his uncle Thoros, "Have the casualties been calculated?" "The

  statistics have been calculated. Six Warcraft cavalry died in the battle and the Iron Horned Horse died in the battle. Four horses, five were wounded, and nine were lightly or seriously wounded. Twelve heavy cavalry were killed and twenty-three were lightly or seriously wounded. Sixteen auxiliary cavalry were killed and twenty-nine were lightly or seriously wounded." "The casualties are about one-third

  . It's about time. Take away all the injured soldiers. If the war horses cannot be taken away, put an end to the pain of the injured horses as soon as possible."

  The cavalry and the war horses will naturally have a special relationship when they have been companions for a long time.

  Especially the Warcraft War Horse, which can barely be regarded as an advanced intelligent creature.

  The IQ of the Iron Wild Horse is already equivalent to that of a human child, with a special social structure and a small amount of Warcraft language.

  The cavalry couldn't kill the injured iron horned horse at all.

  "We captured some horses and vehicles in the orc military station. The orc vehicles are relatively large and can bring the injured iron horned horses back to the territory." After hearing this,

  Richard nodded, and what he had left in this battle He still had a lot of mental power, so he used spells to treat minor injuries on several seriously injured people.

  Richard spent the rest of his mental energy on the Iron Wild Horse.

  The vitality of Warcraft exceeds that of humans, and the healing effect is very good. The injured Wildebeests returned to Fort William safely.

  Although this battle defeated the orc brigade and killed the fifth-level wild boar, the casualties of the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron were not light, and two professionals died at the hands of the orc brigade captain.

  It will take some time to restore the previous combat effectiveness.

  At about ten o'clock in the evening, Richard returned to Fort William with the soldiers.

  After returning, Richard issued an order to strengthen the walls and clear the country, requiring the people and food to be concentrated in Fort Vick, Fort William, and Fort Sophia.

  At the same time, an order was sent to Marcus of the 7th Squadron stationed at Iron Mountain Castle, asking him to slaughter a group of strong kobolds.

  After preventing the orcs from entering the territory, the kobolds cooperated in the rebellion.

  Richard has received some information and understands the reason for Count Martins' defeat.

  Martins was defeated because he was reluctant to kill the orc slaves.

  After all, orc slaves are also a valuable asset, and Count Martins doesn't have much money in his hands.

  As a result, slaves rebelled on a large scale, which became a key factor in Martins' defeat.

  A few days ago, Richard received a text message from Heihe Fort.

  Earl Donny Martins had been killed in the battle, and the territory was completely lost.

  Count Martins is a ninth-level warrior and the former commander of the Northern Army. He once set up an ambush and killed the legendary wild boar, and is considered a famous general of the Grant Kingdom.

  Such a big shot still died on the battlefield, and the tens of thousands of citizens in the Earl of Martins were all captured by the orcs in this battle.

  After capturing Baron Martins, the pressure on Flame Castle and Duke Edward increased greatly, and many baron castles fell. In Graveson Castle, Commander Abner Wolf looked at the dark sky, filled with fear.

  Although he continued to boost morale during the day, he repelled the orc attack and barely defended the castle. But Abner knew in his heart that there was basically no way for the Graveson defenders to survive in this battle.

  Abner was William's old subordinate and comrade-in-arms, and had been the squadron leader of the Sixth Battalion for four years.

  Like William, Abner had a very ordinary background. He relied on his talent to advance to the fourth level of professionalism in the Northern Army and became a school-level officer.

  But his roots in the Northern Army were far less deep than William's.

  Before the war began, the Northern Army determined that Graveson Castle would be difficult to defend, but this castle had to be defended.

  So this unfortunate task was given to Abner.

  Abner had few connections in the upper echelons of the Northern Army, and the only person who might speak for him was the old chief William.

  As a result, William did not come forward to protect him, and the unlucky Abner accepted this fatal task.

  Asking for help from the Harland family was Abner's lifeline. It's a pity that he can't grasp this life-saving straw either.

  Holding on is a dead end, a breakout is impossible, and there will be no reinforcements. The defenders in the castle had no choice but to fight tooth and nail.

  Abner and the orcs had a deep hatred. The blood feud and the honor of being a soldier made him absolutely unwilling to be a prisoner of the orcs.

  Abner sat on the city wall with a heavy heart all night, feeling the passage of time.

  This is his last time, and he must enjoy it.

  As the sky gradually grew brighter, Abner put away his heavy heart and replaced it with a heavy two-handed axe.

  He laughed heartily and encouraged the soldiers.

  "Soldiers, the hatred between the orcs and us is irreconcilable. When I was young, I saw my mother captured by the orcs. My father's head was chopped off and thrown into a cauldron, becoming a pile of meat. Our brothers and sisters

  , How many people have died at the hands of the orcs?

  Even if they are defeated and surrendered and become captives of the orcs, they will still eat our meat when they are hungry.

  People are afraid of death. Fear of death is human instinct. Like my brothers, I I am also afraid of death. But I would rather die than be a prisoner of an orc.

  Today the orcs can only climb up to the top of the city by stepping on my corpse. If I step back, brothers, please chop off my head.

  Today our ninth brigade of the Northern Army will fight the orcs to the last soldier. "

  At dawn, the orcs blew the horns again, and the four brigades of orcs went out with all their strength, launching fierce attacks from the four walls regardless of priority. Although the

  enemy was outnumbered, the soldiers of the Northern Army fought until they ran out of gas. Withered.

  Many wounded soldiers used their last breath of strength to roll down the city wall more than ten meters high with the orcs in their arms.

  Every small step forward by the orcs required a price of blood.

  The heavy trebuchets in the castle also kept firing, although The casualties were considerable, and the city defense troops also fulfilled their obligations as soldiers. It was not

  until the orcs invaded the castle and commander Abner died in battle that the city defenders completely collapsed.

  Although the orcs captured Graveson Castle in this battle, their own casualties exceeded One thousand two hundred soldiers suffered a bloody blow in this castle.

  Seeing the serious losses, Gunderson ordered the massacre of more than two hundred prisoners of war of the city defense army.

  (End of this chapter)

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