Chapter 153 Riverside Primary School

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  Chapter 153 Riverbank Elementary School
  Richard has plans to build a magician tower, so training magicians is very important.

  Harland territory has mastered two magician meditation methods.

  Both of these meditation methods are very precious. The highland meditation method can be practiced to the ninth level, and the starlight meditation method can be practiced to the point of mastering the rules.

  If you practice the Starlight Meditation Technique to the extreme, you will reach a level beyond legend and can stand shoulder to shoulder with real gods.

  However, it is very difficult to practice the star meditation method. It requires absorbing star power and cooperating with meditation to sublimate and refine the mental power.

  The star power of Chenxi Continent is pitiful, and usually you can't even see the stars.

  This meditation method must be very slow to practice.

  Richard, Sophia, and Wendy all practice highland meditation, so training magicians will also allow them to temporarily practice highland meditation.

  This will not only avoid detours, but also give them experience guidance.

  As for the Starlight Meditation Method, it can only be used as reference knowledge to increase Richard and others' understanding of the meditation method.

  After the goddess's birthday, Sophia announced that she would test the magical talents of the children of territorial administrators and military officers.

  As long as magic talents are detected, she and Richard will accept these students and give them apprentice-level meditation methods.

  If these magic apprentices perform well and are willing to sign a service contract with the territory, Sophia will continue to teach meditation methods.

  To learn the basic three-level meditation method, you need to sign a service contract for ten years.

  To learn the intermediate three-level meditation method, you need to practice the basic meditation method to the limit and continue to sign a service contract for thirty years.

  To learn the advanced three-level meditation method, you need to sign a lifetime service agreement.

  The territory now does not have the seal of royal power and order, and can only sign legal contracts, not extraordinary restrictive contracts.

  If you can learn the complete meditation method, you can teach it to your relatives and friends.

  Most of the nobles in the Grant Kingdom have no magical heritage.

  It was also by chance that the Stopa family found the remains of an ancient magician, so that Sophia could embark on the path of a magician.

  Mastering a complete meditation method is very attractive to any family.

  After the high-level officials of the territory heard the news, they immediately took the children to Fort Sophia. Through crystal ball testing, a total of four children were detected with magical talents.

  Today, in the Harland territory, there are more than 30 professional officers, more than 60 internal affairs managers, close to more than 100 families, and more than 200 children have participated in the testing.

  Out of more than two hundred children, only four were detected to have magical talents.

  The more talented one is named Anne, the great-niece of Gibson's housekeeper and a member of a distant branch of the Harland family.

  Because she already had some foundations after several years of education, and she was about to reach adulthood, Richard arranged for her to be Sophie Adam's apprentice and started learning and practicing the meditation method directly.

  The other three are younger and less talented, similar to Adrian.

  Adrian has been studying magic for a year and has just been promoted to a second-class magic apprentice. According to the speed of his meditation, it will take about five years to advance to a formal magician.

  Magic geniuses like Wendy and Sophia can advance to official magicians in about a year.

  Depending on the talent, the speed at which meditation can increase mental power can vary by up to ten times.

  It is almost difficult for magicians with low talent to advance to the fourth level.

  Even if their magic talent is not good, such people are excellent talents for the Harland Territory. Because he has magician qualifications, he is far superior to normal people.

  The three children with low magical talent also received Richard's attention.

  The three less gifted children are Bonova, Connie, and Alizee.

  Bonova is the son of Lost. He does not have the blood of the Awakening Knight, but he has magic talent. Connie is Jennings' sister, and the family's genes are also unusual.

  Jennings is very talented in practicing breathing techniques, and Connie is talented in magic, like a low-matched version of Richard and Wendy.

  Looking at their parents, they seem particularly ordinary.

  I don’t know why I can give birth to a child with outstanding talents?
  Maybe the luck is really extraordinary.

  Alizee is Marcus' daughter. Marcus is a refugee leader and was once an officer of the Feiyan Legion. After the defeat, he became a prisoner of the orcs. After escaping, he became a leader of the refugees, and was finally taken in by Richard.

  After becoming an officer in the Harland Territory, Marcus brought his family back to the territory.

  He disappeared during the war, received no pension, and had a robbery at his home.

  When Marcus returned, his family was already hungry and cold. His wife had sold Alizee to a slave trader, and the twelve-year-old girl had lost her virginity.

  Marcus killed the slave merchant and came to Harland with his wife and children.

  Unexpectedly, this ill-fated daughter actually has the talent of a magician.

  The three people came from different backgrounds. Although Bonova had aristocratic blood, his father was a prisoner of war shortly after his birth. His family was backward and naturally he was unable to learn knowledge.

  Connie was born a slave and relied on the talent of her brother Jennings to become a free citizen, and she had no conditions for learning knowledge.

  Alizee had better conditions when she was young, but her father Marcus disappeared on the battlefield, which made her the most miserable. She was sold by her mother and became a slave girl.

  These three are all illiterate. Before learning meditation methods, they need to learn cultural knowledge and receive the most basic education.

  In the past, learning cultural knowledge was also very troublesome, requiring someone to teach specifically.

  Tutors among the nobility were not only rare in number, but their salaries were also very high.

  To study in a missionary school, you also need to make arrangements to go to Heihe Fort. Richard needs to take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

  The social environment in Heihe Fort is complex. If these children are seduced and instigated by others, and later seized and controlled by others, it will be a hidden danger.

  Things are better this year.

  The birthday of the goddess had just passed, and Richard was preparing to build a school in his territory, and also invited several students who graduated from mission schools to be teachers at a high price.

  This school was built outside the south wall of Fort William, on the right bank of the Powell River, and was named Riverbank Primary School by Richard.

  In fact, this primary school was very early in Richard's planning. The classrooms, walls, and teachers' dormitories were completed last year.

  The hardware conditions are easy to solve, but it is more difficult to recruit teachers.

  It took more than half a year and Richard personally wrote letters to recruit six teachers.

  He'an Primary School has a total of four compulsory courses, namely literature, mathematics, law, and geography, and three elective courses, music, painting, and sculpture.

  In Richard's plan, students in lower grades only need to study literature and mathematics.

  After the third grade, students begin to study relatively complex courses such as law and geography.

  Richard, the principal of the elementary school, appointed his cousin Flora Harland.

  Flora is Adrian's biological sister, and her cultivation talents are average. But the children of the Harland family have received a complete education. Flora graduated from a missionary school last year.

  Flora has good academic performance and is very studious.

  Her desire for knowledge is as strong as Wendy's. If it were Richard's time, she would probably be the top female academics and become excellent scientific researchers.

  But in the Dawn Plane, she didn't have any job after graduation and could only manage the family library with Wendy.

  (End of chapter)

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