Chapter 14 Baron Harden

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  Chapter 14 Baron Harden
  Diarra, Richard, Brown and other professional officers led veterans and held huge racket sticks, and together they pushed the snake-shaped man off the city wall.

  Just after three successes, the snake-shaped man figured out a way to deal with it.

  A snake-like man pulled back hard and actually dragged Brown and two veterans off the city wall.

  The three Browns just stood up and were surrounded by orcs from all sides. In the blink of an eye, their bodies were torn apart.

  The time we spent together was short, and the relationship was average.

  But in a state of war, friendship not only comes quickly, but also feels extraordinary. If Brown hadn't stepped forward just now, it would have been Richard who directed the soldiers to push the racket stick.

  Brown died under the city, but Richard was still alive. The reason was that Richard had better luck than Brown.

  Faced with the tragic death of his comrades, Richard could not remain indifferent at all. He instantly lost his cool and became red-eyed.

  Richard took two steps back, grabbed the enchanted sword from Ron's hand, and rushed towards the snake-shaped man.

  The snake-shaped man fought with a dozen soldiers, his back turned to Richard. Facing Richard's fierce sword, he didn't notice it at all.

  The battlefield was very chaotic, with swords, spears, swords and halberds coming from all directions.

  Just as the Snake Man killed three soldiers, Richard struck with a fierce sword from the side, piercing the Snake Man's heart fiercely, and then pushed the Snake Man down the city wall.

  After killing the third-level snake-like man, his experience suddenly increased by two thousand.

  At the most critical moment of the war, it was so urgent and intense that we could not relax for even a second. Richard could only wait until the war was over to gain more killing experience.

  Although the battle was relatively short, the Sixth Squadron suffered more than one-third casualties in the face of the absolutely superior Orc army.

  Deputy squadron leader Brown fell off the wall and was killed. Nine squad captains were also killed, two were wounded, and three were wounded. Half of the veteran backbone suffered heavy casualties.

  The brutal battle had made most of the soldiers' legs weak, and the Sixth Squadron was about to collapse.

  A long horn sounded from the distance, and reinforcements from the rear finally arrived for reinforcements.

  Leading the reinforcements was Deputy Captain Sally, who was also at the fourth level like Roland.

  The reinforcements amounted to more than two squadrons. With the help of this new force, the orc attack was finally repelled without any danger.

  The orc army had just been driven off the city wall when an elite cavalry rushed out of the canyon and scattered the orc formation in one fell swoop.

  The officer commanding this cavalry was Baron Harden, the supreme commander of the Pratos Line of Defense.

  Baron Harden rode a fourth-level wild boar monster and broke into the orc army easily. No one of the orc warriors he passed along the way could stop him for a moment.

  In a short period of time, more than six orcs died in his hands, including a third-level orc officer.

  Charged by the cavalry, the formation of the orc army completely collapsed.

  Baron Harden led his knights and followed the orcs unhurriedly, killing the lone orcs.

  The orcs suffered more and more casualties and lost their organization. Soon the casualties exceeded half. They ran wildly, bypassing the road and escaping into the jungle.

  The knights were just about to dismount and chase, when Baron Harden raised his left hand and said: "The situation in the forest is unknown. Maybe the orcs have an ambush. Don't chase!" The cavalry gathered and handed over the task of cleaning the battlefield to the infantry


  They won the first battle, but there was no joy in Richard's heart.

  The comrades we get along with every day suffered a lot of casualties, and many familiar faces will no longer be seen.

  Broken limbs and broken arms were scattered on the top of the city, and the strong smell of blood spread everywhere.

  Richard suppressed the mixed feelings in his heart and led his soldiers to clean the battlefield.

  The captured orcs gathered together, and the living orc captives were more valuable than the dead heads.

  For example, you can only get three small skills by killing a snake-like person, but you can get one medium skill by capturing a healthy snake-like person.

  The combined achievements of more than twenty orc captives are already very impressive. Of course, not all of these merits belong to the Sixth Squadron. Four and a half squadrons of the Eighth Battalion participated in the battle.

  Two and a half squadrons defended the city, and two squadrons were added.

  It was the Baron Cavalry Regiment that played a decisive role.

  Everyone will share some of the merits of this battle.

  After the war, Baron Harden once again summoned all the officers.

  In addition to the knights under the baron and the officers of the Eighth Brigade, there are also officers of the city defense army squadron and above.

  "Have the casualties been counted?"

  Baron Harden turned his head and asked his adjutant.

  "Three people from the cavalry regiment were killed, two of them were killed and one was seriously injured. One of the killed was a second-level warrior and the other was a high-level apprentice. The seriously injured was Knight Richard." "How is Richard's injury?" "


  least Rest for three months."

  Richard is the nephew of Baron Harden, a third-level knight, and his combat prowess can rival Roland's.

  When the cavalry regiment attacked the orc army, Richard was surrounded by four snake-like men. He fell off the Warcraft war horse and was pinned down by his armored horse, almost dying on the battlefield.

  In the middle of a war, even mid-level professionals are actually very vulnerable. The fourth-level tauren on the orc side were not spared in this battle.

  Baron Harden nodded, turned to Sharp and asked: "How is the situation of the Eighth Squadron?"

  Captain Sharp Varla stood up and said: "Only the Sixth Squadron suffered more casualties, the other four squadrons did not Affects combat effectiveness."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Baron Harden suddenly became unhappy and said loudly: "I want detailed casualty figures."

  Although the baron didn't say anything too unpleasant, Captain Sharp was still sweating profusely.

  He quickly summarized the situation of each squadron, stood up for the second time, and said seriously: "The Sixth Squadron suffered the most serious casualties, with 21 killed. Nine were seriously injured and 26 were slightly injured. The total number of casualties is fifty-six, which is more than half."

  "Is the Sixth Squadron a new squadron?"

  Baron Harden reacted quickly. Just after hearing the casualty figures, he immediately understood that the Sixth Squadron was not at full strength.

  Deputy Captain Sally Darren stood up and replied: "The formation time of the Sixth Squadron was only nine months, but we transferred more than a dozen key veterans and shortened the formation time. It cannot be regarded as a new squadron. Of course, the combat effectiveness is better than a few." The main squadron is worse."

  "What are the officer casualties?"

  "Deputy squadron leader Brown was killed, deputy squadron leader Richard, and military judge Owen were slightly injured."

  Baron Harden nodded: "Deploy the best soldiers from the city defense army. Replenish the Sixth Squadron. What about the other squadrons?"

  "The Third Squadron had six killed and a total of seventeen minor and serious injuries. The soldiers stationed at the No. 2 Fortress were attacked by Harpies, with three killed and four seriously injured. Slightly wounded.

  The reinforced Fourth Squadron suffered seven casualties and nineteen were lightly or seriously wounded. The Fifth Squadron suffered two casualties and five suffered minor or serious injuries." "The

  total number of your brigade does not exceed a thousand, right?"

  "Including the brigade headquarters. Directly under the squadron, we have organized seven and a half squadrons, plus the recently added half a squadron of recruits, the total number is 965. Mainly because several old squadrons are not fully staffed, and there are some shortages." "The results of the battle, there

  are No statistics?"

  "In this battle, 621 orcs were killed and 23 were captured. Seventeen professional orcs were killed, including one fourth-level tauren and five third-level serpents. There are two third-level harpies. One second-level kobold, four first-level kobolds, two first-level satyrs, and one second-level werewolf. The remaining orcs are all low-level soldiers. Twenty-three

  captives Among the orcs, there is a third-level snake-shaped man. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured. I don’t know if he will survive."

  (End of this chapter)

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