Chapter 147 Reserve Food

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  Chapter 147 Food Reserve
  After Richard exchanged knowledge with the Dawn Church, he rested for a few days in the City of Victory and returned to the Harland territory alone.

  After being in a coma for more than ten days, it was already October after returning to the territory.

  In this counter-insurgency battle, Richard annexed several squadrons of serf soldiers, totaling more than 500 people.

  The casualties in the counter-insurgency battle were not very large. After returning to the territory, the three infantry squadrons almost doubled their personnel.

  The selection of soldiers in the serf squadron was not very good. Most of these soldiers were crooked and cracked, so Richard planned to remove some of them.

  Select some elite soldiers from the serf soldiers, recruit some personnel from the territory, and continue to expand two squadrons of soldiers.

  We will complete the training of new recruits before next summer.

  By then, Harland's territory will have ten squadrons of infantry, one squadron of Warcraft Cavalry, and three squadrons of auxiliary troops.

  Such a strong force, as long as they are not facing an army of orcs, is enough to repel one or two brigades of orcs and protect the security of the territory.

  During the time when Richard was in coma, the Harland family had let out the news and was willing to exchange three bloodline enlightenment potions for a batch of food. Many nobles came to Vicksburg to negotiate with Richard.

  A bloodline enlightenment potion needs to be exchanged for five small merits.

  In the main army, usually a small achievement can be exchanged for resources of one hundred gold coins.

  Many low-level officers who have achieved military merit and have no hope of becoming knights will use their meritorious service to exchange for training resources and trade with nobles before retiring.

  Roughly speaking, a bloodline enlightenment potion is worth about five hundred gold coins.

  The price of food in Grant Kingdom is not expensive. Two gold coins can buy a ton of food in Northern Xinjiang.

  An adult man works for a year and his salary is about three or four gold coins, which is enough to feed seven or eight people.

  But a family will have various expenses. In addition to food expenses, they also need to buy cloth and salt. There are rents to pay and various daily necessities to buy.

  A citizen family needs two laborers to make life easier.

  One bloodline enlightenment potion is exchanged for 250 tons of grain, which seems to be a very cost-effective deal.

  But many times the value of an item is not converted this way.

  There are many noble heirs, and bloodline enlightenment potions are always scarce.

  A newly wealthy family like the Harland family was still a first-generation member of the family and basically did not have much knight blood, so they would exchange bloodline enlightenment potions.

  If we wait for more than ten years, Richard's children will grow up, and Hayden, Wendy, Tang En, and Adrian will all have children. Even if he was very short of food, Richard couldn't exchange for the bloodline enlightenment potion.

  For most nobles, although food is a precious strategic resource, it is not scarce.

  Geda Province has a vast territory, and with rain and heat at the same time, the grain output is not low. The per capita cultivated land area is very large. Although it is on the front line, there is no shortage of food. On the contrary, it is the food exporter of the Grant Kingdom.

  Every year, a large amount of grain from the three provinces of northern Xinjiang enters Noland through the North-South Canal along the provinces of Gedda, Sodamia, and Gabria.

  If the Harland Territory hadn't swallowed up a population of 18,000, there wouldn't be a food shortage next year.

  Therefore, from the perspective of scarcity, if you want to exchange for the bloodline enlightenment potion, you must trade at a premium.

  In order to exchange for the bloodline enlightenment potion, many nobles came to the Harland Territory in person.

  The first one to come was his uncle Thoros, accompanied by Thoros's brother Baron Dark.

  After refining the magic essence potion, Thoros was successfully promoted to the sixth level. Soros has accomplished a lot of meritorious service in countering the rebellion this time, and he has accumulated more than half of his meritorious service for being granted the title of hereditary baron.

  Although Baron Dark doesn't like his half-brother.

  But for the future of his son, he must obtain the bloodline enlightenment potion. Baron Dark still shamelessly found Soros, hoping that Soros would intervene to help him obtain the bloodline enlightenment potion.

  Even though he had conflicts with his brother, Baron Duck, when Baron Duck humbled himself and begged to come to the door. Thoros thought of his father and the days he lived in the Baron of Dark when he was young.

  Countless past events emerged in his mind one by one. Although some memories were sad and bitter, there was still a hint of sweetness in the bitter memories.

  "When I was young, my father had no plans to change the heir. Because my mother was from an ordinary background, I was not a threat to my brother. At that time, my brother was still very good to me. When I was young, I always followed my brother. One time while

  hunting When he was walking, a black bear rushed towards him, but his brother stood in front of him and stabbed the bear to death with a sword, leaving a scar on his shoulder." Soros suddenly remembered the good side of his brother


  Although Baron Dak once used personal connections to exclude him, he could not continue to work in the Grizzlies Legion, resulting in a very slow accumulation of military exploits.

  But at this moment, he still chose to forgive his brother, remembered the kindness of Baron Dark, forgot the unpleasant side, and decided to ask Richard for a favor.

  After doing this, Soros finally felt relieved.

  Now that Uncle Soros has come to the door, this favor must be given, and Richard will not ask for a premium, making his uncle's favor very cheap.

  He directly exchanged 250 tons of grain with Baron Dak for a bloodline enlightenment potion.

  After Baron Dark exchanged the bloodline enlightenment potion, an endless stream of nobles came to visit.

  Most of these people are members of the aristocratic branch, and many of them have very rich family assets, and can purchase grain in exchange for Richard.

  However, their political status is not high, and they cannot bring other resources to the Haaland territory.

  Soon Baron Sharp came to the door. He was Richard's old comrade-in-arms and senior officer. The two of them also fought against the rebellion together this time.

  Baron Sharp had several children, but these children did not have knight blood.

  In order to become a hereditary noble, he had divorced his ex-wife. He exchanged the bloodline enlightenment potion for his current wife, Baroness Raphael.

  Although Baron Raphael had no public husband before, he had many lovers and gave birth to six children.

  Even though Baron Raphael is a powerful knight, he still lacks bloodline enlightenment potion.

  This time I asked Baron Sharp to plan the future of his fourth son.

  Baron Sharp's territory is adjacent to Harland's territory, so the old chief has to give him face.

  However, Baron Raphael was not short of food and agreed to exchange 400 tons of food.

  The last bloodline enlightenment potion was traded to an acquaintance, Baron Rice. Baron Rice had a longer relationship with Richard and the premium was larger.

  Five hundred tons of grain can be exchanged for a bloodline enlightenment potion.

  Five hundred tons of grain were sold, worth thousands of gold coins, and the premium almost doubled.

  Using three bloodline enlightenment potions, 1,150 tons of grain were traded. Counting the grain stored in the territory, the grain reserve has exceeded 9,000 tons.

  Richard did some calculations and decided to continue adding 3,000 tons of grain reserves.

  Three thousand tons of grain, worth six thousand gold coins.

  Although the Harland territory developed rapidly, due to Richard's large-scale military expansion and the rapid construction and development of the territory, a large amount of money was consumed. Six thousand gold coins was still a lot of money for Richard.

  Almost all of the gold coins seized in the counter-insurgency war were used to reward merit.

  Although there is a sum of funds in the territory's treasury, this money is to prevent emergencies.

  If it is all used to buy food, when money is urgently needed, not even a penny will be able to stump the hero.

  (End of chapter)

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