Chapter 15 Rewards

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  Chapter 15 Rewards:
  Although the title of Baron Harden is still relatively low, his strength is very strong. Although he has retired from the position of regiment commander, he is still a heavyweight officer in Northern Xinjiang, responsible for commanding operations in one direction.

  They have influence in Nolan, the capital, and have a wide range of news channels.

  Baron Harden knew that some magicians in Nolan had been conducting blood experiments on captured orc professionals.

  Especially the royal magic laboratory requires an extremely large number of experimental subjects, so living orc professionals are more valuable than dead ones.

  Ordinary orcs can also be used to make experimental supplies and serve as slave labor.

  "Let the chaplains accompanying the army do their best to treat the injured orcs without fear of consuming mental energy. The snake-like professionals captured alive will be treated with healing techniques immediately and sent to Fort Wright first. After the war, they will be escorted to Nolan in exchange for merit."

  "The military judges of each army should seize the time to report the battle merits, reward the meritorious personnel as soon as possible, and boost morale." Baron Harden

  knew that the casualties of the Eighth Battalion were already considerable, especially the Sixth Squadron, the main force in this battle, which suffered more than half of its casualties. It has lost its combat effectiveness without repair.

  Now rewarding the meritorious service can very well stabilize the morale of the army.

  The statistics of military achievements of a legion are very complicated.

  Each squadron has a military judge responsible for recording merit.

  Specific to the Mad Lion Legion, after the war, each soldier's meritorious service will be registered and then made public at the squadron headquarters. The list of meritorious service personnel will also be posted on the wall for everyone to monitor and see if any officers have snatched the battle merit.

  Soldiers' merit is calculated based on head count, one small merit for a first-level professional, two small merit for a second-level professional, and three for a third-level professional.

  Killing a fourth-level professional will reward you with one medium skill, killing a fifth-level professional will reward you with three medium skills, and killing a sixth-level professional will reward you with one great skill.

  Killing a seventh-level professional will reward you with three great merits. Killing an eighth-level professional will reward you with five great merits.

  Killing a ninth-level professional will reward you with an extraordinary feat and you will be granted the title of hereditary baron.

  Kill the legendary professional and be directly granted the title of hereditary earl.

  At the level of hereditary earls, they were already at the top of the pyramid of the Grant Kingdom. The entire Grant Kingdom, with a land area of ​​2 million square kilometers, has a total of seven dukes, four marquises, and eight earls.

  Counting the royal family, there are only twenty hereditary families in the ruling class.

  In the past hundred years, no low-ranking noble in the kingdom has been promoted to a hereditary earl because they have not expanded their territory or won any commendable victory.

  In the thousands of years of recorded history of the Dawn Continent, no ordinary soldier has ever killed a legendary professional and been granted the title of hereditary earl.

  Soldiers who can kill legends in war are basically either legends or high-level professionals. Such a person must be a high-ranking person in the army.

  The northern orcs invade south every three to five years. In the past hundred years, no legendary professional has been killed in the Grant Kingdom.

  It is extremely difficult to kill a legendary professional in a war. Unless we have accurate information and set up an ambush in advance, we can succeed.

  In addition to recording merit on the head, when the army wins a battle, superiors will also ask for merit for officers who have made outstanding contributions.

  For example, in this defense operation of Castle No. 3, the brigade applied for medium merit for the three surviving professional officers.

  According to the results of this battle, it is not difficult to approve it.

  For the military merit obtained by cooperating to kill the enemy, the military judge will also count the contribution, divide the proportion and convert it into a portion of gold coins, and reward those who contributed less.

  Kill a professional with a magic crossbow, and the soldier who controls the magic crossbow can share one-tenth of the military merit.

  Each squadron's special equipment, explosive arrows, also needs to be exchanged for the squadron's collective military merit.

  There are wars in the northern region all year round, with humans and orcs competing for the right to survive.

  If humans lose the war, their parents, wives, and children will become slaves and even become food for the orcs.

  Many brutal orcs have the habit of cannibalism.

  In such an environment, it is necessary to have a strong legion stationed in the northern Xinjiang region. Years of war have slowed down the decay of the armies in the north.

  Most of the hereditary nobles whose fiefdoms are in the north are strong and brave and have rich war experience.

  If the first generation of heirs is not good enough, it will be difficult for the title to be passed down.

