Chapter 146 Knowledge Exchange

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  Chapter 146 Knowledge Exchange
  Richard woke up again, more than ten days had passed.

  After waking up, he had a splitting headache and a lot of memory knowledge was stuffed into his mind.

  Richard himself felt as if he was immersed in a movie that spanned a thousand years.

  The most troublesome thing is that 99% of the content of the movie has been forgotten, and the remaining bit is very confusing.

  The images that remained in Richard's mind were incoherent and incoherent.

  Knowledge about extraordinary power and wizard system is even more rare.

  Although he did not gain extraordinary knowledge, Richard still gained a lot, because from Sugard's memory, he mastered a lot of wizarding era texts and also learned the language of the Offland region.

  Through scattered memories, Richard knew that Sugard's time was not far from the time when the Starlight Organization was active.

  From Sugard's scattered memories, it seems that he is still related to the Starlight Organization.

  Now Sugard is completely dead, and his soul power has been absorbed by the silver necklace in Richard's mind.

  What is the relationship between this powerful wizard from ancient times and the Xinghui Organization? All kinds of details have been buried in the long history, making it difficult for people to pry into them.

  Having learned the language of the Wizarding Age, Richard was able to understand the spell using the Star Necklace.

  Once you master the meaning of the spell and learn the language of O'Flan, you can release the star bomb.

  Coupled with the fact that Richard's mental power exceeds 30 points, the Star Necklace has become the biggest trump card in his hand.

  The power of the starlight bomb is extremely powerful. Even legendary professionals may fall under the starlight bomb if they are not prepared.

  Shao Gongyuan's strength back then was equivalent to a fourth-level legend, and he was only one step away from becoming the most powerful law wizard. The legendary magic he created is much more powerful than standard legendary magic.

  Moreover, when Shao Gongyuan made the Star Necklace, he used a fragment of a star core. This fragment contains a trace of regular power. A star necklace made of a star core greatly enhances star power. In the age of wizards, the Star Necklace was also the most powerful magical equipment in Shao Gongyuan's hands, and the Star Bomb was also his signature magic.

  After mastering the Star Necklace, Richard's explosive power has surpassed that of the ninth-level epic knight.

  In the Grant Kingdom, there are probably only a few people such as Duke Jonathan and Archbishop Senna who can suppress Richard.

  At the same time, Richard felt that his mental power had increased a bit. He opened the attribute panel and found that his mental power had indeed increased by four points.

  Richard opened the attribute panel. His mental attribute was already 35.8 points, which was higher than a normal eight-ring magician.

  However, his meditation method is only at the fourth level, and he cannot learn magic above the fifth level.

  Although his mental power is strong, his magical power is weaker than that of an eighth-ring magician under normal conditions.

  In battles between magicians, mental attributes are the most critical.

  The attribute of mental power determines the amount of magic power, and magic power is closely related to the destructiveness of magic. A zero-ring demon apprentice with 100 points of mental power can defeat a high-level magician with 30 points of mental power using apprentice-level tricks.

  The magician's spiritual power is the lever that leverages magic power.

  Even though he didn't learn much high-level magic, Richard's mental power already exceeded that of a seven-ring magician by about five points.

  The difference in mental power of five points is already quite large, and the magic power is enough to release a four-ring magic.

  In this world, magicians are a very explosive profession.

  When two magicians fight, the winner can be determined by releasing two or three magic spells.

  If you have strong mental power, you can release powerful magic.

  Even if the magic level is not high and the magic utilization rate is low, if more mental power is invested, the destructive power of the spells released will be equally powerful.

  The advantage of releasing an extra four-ring magic in battle is huge. However, high-ring magic has a higher utilization rate of magic energy, the strength of the magic structure is greater, and the magic power that can be output is more and stronger.

  When Richard fights against a seven-ring magician, he may not have a chance of winning without using his melee abilities.

  Having killed a large number of undead in the undead world, Richard has accumulated more than 100,000 killing experience points.

  Because he was worried that the God of Slaughter would resurrect in his soul, Richard was not prepared to continue using his killing experience.

  Now Richard's strength is very high in the Grant Kingdom, he can live for many years, and he is not in a hurry to break through.

  Shortly after Richard woke up, Archbishop Senna and Cardinal Mavilla received the news and came to his room together.

  "How do you feel?"

  "My head hurts and my thinking is a little confused."

  "Your situation is also recorded in church books. Most of them will become suture monsters in their souls, losing their self-awareness and memory in a short period of time. It becomes blurry and confusing, and eventually the soul will have serious problems until the lich is reborn from your body.

  People who can survive the possession of a lich are very rare in history. These people often gain a lot of lich possessions. Memory, for a magician, the memory of the lich is a very precious treasure.

  If you get precious knowledge from the memory of the lich, we can exchange it." "

  The wizard's writings from ten thousand years ago are considered precious. Knowledge?"

  Upon hearing this, Mavera's old face immediately showed a smile. He nodded and said: "Of course, and it is very precious knowledge. At present, we have only deciphered about 15% of wizard texts. If you

  can decipher the remaining texts, you will also leave your name in the history of magic. Like Such precious knowledge as the wizard's text can be exchanged for a hundred kinds of magic, or a complete meditation method." "

  I only want to choose thirty kinds of magic, and I want to exchange the remaining knowledge for some enchantments, potions, alchemy, and magic circles. Basic knowledge of the class.”

  "This request is not too high. When you are well, you can come to my place to choose at any time."

  Upon hearing Richard's request, Archbishop Senna was afraid that he would regret it, so he immediately agreed.

  The Church of Dawn has mastered many relics of the wizarding era. If it can decipher the wizarding texts and master the knowledge of the wizarding era, magic will also usher in great development.

  This kind of thing is of great benefit to Morningside Church and only requires a small amount of effort.

  If Archbishop Senna had not had a high moral standard and encountered an evil magician, once he had mastered the wizard's writing, he would have killed someone and silenced him so that he could keep the secret to himself.

  The reason why Richard was willing to exchange knowledge was mainly because he was restricted by the poor magic environment of Grant Kingdom.

  The magic knowledge he learned basically came from Sophia.

  Sophie was just a staff member of the Magic Tower when she was there. She signed a five-year work contract with the tower owner. Although her magic level was not low, she did not learn all the magic knowledge.

  In order to improve the level of magic, other than going to the magic country on the southwest coast, the only option is to exchange with the church.

  When Richard recovered a little, he immediately recorded the wizard's text and translated it into the official text of the Holy Radiance Empire.

  Using this handwritten wizard's dictionary, Richard exchanged thirty new magic spells, which were of different levels, with the highest being nine rings and the lowest being only one.

  In addition, Richard also copied dozens of magic books from the Church of Dawn, which covered all aspects.

  There are also six potion formulas in these books, including the Tenghui potion mastered by Harland Territory.

  In addition, the enchantment books also record some manufacturing methods of enchanted weapons, and the types are very complete.

  (End of chapter)

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