Chapter 152 Enchanting Skills

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  Chapter 152: Enchanting Skills

  passed the goddess’s birthday and entered the dawn calendar year 3258.

  Richard stayed in Black River Fort for three days and returned to Vicksburg with Sophia.

  After getting some magic books from Dawn Church, Richard has been studying for more than two months.

  During this period, Richard also learned two new spells: Thick Fog, and Walking in the Sky.

  Thick Fog is a magic spell that can release a thick fog.

  The coverage area of ​​the dense fog is determined by the amount of mental energy invested. After experiments, Richard found that investing ten points of mental power could expand the dense fog to thousands of square meters.

  Flying in the air is the second four-ring magic that Richard has learned. This spell is an advanced version of the three-ring magic of floating.

  As long as you learn the art of levitation, learning to fly in the air is not too difficult.

  In addition, Richard is also preparing to learn the four-ring magic short-distance teleportation technique. After using this spell, he can teleport ten kilometers away.

  But if you want to master this spell, you need to build magical buildings such as portals and space altars first.

  The effect of this spell is equivalent to the return order from the game item that Richard played in his previous life.

  After using the short-distance teleportation technique, you can immediately open the teleportation gate and return to the space altar.

  Among the magic materials given by Dawn Church, there are methods for building space altars and portals.

  But to build these magic buildings, not only precious space magic materials are needed, but also high levels of magic circle and alchemy.

  After building the portal and space altar, the magician can only use short-distance teleportation when fighting near the space altar.

  The six-ring magic mid-transmission technique has a teleportation distance of thirty kilometers, and the eight-ring magic long-distance teleportation technique has a teleportation distance of one hundred kilometers.

  A hundred kilometers away, although it is a little closer for a magic organization.

  But the territory has portals and space altars, which can protect the safety of the territory's backbone magicians to the greatest extent.

  Generally, magic organizations build space altars in magic towers.

  A magic tower, where the eighth-ring mage uses long-distance teleportation, can cover an area of ​​more than 30,000 square kilometers, which is slightly larger than the county.

  Richard is very ambitious and wants to create a magic organization of his own, and the location is temporarily set at Fort William.

  There are large areas of unclaimed open space to the north and east of Fort William. In the future, new territories will be selected from these open spaces after military exploits are achieved.

  When the time comes, with Fort William as the center point, after the mage tower is built, with the help of teleportation, mid-level mages and above will have the initiative on the battlefield. When encountering danger, they can easily teleport back to the mage tower.

  In Nolan, the capital of Grant Kingdom, the Mage Association built such a large Mage Tower.

  Near Nolan, even a powerful professional like Richard may not be able to kill the fourth-level magician of the Grant Mage Association.

  The Mage Tower where Sophia worked in those years was far less developed than Nolan, and did not build a portal or space altar.

  With the accumulation of Richard and Sophia, building portals and space altars is still a bit ambitious.

  But it’s still possible to prepare in advance.

  Learn teleportation, collect materials to build teleportation gates, and learn magic circles and alchemy knowledge.

  It may take ten years to build the mage tower.

  There is a lot of prerequisite knowledge that needs to be learned in alchemy, and it is difficult to get started in a short while.

  After discussing with Sophia and Wendy, Richard decided to divide the work and cooperate. Richard studied alchemy, Sophia studied pharmacy, and Wendy learned about magic circles.

  Enchantment is a mysterious magical skill that can inject magical energy into special items to achieve specific purposes.

  According to Richard's observation, quantum mechanics in the Dawn Plane is very different from that on Earth due to the influence of magic factors.

  Almost none of the conclusions of quantum mechanics on Earth hold true here, and the only thing we can learn from is the experience of scientific research.

  Newtonian classical mechanics is established.

  Richard has done experiments and found that the gravitational acceleration of the Dawn Plane is slightly greater than that of the Earth, roughly 9.83.

  In addition, thermodynamics is also established, and electromagnetism is affected by magic factors, which is very obviously different from the earth. Richard built a simple generator, but it couldn't generate electricity.

  Chemistry and biology are completely different from those on Earth.

  In the Dawn Plane, only limited scientific experience can be learned.

  Enchantment serves melee professionals by drawing special patterns and injecting magic into the patterns.

  Through these special lines, fighting spirit can be transmitted, making the weapon increase the damage caused by fighting spirit.

  Compared with the alchemy of making magic equipment, enchantment is relatively simple.

  Richard has been studying enchantment knowledge for two months and has mastered drawing three enchantment runes and how to inject magical energy into super-enchanted metal to activate the enchantment runes.

  To enchant a weapon, you must use metamagic materials.

  There are many types of super magic materials. Not only are super magic metals, but the bones of some powerful monsters are also natural super magic materials.

  The most common metamagic materials are blood steel and orichalcum.

  Iron ore has been discovered in Harland territory, and some natural blood steel can also be mined.

  Although blood steel is the lowest value enchanted metal, it can only be used to make low-level enchanted weapons.

  Using blood steel enchantment not only transfers fighting energy slowly, but also consumes more energy than other super magic metals.

  The only advantage of blood steel enchanted weapons is that they are cheap and relatively cheap to manufacture.

  Blood steel is bright red in color and heavier than steel.

  Magic power is transmitted slowly on blood steel, and it is relatively easy to enchant blood steel

  . The blood steel produced in the Harland territory is basically enchanted by Talak.

  Tarak is the deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Northern Army and a high-level enchanter.

  Although his magic level is not high and not as good as Wendy's, he has decades of experience in enchantment.

  Every time Talak is enchanted, the Harland family needs to pay 30% of the material cost.

  Richard's magic power far exceeds that of Talak.

  His mental strength is about three times that of Tarak, and his body is healthier and stronger than Tarak's.

  A magician's mental power is directly proportional to his magic power. Some people are talented and can convert more magic power with the same intensity of mental power.

  Generally speaking, a normal magician can convert ten points of magic power with one point of mental power. Some people are not very talented and can only convert eight points. Tarak is such a magician with poor talent. Richard's talent is better than that of a normal magician. One point of mental power can be converted into twelve points of magic power.

  In terms of magic power, Richard's magic power may be a little more than four times that of Tarak.

  After advancing to the legend, the magician will awaken the magic power enhancement talent, and one point of mental power can be converted into twenty points of magic power. Therefore, the magic power of the legendary magician far exceeds the nine rings.

  The higher the magic power, the more stable the magic power output will be, and the enchantment will be slightly easier.

  Before the goddess's birthday, Richard successfully created the first enchanted long sword.

  After successfully creating the enchanted long sword, the attribute panel also changed, adding an additional enchanting skill.

  This skill is currently level one.

  For first-level enchantment skills, you need 10,000 killing experience to upgrade.

  Although Richard has 100,000 killing skills, he no longer dares to add killing experience easily because he is afraid of the God of Killing.

  Through the attribute panel prompts, Richard discovered that enchanting a blood steel sword can increase approximately 100 points of enchanting experience.

  After successfully enchanting the blood steel sword, Richard successfully enchanted a blood steel armor and found that it could increase experience by 1,000 points.

  According to the production of blood steel in Harland territory, it will take about half a year to improve enchanting skills.

  (End of chapter)

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