  Especially the hereditary nobles facing the orc attack in the first-line areas are almost all first-generation military nobles and have quite strong combat effectiveness.

  With their military exploits, the influence of the northern nobles has become very great. Many branches of the northern nobles are also developing into other regions. The northern nobles also have the loudest voice in the noble council, and they almost respond to each other.

  The most important thing in building a strong army is fairness in rewards and punishments. The three main legions in the north can maintain a general fairness when rewarding merit.

  The Sixth Squadron suffered a lot of casualties in this battle, which can be regarded as an outstanding achievement. In the battle to defend the city, the Sixth Squadron suffered more than half of its casualties but did not collapse. The castle was held firmly and laid the foundation for victory in the battle.

  If the Sixth Squadron collapses, the orcs take over the castle. The Baron Cavalry Regiment lost its opportunity to attack, and Platos's first line of defense lost its support point.

  In this battle, the Sixth Squadron can be regarded as the first success.

  Moreover, the Sixth Squadron killed over a hundred orcs and had six professionals, so the exchange ratio between ourselves and the enemy was also very good. This kind of solid merit will usually be approved by the Legion Headquarters.

  Sure enough, just a few days after the merit report document was sent, the Legion headquarters approved it.

  Diarra, Richard won medium merit once, and Military Judge Owen won minor merit three times. In addition, the Sixth Squadron won the collective medium merit once, and the collective merit can be exchanged for enchanted weapons at the legion headquarters.

  After discussing with Diarra, Richard decided to use it to supplement three bursting arrows.

  There are only three sharp archers in the squadron. The basic archery skills of these sharp archers are at the fourth level, which is enough to be compared with Richard. Fortunately, this kind of sharp archer was protected by everyone and did not die in battle, otherwise it would be very difficult to replenish the number of sharp archers.

  When the basic archery skills reach the fourth level, they can already be regarded as talents. It is very troublesome to transfer people from any squadron.

  Replenishing a burst arrow consumes a small effort. After discussing the remaining seven minor achievements of the squadron, Richard and Diarra planned to exchange them for several low-level enchanted armors for valued junior officers to wear.

  In this battle, the team leader's casualties were too great. More than half of the wounded were killed, and there was no one available.

  Even Richard's eldest brother Ron was slightly injured, with a bruise on his chest and two broken ribs.

  The third brother, Hayden, was lucky enough to survive the battle unscathed.

  In addition to his commanding merits, Richard also had merits in killing enemies. During the battle, Richard shot to death a first-order kobold with one arrow, and cooperated with more than ten comrades to kill a third-order snake-body man. In addition, he also shot and killed several orc soldiers.

  Miscellaneous soldiers are not counted as meritorious deeds. Killing a first-level kobold is a small meritorious service, and killing a third-level snake-shaped man is three small meritorious deeds.

  In the battle to kill the Snake Man, military judge Owen confirmed that Richard made the greatest contribution.

  Moses, the captain of the second team, made the second most contribution. Unfortunately, Moses had already died on the city wall. The remaining dozen soldiers played a supporting role and did not effectively kill the snakes. They only participated in the battle to kill the snakes, which was a small contribution.

  Finally, Owen discussed with the soldiers and decided to let Richard get the battle merit, and then give each of the dozen soldiers three gold coins as a reward. In addition, he also needs to spend thirty gold coins to provide pensions to the family of Moses who died.

  Counting the thirty gold coins pension issued by the legion. Sixty gold coins, if not squandered, would have been enough for Moses and his family to live for many years.

  After this battle, Richard gained one medium skill and four small skills, including the three small skills he accumulated. He already has one medium-level gong and seven minor gongs to his name.

  Although Ron and Hayden participated in the battle, they failed to make any contribution.

  If the two of them are lucky enough to survive this war, they should be able to get a Platos Defense Battle Commemorative Medal. Obtaining medals is to accumulate qualifications. When you are promoted in the future, medals and achievements are the greatest capital.

  Ron's student-level breathing technique has been completed and he can start practicing professional-level breathing technique. It's a pity that he has no military exploits. The Legion stipulates that personal military exploits cannot be traded. If you want to redeem the Legion Breathing Technique, you must let Ron kill the orc professional and achieve military exploits.

  Ron has been slightly injured, and it will be difficult to make meritorious service in the following battle. This matter still needs Richard to find a solution.

  (End of chapter)

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