Chapter 162 Cavalry Raid

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  Chapter 162: Cavalry Assault
  Although the Harpies are only at level three, they are actually very difficult to deal with because they are an aerial force.

  When a small group of scouts encounter a harpy, they are no match for them. They cannot hide and usually disappear and die.

  The large group of scouts were easily discovered by the harpies and had no intelligence advantage, so they fell into the orcs' trap.

  Only sharp archers like Richard and Thoros have the chance to shoot the harpy.

  But Richard is the lord of the Harland family and the commander of the entire army, and Soros is also a sixth-level warrior and commander of the Warcraft Cavalry. It is impossible for the two of them to participate in every reconnaissance mission.

  In the entire northern Xinjiang region, including the three main legions, more than 200,000 officers and soldiers, the total number of sharpshooters who can reach the sixth level of archery does not exceed a hundred.

  These people are basically middle- and senior-level officers and rarely participate in front-line investigation tasks.

  Moreover, the northern Xinjiang region covers nearly one million square kilometers of land, and there are only more than a hundred sharp archers who can deal with the harpies. There is no way to deal with the large number of harpies.

  As long as the harpies are careful and fly for reconnaissance at high altitudes, even the sharp archers cannot threaten the safety of the harpies. Unless there are warcraft cavalry such as griffons and wyverns, the harpies can be restrained.

  Without the power of the aerial monsters, battlefield information is almost transparent to the orcs.

  Losing the initiative in information will certainly make it difficult to be passive in fighting a war.

  When the orcs marched and fought, they relied heavily on the harpy's reconnaissance. Now that the harpy was shot and killed by Richard and Thoros, the orcs were not aware of it and did not send other scouts.

  Richard led his troops out at four o'clock in the afternoon, shot the harpy and then ran all the way. When he arrived at the orc military station, it was already evening.

  This time, Richard and Thoros came to investigate in person. They observed the amount of smoke in the orc camp, and after a little calculation, they found that the number of orcs in the military station was indeed not many, just a little more than a complete brigade.

  It is now time for the orcs to have dinner, and the guards at the military station are not very strict.

  Seeing the opportunity, Richard thought to himself: "This opportunity is rare. A sneak attack will have a good chance of winning." Richard was

  very decisive. After discovering the fighter plane, he did not delay and immediately commanded the cavalry squadron to raid the orc depot.

  The cavalry of the Dawn Continent. Ordinary cavalry are divided into three types: heavy, medium and light based on the level of armor.

  Heavy cavalry is naturally a tall horse, with both men and horses wearing armor. Medium cavalry, men wearing iron armor, horses without armor. Light cavalry, men wearing leather armor, horses without armor.

  When it comes to long-distance marches, light cavalry is faster, but the explosive power of short-distance heavy cavalry is stronger because they choose the best horses.

  Warcraft cavalry also have to wear heavy armor. The armor on the Iron Wildebeest weighs more than 180 kilograms, making it immovable with swords, spears, and arrows.

  Coupled with the powerful strength of the Iron Wildebeest, it is like an iron can on the battlefield.

  Ordinary soldiers have nothing to do with the Warcraft Cavalry. They can make a profit by exchanging dozens of soldiers for one cavalry.

  Only professional officers, enchanted crossbows, alchemy bombs, magicians and other extraordinary powers are suitable to deal with the Warcraft Cavalry, causing the Warcraft Cavalry to suffer casualties.

  Baron Harden's Warcraft Cavalry Squadron attacked the Orc Brigade several times, leaving Gunderson exhausted.

  Of course, if the Warcraft cavalry is hit by a stone bullet dropped by a heavy trebuchet, it will be difficult for them to survive.

  The cavalry unit under Richard's command is a mixed squadron, consisting of forty Warcraft cavalry, eighty heavy cavalry, and two hundred medium cavalry.

  Forty Warcraft Cavalry, plus Richard, there are a total of eighteen professionals. In recent months, four more veterans have advanced in the Harland Territory.

  These advanced professionals, as long as their riding skills were just passable, were transferred to the cavalry squadron by Richard to enrich the Warcraft cavalry personnel.

  Almost all of the remaining twenty-two Warcraft Cavalry are high-level apprentices.

  Among the heavy cavalry, there are also many middle-level apprentices and high-level apprentices. Among the medium-sized cavalry, the majority are junior apprentices. By this year, the strength of the cavalry in Harland's territory was very close to that of Baron Harden's cavalry.

  The Warcraft Cavalry charged, with a momentum like thunder, stirring up large amounts of dust and smoke.

  Richard took the lead and rushed to the front.

  In the orc military station, most of the orcs had not finished eating, when suddenly a fierce horn sound came from the camp.

  Countless orcs put down their jobs in panic and began to gather outside the camp.

  Unfortunately, the orcs' organizational skills were average, and the emergency assembly resulted in chaos.

  Richard raised his hand and fired a standard magic missile, destroying the door of the military station.

  The professionals rushing in the front row also threw two alchemy bombs.

  The orc soldiers who had just organized themselves and climbed up the wall were attacked by twenty alchemy bombs and were instantly killed and injured.

  The Warcraft cavalry were as powerful as tigers and easily broke into the Orc camp from the camp gate.

  Thoros drew his bow and arrow and shot an orc commander who was about to rally his troops.

  Richard glanced around and saw that the orc captain had successfully organized two squadrons. He immediately turned his horse's head and wanted to lead his troops to disperse the enemy.

  The iron horned horse kept snorting, and under the command of the knight, it fired energy missiles almost indiscriminately.

  Forty energy missiles were fired at the two orc squadrons, killing seventy or eighty orcs in an instant.

  Before the two sides could fight at close range, the orcs suffered serious attrition.

  The orcs used slings and threw stone bullets one after another. Some orcs who knew how to use bows and arrows also pulled the bow strings.

  The stone bullets hit the armor of the Warcraft cavalry, making a clanging sound, making the muscles of the dozen or so cavalry black and blue. The arrows could not penetrate the steel plate armor and did not cause any casualties.

  The Warcraft Cavalry was extremely fast and slammed into the Orc formation in an instant.

  Richard held a spear in his hand and lifted up the orc who was blocking the front. At such a close distance, he even saw the fearful eyes of the orc and heard the orc's miserable wail.

  Richard had no sympathy for this tragic scene. Years of war in northern Xinjiang had hardened his heart.

  When Richard first traveled through time, he was still a little unable to integrate into this world.

  I once felt miserable when I saw many people selling their children and daughters. On the streets of Heihebao, I would even give some money to the poor people I saw.

  Unexpectedly, just because he exposed a few silver coins, several thieves killed him and robbed him of his money. If his second uncle Powell hadn't secretly protected him, Richard might not have survived to adulthood.

  After this incident, Richard no longer had too much sympathy. He actively began to integrate into the times, and he would not be lenient in killing people.

  Even if this is true for humans, Richard will not be overly sympathetic to the orc. When necessary, Richard will not hesitate to issue an order to massacre the city.

  In this world of fierce racial competition, if you don't kill others, others will kill you.

  In the plane of dawn, one cannot stand firmly without ruthlessness. Richard has understood this since he was thirteen years old.

  (End of chapter)

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