Chapter 158 Margaret

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  Chapter 158 Margaret
  Dawn Calendar 3258, March 16th.

  Richard did not receive a battle report of the orc invasion, but Anne sent news of Sophia's delivery.

  In the early morning of the 16th, Sophia gave birth to a daughter. Mother and daughter were safe.

  The medical conditions in the Dawn Plane are not good, and giving birth to a woman is like going through hell.

  Not only is the infant mortality rate high, but it is also very dangerous for women of childbearing age during childbirth, and the mortality rate is not low.

  Nobles like Sophia are slightly better. She is a fifth-level magician and can use spells to stop bleeding.

  There were experienced women around to help, and even Wendy stayed by her side in advance.

  Once there is danger during the birth process, Sophia's healing skills are not enough, and Wendy can still stand in front. Adrian, along with doctors and nurses, stayed outside the delivery room and could perform surgical operations at critical moments.

  The hospital has been open for a year, and territorial doctors and nurses have accumulated a lot of experience. The development of surgery is very prominent. Magical healing techniques are combined with surgical operations, and the therapeutic effects are quite impressive.

  Through word of mouth, the hospital has gained the trust of many in the territory.

  Adrian has also successfully treated some pregnant women who suffered from difficult labor and heavy bleeding.

  Magical healing is a unique technique to stop bleeding. Relying on the power of magic, although the territorial hospital is simple, the level of surgery has surpassed the county hospitals in most areas in Richard's previous life.

  Thanks to the rapid development of surgery and the discoveries of anatomy, territorial hospitals have a much deeper understanding of diseases.

  However, there are no very important discoveries in internal medicine, and we can still only rely on experience to treat some simple diseases.

  Entering March, Sophia has been waiting for delivery in Vicksburg. Because she has to prepare for the war, it is impossible for Richard to stay by her side all the time.

  After receiving the news that Sophia had given birth to a baby, Richard rode a wildebeest all the way back to Vicburg without any guards, and came to Sophia's bedside.

  Richard had children in his previous life and had experience in taking care of newborns.

  The vast majority of children are not beautiful when they are born. They generally have red skin and wrinkled faces.

  But the child Sophia gave birth to was very beautiful and lovable even though she was just born.

  Seeing this newly born little life, Richard was filled with joy. At this moment, he finally fully integrated into this world.

  Before the child was born, Richard and Sophia prepared a name.

  If the baby is a boy, he will be called Philip, a name given by Richard.

  If the baby is a girl, she will be called Margaret, named after Sophia.

  After Margaret was born, Richard immediately sent the news to Black River Castle and informed his father William.

  Because Richard was not around when Sophia gave birth, and he had not yet received exact information from the orcs, Richard decided to stay in Vicksburg and accompany Sophia for a few days.

  Although it was her first child, Sophia recovered quickly.

  She didn't like taking care of children very much. She had just recovered a little and immediately devoted herself to magic research. The children were mainly taken care of by Anne and the palace maids.

  Sophia doesn't have a lot of breast milk, but there is no shortage of high-quality milk sources in Harland territory.

  There are two feral wildebeests that have just given birth in the territory, and Warcraft milk is the best milk source in the world. Sophia only needs to feed herself for a few months, and when Margaret is a little older, she can drink Monster milk.

  Drinking nutritious Monster milk since childhood has slightly improved the child's qualifications.

  Nobles rely on various advantages to gain an overwhelming advantage in competition with ordinary people.

  Richard stayed with Sophia in Fort Vick for five days. On March 21, he received a battle report. The orc army was not far from Fort William.

  After receiving the battle report, Richard rushed to the brick kiln factory to direct the battle.

  The battle report was sent by his uncle Thoros. According to the reconnaissance of the Warcraft Cavalry, it was discovered that the orc army coming in from the Harland Valley consisted of about three brigades with more than 5,000 people.

  Looking through the orc flag, it was found that the commander was Richard's old rival Gunderson.

  Gunderson was the supreme commander of the orcs in Platos when Richard first fought against the orcs.

  This orc deputy commander is an eighth-level werewolf, and his best skill is actually commanding cavalry in combat. It's just that his professional level is too high, and he has been promoted to the position of deputy commander, commanding several orc brigades at once. Therefore, the orc cavalry can only be left to the command of the old subordinates.

  Judging from the previous battle, Gunderson's command and combat level was very average. With superior strength, they failed to defeat Baron Harden, but suffered a lot. In the defensive battle of Platos, the orcs suffered heavy casualties. The exchange with human soldiers was not good-looking, and the strategic purpose was not achieved. At the end of the battle, the defense line of Platos was still in human hands.

  Six years ago during the battle with Gunderson, Richard had just become a professional and was still a low-level officer. Although he had made great achievements on the battlefield, his status was far different from that of Gunderson.

  Six years have passed, and Gunderson's position has not changed much. This invasion only had three brigades, which was not as good as the defense of Platos.

  Richard's identity is completely different. The last time he fought against Gunderson, Richard was still a small officer from a professional family. Not only did he command a small number of troops, but his own combat effectiveness was also average.

  Six years have passed, and now Richard is a hereditary baron, holding three baronies and commanding ten infantry squadrons, one Warcraft cavalry squadron, and three auxiliary squadrons.

  Even though the number of troops he commanded was not as high as that of Baron Harden six years ago, he surpassed Captain Sharp and became a heavyweight commander near the Platos Mountains.

  Even the Royal Capital of Grant relies on the power of Harland Territory to fight in this direction.

  In January of this year, the royal capital sent an order, appointing Richard to command the five baronies of Dirham, Bazel, Rice, Duck, and Sharpe, and granting Richard the rank of reserve major general.

  Two people in the Haaland family now hold the rank of major general.

  The last time the orcs invaded, they were disgraced at Fort William. Gunderson knew this situation and did not take the risk to attack Fort William. Instead, he stationed troops in a valley 20 kilometers away from Fort William. It seemed that he wanted to take a detour through other valleys and enter the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains.

  Several valleys in the west are blocked by castles.

  Castle Sophia in Richard's territory, Castle Platos in the United Territory of Sharprafel, and Castle of the Brave in the Barony of Leon.

  Bypassing these three baronies, there are also regular troops of the Mad Lion Legion stationed in the valley at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains, blocking the front of the Flame Castle.

  If we continue to detour westward and break into the barren valley in the west of Flame Castle and the eastern part of Duke Edward's territory, the grain road will be extended by 200 kilometers, and more than a dozen military stations will need to be built along the way.

  A large number of troops must be stationed at each military station to prevent Richard and other noble coalition forces from cutting off the grain roads and attacking the military station.

  Compared with six years ago, the strategic situation near the Platos Mountains is increasingly unfavorable to the orcs.

  It is impossible to take a detour to the west. If you want to enter the territory of Grant Kingdom, you can only go to the east to find fighter planes.

  (End of chapter)

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