Chapter 154 Writing Textbooks

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  Chapter 154 Writing the Textbook
  Uncle Powell attaches great importance to Adrian, but not to his daughter.

  Especially for daughters who don’t have extraordinary talents, their feelings are even more ordinary.

  Flora is already nineteen years old, and Uncle Powell has not planned a marriage for her, as if he has forgotten this daughter.

  Flora is a member of a branch of the Harland family, and her inheritance rights to the title are in the dozen or so.

  She does not have the blood of a knight, so it is very difficult for her to marry a noble. If you insist on marrying a noble, you can only choose from the crooked melons and split dates.

  Moreover, Richard currently lacks available talents and does not want his cousin to marry outside.

  He introduced Flora to Jennings, the young squadron leader in the territory.

  Flora was very satisfied with Jennings. After notifying Uncle Powell, Powell did not refuse.

  The customs in most areas of the Dawn Plane do not have the habit of falling in love, and the level of social development cannot support such extravagant behavior as free love.

  Marriage in this world is very simple and can be settled once you meet.

  The higher the family background, the less autonomy there is in matters of marriage. Only talented people like Richard and Sophia have some say in marriage.

  After Flora and Jennings met several times, they decided to get engaged, and their wedding was scheduled for February.

  In order to recruit talents, Richard paid very high salaries to primary school teachers.

  An ordinary teacher's salary is eight silver coins a month, and he has two months of vacation a year, and three days of vacation every month. In total, he works nine months a year, and his annual salary is eight gold coins, which is more than the highest-paid soldier in Haaland Territory. Some.

  The annual salary of a soldier is only eight gold coins. Soldiers have few holidays, train very hard, and face various dangers.

  Relying on the high salary, he was able to recruit several students that the church did not like.

  Flora's salary is three times that of a teacher, reaching two gold coins per month, which is slightly higher than that of the deputy squadron leader.

  With such a high income and the blood of the Harland family, marrying Jennings is definitely considered a high achievement for him.

  Tuition fees at He'an Primary School are not cheap. The annual tuition is one gold coin, which is even a heavy burden for ordinary families.

  Except for the middle and upper classes in the territory, there are currently no free people who can afford it.

  There are more than 160 students in the primary school, the oldest is fifteen or sixteen years old, and the youngest is only seven or eight years old.

  These children are basically illiterate.

  Their parents were almost all slaves and refugees. Relying on their own talents and the many opportunities for starting up in the territory, they were promoted by Richard and achieved a class leap.

  Most people who have climbed up the social ladder generally have higher IQs and stronger abilities than the average person, and they attach great importance to education.

  Of the more than 200 children, more than 160 were sent to study.

  The remaining forty or so children probably all have brothers and sisters at home who are studying, and the burden is too heavy for them to go to school.

  Even for territorial managers and low-level officers, a gold coin is not a small amount of money.

  Riverside Primary School only has six teachers. Because there are not enough teachers, the principal Flora also teaches in person.

  After school started, Flora was already preparing to write law and geography textbooks.

  Law and geography are courses only for senior students, and there are no textbooks for the time being.

  The laws of the Harland Territory are temporarily copied from the laws of the Grant Kingdom and can be slowly revised in the future.

  Noble lords have the power to formulate legal provisions in their own territories.

  But the laws of the lord cannot conflict with the constitution of the Grant Kingdom.

  The purpose of the law course is mainly to train judges for the territory. Compiling legal textbooks is actually very difficult. Flora needs to read a lot of legal books to find out the provisions that are suitable for Harland's territory.

  Writing geography textbooks is also difficult and requires a lot of map information.

  Flora looked at almost all the maps collected by the Harland family.

  The mountains, canyons, rivers, and castles in the territory are all burned into Flora's mind.

  The geography course is mainly for drawing maps. Once you learn how to draw maps, officers with the same professional level will be given priority in promotion.

  With the accumulation of knowledge, Richard will open a middle school in the future, learn more geography knowledge, and offer geology courses.

  As geology developed, finding mines would become easier.

  If the geology of the Dawn Plane wants to develop, I am afraid it cannot do without the help of magic. Flora has no magic talent and it is difficult to do magic experiments. At most, she can only complete the writing of elementary school textbooks.

  Can magical geology develop? To become the new development direction of the magical civilization of Dawn Continent, it is estimated that it will depend on the research of the next generation of magicians.

  Richard attached great importance to He'an Elementary School and even found Sophia and Wendy to participate in the compilation of textbooks with Flora.

  The teaching materials for literature and mathematics are very simple at the beginning. You only need to copy the church school textbooks.

  These two textbooks were given to six teachers and were compiled before the start of school.

  Law and geography are new courses taught at He'an Primary School. The compilation of textbooks may last two or three years. Richard and the other three have other things to be busy with, so they can only share some simple tasks. Flora is still doing the main thing.

  Flora is writing teaching materials, and Richard's uncle Roger is also preparing the first edition of the Grant Territory's code.

  In recent years, Richard has mainly used military law to govern his territory.

  Military law is very strict and not suitable for the continued development of the territory.

  Rogge was well versed in the code of Grant's Kingdom and also served as comptroller in the South.

  He is the most proficient in law in the territory. Although he is very busy as a civil officer, he has to work overtime every night to write the Haaland Territory Code.

  In order to relieve himself of the pressure, Rogge wrote to his brother Otto, hoping that Otto would come back and help his brother-in-law manage the territory.

  In the letter, Rogge was very optimistic about the development of the Harland family and introduced the situation of the Harland family.

  Otto served as a judge in Nolan and was a true legal professional.

  If Otto is willing to come back, Richard will appoint him as the Lord Chancellor of the Harland Territory.

  Anne learned magic from Sophia. Children with magic talents such as Bonova, Connie, and Alizee temporarily need to learn writing for a year before they can start practicing meditation.

  He'an Primary School has enrolled 163 students this year, divided into four classes according to age.

  Because the students are all illiterate, the knowledge taught in the four classes is actually the same.

  Because of different ages, children's understanding ability, learning progress, and learning habits will also be different. Younger children are more playful, while older children have basically experienced hardships and are generally easy to learn.

  After a while, the progress of teaching will be faster.

  Counting Flora's seven teachers, they teach more than a hundred children. The teacher's task is a bit heavy, and Richard is planning to recruit a few more teachers.

  In order to recruit talents, Richard offered higher wages to the teachers. The annual salary for the six teachers plus Flora was seventy-two gold coins.

  Recruit a few more teachers, and the salary expenditure may exceed one hundred gold coins.

  In addition, money is needed to build a school. Money is needed for tables, chairs, benches, blackboards, and chalk. Even if he charges high tuition fees, Richard doesn't actually make money by running the school.

  (End of chapter)

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