Chapter 155 The Origin of Magic

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  Chapter 155 The Origin of Magic
  Blackboard and chalk are new things.

  The production of blackboard is very simple. Just put a layer of cement on the wall and a little black paint to get a simple blackboard.

  Cement Haaland territory can already be produced in small quantities.

  Black paint, while uncommon in the Gedda province, is actually quite easy to produce.

  Richard discovered three kinds of lacquer trees in the Eagle Mountains. Through the lacquer trees, three colors of lacquer, black, red, and blue, can be collected.

  Cutting down of lacquer trees is prohibited in Halland territory, and a lot of natural lacquer is collected every year.

  These lacquer trees have been marked out by Richard, transplanted and managed together, and a lacquer tree plantation was established.

  The chalk was made by Richard himself, who instructed the craftsmen to mix gypsum powder and lime powder and mix them with water.

  Teaching in church schools does not use blackboards or chalks, but sandboxes.

  The teacher used a wooden stick to write words on the sand table, and each student was required to step onto the podium, watch slowly, and then trace on their own sand table to practice continuously.

  Using a sand table and wooden sticks to learn characters is a bit slow in efficiency.

  The invention of small tools such as blackboards and chalks has made teaching a little easier.

  There is no papermaking technology in Dawn Continent, and the literacy rate is no more than one in a thousand. Those who possess knowledge are basically members of the aristocracy.

  Although missionary schools trained some people from wealthy citizens, their numbers were very few.

  Even if papermaking is invented, there may not be a market because there are few people with the knowledge.

  Nobles were not short of money, and the quality of early papyrus was not as good as parchment.

  Moreover, it is an unspoken rule of the aristocratic class to restrict the spread of knowledge. When Richard was weak, he was unwilling to challenge this unspoken rule.

  Only when the Haaland territory cultivates a large number of literate people will the development of papermaking be promoted.

  Without cheap paper, if students were to use a large amount of parchment paper to study, Richard would probably go bankrupt.

  In order to make it easier for students to learn words, they can only use small blackboards for the time being.

  However, this year Richard has planned to set up a papermaking workshop to produce some experimental paper on a small scale and give it to He'an Primary School for use.

  The school has just been built and there are currently no textbooks, so teachers still need to compile them.

  The compiled textbook was copied again on parchment.

  There are only five of these textbooks in each class, and an average of eight or nine people share one textbook. After class, the teacher will put it away and lock it in the cabinet.

  Richard made a comprehensive calculation and found that even if the tuition fees were so high, the school would still lose money.

  But for the future development of the Harland territory and the cultivation of talents, we should continue to run the school even if we lose money.

  Due to the restrictions of the social environment, it is estimated that the territory will not be able to provide compulsory education and free teaching for several decades.

  However, as more and more talents are trained in the territory, tuition fees will gradually be reduced, benefiting more families. The
  seven teachers can only teach four main courses now, and there are no teachers for the three secondary courses for the time being. It may have to wait half a year. Class starts.

  Starting this year, Riverbank Elementary School will be a key project in Haaland Territory.

  When school starts, Richard and Sophia will test the magic qualifications of new students and recruit magic apprentices from the school.

  As the number of apprentices increases, the magic level of the territory will develop faster.

  As for the spread of extraordinary power, will the Harland family be overthrown in a few hundred years?

  Richard didn't know the members of the Harland family hundreds of years later, and he didn't want to care about their fate.

  If future generations are capable, they can naturally control the territory.

  If future generations are useless, they should also be overthrown.

  After the school was built, Richard had a little free time.

  In his spare time, Richard has been thinking about the essence of meditation.

  Richard has two meditation books in his hands. Highland Meditation recognizes magic as the mysterious changes in the four basic elements of earth, fire, wind and water under the influence of spiritual power.

  It is a standard elemental meditation method.

  The mainstream meditation methods in the Dawn Plane include, in addition to the elemental sect, the soul sect, the energy sect, the illusion sect, the transformation sect, and the summoning sect.

  The Starlight Meditation Method is a meditation method of the Astrology Sect. This sect's meditation method is very rare in the Dawn Plane.

  By studying the Starlight Meditation Method, Richard has gained a deeper and deeper understanding of meditation.

  The Dawn Plane is at the very edge of the star realm, and the star power of this plane is very weak.

  If you want to practice the meditation method of the Astrology Sect, you may need to leave the plane of dawn and enter the middle of the star realm.

  The astral realm is very dangerous. There are not only terrifying astral creatures, but also various astral bandits. Unless you become a legend, you are not suitable for exploring the astral realm.

  Through constant thinking, countless questions lingered in Richard's mind.

  "What is the essence of magic?
  Are earth, fire, wind, and water the basic elements?

  In what form do they exist? How
  do they operate?
  Why does a soul exist in this world?

  What is the difference between soul and self-consciousness?
  What is the connection between soul and spiritual power?
  What is the relationship between magic power and spiritual power?"

  Richard also asked Sophia and Wendy these questions, but unfortunately they were all confused and were dumbfounded by Richard's question.

  After hearing these questions, the two of them fell into thinking for a long time, and then were silent for a long time, with tears streaming down their faces.

  A person who likes magic is born to explore the essence of magic.

  Curiosity and exploration are the roots of the progress of magical civilization.

  Countless great magicians have created different meditation methods and different magics because they constantly pursue new knowledge and start new explorations.

  Learning the spells of the predecessors, no matter how talented you are, you are nothing more than a spell craftsman.

  A good magician should have his own understanding of the nature of the magical world.

  Richard thought hard and scratched his head countless times, often staying awake late at night.

  Sometimes I am ecstatic, sometimes I am sad.

  After thinking for a long time and combining the knowledge learned in his previous life, Richard gradually gained some understanding of magic.

  Richard believes that earth, fire, wind, and water are not basic elements. He believes that the basic elements are still various microscopic particles.

  But there are microscopic magic energy particles in this universe, so unique physics appears.

  Because the conditions are immature, this world does not have advanced detection equipment such as electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes, and tunnel scanning microscopes. Richard does not know how many kinds of magic energy microscopic particles there are.

  It may be one type, it may be countless types.

  Different regular changes between magic energy particles and microscopic particles show different magic changes.

  The core of various meditation methods is to absorb magic energy particles and promote the advancement of mental power.

  The reason why this world has a soul may be the quantum entanglement of one or several kinds of magic energy particles.

  And special quantum entanglement produces self-awareness.

  I don't know if these thoughts of Richard are correct or not?

  Because of the limitations of conditions, it is particularly difficult to study microscopic particles.

  Moreover, the number of magicians in Harland Territory is very small, and without a large number of inspiration collisions, one person's thinking is ultimately done behind closed doors.

  Because he often thinks about the nature of magic, Richard has made rapid progress in the meditation method recently. In just a few months, he has already passed half of the meditation method experience on the attribute panel.

  (End of chapter)

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