Chapter 160 The stalemate in the valley

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  Chapter 160 Stalemate in the Valley
  The traitors from the Orc Empire spoke the same language as the Grant Kingdom, infiltrated into the human city, and had a legal identity.

  Even Black River Fort, there are some people raping people.

  These traitors pass information to the orcs in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains through special channels, and are sometimes more difficult to deal with than the main force of the orcs.

  Because the Harland Territory restricts the entry of free foreigners and implements militarized management, and there are laws prohibiting migration in the territory, no orc intelligence personnel have been infiltrated for the time being.

  "The enemy opposite us is the Harland family. This family is an emerging military aristocratic family. There are three barons in total, and the core member is named Richard Harland, who is the commander of the Harland territorial army.

  Although Richard is young, he has already participated in several battles, including the defense of Platos six years ago. He made great achievements in annihilating the Wald Brigade and won the Silver Star Medal. The Haaland family has a lot of troops

  . Ten infantry squadrons and one cavalry squadron. Richard is good at inventions. He invented the heavy trebuchet. This invention won the award from the Grant royal family." Hearing that

  Richard participated in the defense of Platos six years ago, He had also achieved military exploits, and Gunderson became obviously interested.

  "It turns out that we are still old rivals. Six years ago, Richard was a small officer. Six years later, he is already the commander of an army of thousands of people. Such people are either strong in ability or high in background. Richard's background is very ordinary. He should be very capable."

  Orlan nodded and said: "The deputy commander is right. Richard is indeed very capable. I have never heard of him losing a battle. He was able to win the Silver Star Medal six years ago, and he won the Silver Star Medal three years ago. Completely annihilated the Shamok Brigade and defeated the Maruland Brigade."

  "Fort William is well-fortified and is obviously a tough nut. We should learn from the experience of the Maruland Brigade. Due to limitations in transportation capacity, we only carried four heavy trebuchets. There is no chance of victory in the storming of Fort William."

  The speaker was the orc captain, fifth-level werewolf Dvorik.

  Although the heavy trebuchet is powerful, it is very inconvenient to transport and requires a large number of accessories.

  A heavy trebuchet required dozens of ox-carts to transport it, and about fifty installation and operator services.

  The orcs were limited by their transportation capacity when going south, and it was impossible to carry too many heavy trebuchet accessories.

  "Dvorik is right, there is no chance of winning in a head-on fight. Can we use a strategy to attract Richard to lead his troops to attack and fight with Richard in the field."

  Another orc captain, the sixth-level lion-headed man Kangul Opinions were given.

  Gunderson heard what was being said in both groups, and then let the remaining officers speak their minds.

  Compared to six years ago, Gunderson not only improved in strength, but also advanced to level nine. His experience in commanding battles has also increased, and his use of troops has become much more prudent.

  "Luring the enemy is a strategy. Let's pretend to withdraw our troops tomorrow to see if Richard will take advantage of the situation and pursue him?"

  The scouts discovered something unusual the next day. Two and a half groups of orcs left the camp and took a detour to the eastern valley.

  The orcs guarding the northern part of the Hudson Valley only had half a brigade left.

  After the news reached the brick kiln factory, many officers were eager to try and asked for a fight.

  Even Richard's uncle Thoros is inclined to attack the orc camp.

  According to the strength of the Harland family, attacking half of the orc brigade has a 100% chance of winning.

  "Although there are fighter planes, the overall situation of a strong enemy and a weak one has not changed. Moreover, the orc scouts have a great advantage. As long as they want to hide their traces, it is difficult for our scouts to detect them under the suppression of the harpies. Now there are accurate The intelligence came back and it turned out that the orcs had laid a trap. The situation is a bit strange and we cannot take risks easily."

  After careful consideration, Richard rejected the opinions of most people.

  Only when officers make military exploits can they be rewarded and achieve better development.

  Uncle Thoros had to achieve military exploits in order to accumulate meritorious titles. They are subjectively greedy for merit. Once greed arises in their hearts, they will convince themselves, ignore some issues, and behave less objectively.

  Although Richard also wanted to make meritorious deeds, he was not as eager as Soros. Instead, he could consider the overall situation. Seeing that Richard had resisted the temptation and was not greedy for merit, Gunderson let out a long sigh.

  The current situation is very unfavorable to the orcs.

  The north entrance of Harland Canyon is a three-way intersection where several mountain roads converge. It is a strategic point where the orcs must be stationed.

  This mountain pass must be garrisoned by troops.

  Faced with the threat from the Haaland family, there must be no shortage of troops stationed there.

  The defenders were too few in number and could easily be eaten by the Haaland family.

  According to public information, the Harland family is very powerful, equivalent to a brigade of orcs.

  If half of the troops were divided to garrison the valley, the remaining one and a half troops, even if they took a detour into the Gedda Province, would not be able to break through Graveson Castle on the Black River.

  Gunderson thought about this battle and felt that his troops were insufficient, so he wrote a letter to his superiors, explaining the reasons and requesting reinforcements.

  The orcs suffered a defeat in the last battle, killing the legendary wild boar and losing 40,000 to 50,000 troops.

  After suffering this loss, of course the orcs couldn't swallow this sigh of relief, so they removed four legions from other areas to strengthen their forces to attack the Grant Kingdom.

  In this war, the two legions were used to deal with the two new counts, Martins and Roger.

  The Royal Warcraft Cavalry Regiment commanded by Roger has returned to the royal capital. However, as a duke of the royal court, he had saved a lot of money himself, and with the 200,000 gold coins invested by King Charles, the territory had not developed much. He had already organized an army of 6,000 people, and from Nolan Recruited some unsuccessful officers.

  In addition, Roger also recruited some backbones from the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment and organized two squadrons of Warcraft Cavalry.

  These two squadrons of Warcraft Cavalry are short of men and horses, and their quality is not much different from that of the Harland family's Warcraft Cavalry Regiment, but they are not as good as the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron under Baron Harden.

  Facing the attack of a legion of orcs, Duke Roger barely managed to hold on to several major fortresses. The road was opened, allowing the orcs to pass through the earl territory and enter the vicinity of Flying Eagle Castle to plunder.

  Count Martins was not that rich. He only organized two thousand troops, and the quality was not as good as Duke Roger's.

  In order to speed up the development of the territory, Count Martins used orc prisoners of war on a large scale.

  This time the orcs invaded, and a large number of orc slaves in the territory rebelled.

  Even though Count Martins was well prepared, he still lost some key members. In order to suppress the orc rebellion, there is a feeling of exhaustion.

  Facing the attack of a legion of orcs, Count Martins was unable to resist. Now he is trapped in the castle, and the situation is not optimistic.

  Whether Count Martins can survive depends on the rescue efforts of the Mad Lion Legion and Duke Edward.

  Because there were four more legions, after receiving Gunderson's letter, the orc legion commander immediately decided to send troops to support.

  Soon two large groups of orcs were on their way out, and had already joined forces with Gunderson in late March.

  With the strength of five brigades, plus some miscellaneous baggage troops, the total strength of the orcs has exceeded 10,000.

  (End of chapter)

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