Chapter 159 Orc Spy

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  Chapter 159 The orc spies
  are limited by the cultural level of the officers under his command, and there are no staff officers in Richard's army.

  If you want to be a qualified chief of staff, you must at least have a certain level of education, know how to draw and read maps, understand the innovation and development of equipment, understand logistics and supply, understand organization and training, understand intelligence analysis and collection, and understand the use of personnel. , the most important thing is to know how to fight.

  The requirements of the chief of staff are so high that he must select officers with high cultural level, understanding of basic mathematics, rich combat experience, research on war organization, and the ability to identify talents.

  In the entire Haaland territory, only Richard can barely do the job of chief of staff.

  Richard is an army commander and cannot possibly do the job of chief of staff. If a staff system is set up for refined management, he will be exhausted and never finish his work.

  Therefore, although Richard is working hard in the right direction, it is difficult to achieve refined management and establish a staff system in a short period of time.

  Military medical staff officers are easier to train.

  Adrian's hospital has trained more than a dozen doctors, many of whom were selected from soldiers, and the territorial hospital also followed the main force. It can be said to be a military hospital. Military medical staff officers who can be selected from among surgeons should be competent.

  There is no shortage of qualified personnel for the military judicial staff, and every squadron has a military judge.

  Intelligence staff are also easier to train. Every noble has intelligence officers under his command.

  The most critical thing is logistics and combat staff, which are very difficult to train.

  There are very few people in the territory who master basic mathematics, and almost no one can do the job of logistics staff. Richard even needs a lot of businessmen to make a clear count of the materials needed by the army.

  If you want to set up logistics staff, you must at least wait for the talents trained by He'an Primary School to graduate.

  The same is true for combat staff officers. Only students who have studied geography, understand maps, and understand contour lines graduate and have experienced war can be considered qualified combat staff officers.

  By this year, Richard had established four departments: military medicine, military law, intelligence, and training to serve as assistants in running the army.

  These four departments are already considered the most primitive staff members.

  Adrian, the chief of the Military Medical Section, Hayden, the chief of the Intelligence Section, Greheim, the chief of the Military Legal Section, and Frank, the chief of the Training Section.

  Richard assigned these four aspects of work to four assistants.

  Adrian did a good job in the hospital and was already a qualified military medical section chief.

  Hayden's intelligence work is still stumbling, but the most important thing in intelligence work is trust. He is Richard's brother. This job can only be done by him for the time being, and he can barely take on the burden of military intelligence work.

  Graeheim had always been the military judge of the territory, and this appointment made his position more formal.

  The Harland territorial military judges, like the main army, are mainly selected from the backbone of disabled veterans. Military judges have considerable authority. In addition to recording merit, they also have the authority to punish soldiers.

  However, military judges must accept the supervision of soldiers when evaluating merit and punishing evil.

  Once a military judge becomes corrupt and rewards and punishments are unfair, he will be executed immediately if found out, and his immediate family members will be slaves for generations.

  With Richard watching, no one dares to do this yet.

  The Dawn Plane is a world where great power belongs to itself. As long as the commander is strong, he has very great power. Personal connections are far less important than strength. In this world, strength determines everything.

  As long as Richard regularly supervises at the grassroots level and meets with ordinary soldiers, he can suppress bureaucracy to a large extent. However, lords who can regularly go to the grassroots level are still relatively rare.

  Frank was originally an official officer of the Grizzly Legion. He was captured by the orcs and turned into a slave. He later successfully escaped and became the leader of the refugees. He had been responsible for logistics work before.

  Frank's education was not high, and it was particularly difficult to manage logistics during wartime. Now Richard was in charge of the logistics work himself, and Frank was assigned by Richard to take charge of recruit training.

  The remaining staff departments such as operations, supplies, establishment, weapons research and development, etc. still need to wait for talents to be trained before they can be established.

  Without talent, Richard could only endure inefficient management.

  Although the management of the army is very inefficient, Richard's personal supervision is not chaotic. Compared with other lords, the military organization of Harland Territory is already higher. As for the Orc Empire, the inefficiency of the military has always been a structural problem. An orc army needs to command more than a dozen or even dozens of orc soldiers to fight. Because of the different vocal organs, it is difficult for the orc empire to implement a unified language.

  Therefore, when the orc army is commanding operations, it is often confused.

  Both sides continued to send troops for reconnaissance, and a brutal scout strangulation battle broke out outside Fort William, and the intelligence on the battlefield became clear.

  In the end, it was the Haaland territory that could not bear the casualties of the scouts first, so it reduced the frequency of reconnaissance and gave up its battlefield intelligence rights.

  In the orc military camp, because of the aerial scouts, the orcs had a clearer understanding of the battle situation.

  Through aerial reconnaissance, the information about Harland's territory was quickly discovered by the orcs.

  Through the cultivated farmland, the number of houses, and the number of waterwheels, the orcs can roughly estimate the population and military strength of a territory.

  Several years have passed, and a tight defense line has been established near the Platos Mountains.

  As in previous years, it has become difficult to enter the Eagle Mountains from the valleys near the Platos Mountains.

  The last time the orcs invaded, they were hit by heavy trebuchets in Grant Kingdom, causing considerable losses.

  There are many smart people in the Orc Empire who successfully imitated the counterweight trebuchet by studying the remains of the captured heavy trebuchet.

  The invasion of the Orc Empire has lasted for thousands of years.

  Craftsmen who have been capturing human beings for thousands of years, although their productivity is not as high as that of the Grant Kingdom, they have also accumulated a lot of experience in mechanical engineering technology.

  As long as the window paper is punctured, it is not difficult to build a counterweight trebuchet.

  Even with the craftsmanship of the orcs, it only took two months to complete the copycat.

  The counterweighted trebuchet is a weapon for siege. With this new trebuchet, the orcs have a more advantageous strategic situation.

  In the military meeting tent, the orc officers stood around the table with solemn expressions, staring at a simple map.

  Gunderson pointed in the direction of Fort William and said: "According to the intelligence brought by the Harpy Inspector, the land near Fort William already has a population of more than 40,000, and the number of craftsmen is also very considerable. As long as this land can be plundered, Land, we can complete the mission this year.

  Orlan, how much intelligence have you investigated on this territory?"

  Orlan is a human, but he serves as an orc intelligence officer.

  Orcs have been capturing human slaves in large numbers for thousands of years.

  For thousands of years, humans have thrived in the orc empire. Although their status is not high, the size of the group has also developed greatly.

  The combined population of human slaves and tribes living in the Orc Empire is larger than that of the Grant Kingdom.

  Even with their low status, the human race is estimated to have a population of tens of millions in the Orc Empire.

  Orcs are afraid of humans and suppress human development in their territory. If there are too many humans, let the carnivorous orcs eat some. Limit the size of the population and suppress the extraordinary power of human tribes.

  However, the wars have not gone well in the past few hundred years. In order to enhance the national strength, they have gradually begun to use the power of human tribes to cultivate traitors.

  Especially the intelligence system, the orcs used a lot of rape to gather information.

  There are even many orc spies stationed in Nolan, penetrating towards the core of the Grant Kingdom.

  Orlan is a human intelligence officer that the orcs trust more. He is responsible for managing more than a hundred spies. His intelligence network is spread all over the northern Xinjiang region, and his intelligence and investigation capabilities are quite good.

  (End of chapter)

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