Chapter 148 Territory Development 1

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  Chapter 148 Territory Development -
  In the spring of next year, the first batch of indentured slaves will return to their status as free citizens.

  In order to cope with the impact, Richard decided to convene a meeting with managers of the civil affairs system.

  The meeting focused on several aspects, including next year's financial budget and this year's financial summary.

  Participants in the meeting included members of the Haaland family such as Richard, Sophia, Powell, Wendy, Adrian, and Twain, as well as Gibson, Rooney, Bobby, Thomas Weber, Tony, Bernard, and Ihaki You and other territorial civil servants.

  Gibson was the great steward of the Harland family and William's cousin. After the Harland family became prosperous, Gibson took his relatives to join William.

  These distant branches of the Harland family basically settled in Black River Fort with William. Or start a small business under the protection of the Harland family, or participate in the management of Mrs. Olla's industry.

  Richard pointed at Gibson and indicated that he would start the explanation first.

  In recent years, Gibson and Liliana have basically been responsible for the Black River Castle business that Mrs. Olla has been responsible for.

  Gibson opened an account book, coughed slightly, and said: "By October this year, the hotel's income will be average, and it will earn sixty gold coins after excluding expenses. The income from rent will be less this year, adding up to thirty-six gold coins."

  Nine Sixteen gold coins is certainly a huge amount of money for ordinary people, and it requires a person to work for twenty-five years. But for the Haaland family, it is better than nothing. Now the family's annual expenses, even if some savings are made, are more than 200 gold coins.

  "The revenue of the tavern is very good. The net profit of the six taverns has reached 500 gold coins."

  After hearing the net profit of 500 gold coins, Richard nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Can we open the tavern to Wrightburg? Places like Flame Castle?"

  "I'm afraid it's difficult. We don't have enough strength in these two places to deal with all kinds of troubles."

  Richard knew clearly that the Harland family's main relationships were in Black River Fort.

  Both his father and third uncle were officers in the Northern Army, and they had great influence in Black River Fort. The competitors of the tavern naturally did not dare to cause trouble.

  Even though the six taverns are doing a prosperous business, the profits are considerable. Relying on the reputation of William and Bernie, they can easily block the coveting and prying eyes of all kinds of monsters and monsters.

  Originally, the Harland family had some connections in Black River Fort and Grizzly Bear Fort. However, Roland and Thoros did not develop smoothly in the Crazy Lion and Grizzly Bear Legions. Now some people are idle, and they can help with small things, which involves every year. The benefits of a few hundred gold coins and past friendship may not solve the problem.

  Even if those local snakes don't kill people, if they throw a few venomous snakes into the tavern every day and cause trouble for you, the tavern will not be able to operate.

  At that time, only dark means can be used.

  The competitors are all nobles, and they are not weak in strength. Richard thinks it is not cost-effective to waste the family's strength in such a place.

  The Harland Territory develops rapidly in new industries every year, and can fully use its strength to develop new markets.

  It is far easier to obtain profits in the incremental market than in the stock market.

  In addition to taverns, hotels, and rental businesses, Mrs. Olla also runs a bakery, a clothing store, and a shoe store in Black River Fort.

  These small businesses may seem inconspicuous, but their combined income is quite considerable.

  Because the people hired were all serfs, the cost was very low. As long as they were given food, the work could be done.

  The lower the labor cost, the lower the price, and the business is often very good. The total net income is 200 gold coins.

  Coupled with William and Bernie's generous salaries, Black River Fort's net income exceeded one thousand gold coins.

  The expenses of the two companies last year were about 200 gold coins. Even if it is more this year, the income is still considerable.

  Hearing the profits of Black River Fort, Richard felt confident. I feel that Mrs. Ola should have saved some money in recent years, and this money can be borrowed first. "How are the profits from brown sugar?"

  Ihaqir, who is responsible for managing the brown sugar industrial park, does not need to look at the books. These data have already been recorded in his mind.

  "This year's brown sugar production is 3.3 tons, with an output value of 275 gold coins. The territory's welfare distribution consumes 900 kilograms of brown sugar, and the gold coin income is only 200. The brown sugar industry is developing very fast. Next year's output will exceed six tons, and the output value will reach 500 Gold coins."

  Richard knew that although the brown sugar industry had great development prospects, it would not be able to earn a large number of gold coins in a short period of time.

  Five hundred gold coins is already a considerable profit for a baron.

  Three thousand acres of paddy fields need to be cultivated and a heavy tax of 70% is levied in order to obtain this money.

  It is equivalent to the tax collected by a serf village of thousands of people in one year.

  Although a barony in northern Xinjiang relies on growing food, it can still receive thousands of gold coins.

  However, the baron needs to purchase weapons and equipment and pay his soldiers. The annual cost of raising a squadron is about one thousand gold coins.

  In order to protect the security of the territory, the lords in the northern Xinjiang region have to spend more money to raise the army.

  Typically a squadron costs fifteen hundred gold coins per year.

  In the event of war, military expenditures will increase.

  In addition to military expenses, the lords also had to enjoy, socialize, build relationships, and give gifts. In addition, they purchased medicines and resources for their own cultivation, so they couldn't save much money at all.

  "Where is the income from the brick kiln factory?" Richard turned around and asked Rooney, the director of the brick kiln factory.

  "The brick kiln factory has received very few external orders this year. Only Baron Dirham ordered some city bricks to repair the damaged city walls. The total amount is only one hundred and twenty gold coins. As for the bricks used within the territory, they are not counted this year."

  "Next year, many of your workers should become free citizens, right?"

  "Yes, most of the workers in the brick kiln factory are the first batch of indentured servants, and their contracts will be up next year." "

  The workers' contracts are up, what do you have? Plan?"

  "I'm going to convert it into an employment contract and give them wages."

  "Have the wages been set?"

  "The current plan is to calculate it on a daily basis, with a salary of four copper coins per day." "

  Working thirty days a month, the salary is only four silver coins, which is a bit low. The labor intensity of the brick kiln factory is very high, and I think it should be increased a little. "

  Hearing Richard's opinion, Rooney felt a little dissatisfied.

  "Lord, you are too kind. The workers in the brick kiln factory have been divided into land. Each person is allocated an average of five acres of farmland. A family of six has thirty acres of land. The tax revenue from the territory is only 30%. These people rely on land income. After paying taxes and excluding food rations, the annual net income is about two gold coins. During the slack period, they can also go to the brick kiln to make money. As long as they

  become free people, their living standards will immediately improve, far surpassing the citizens of Heihe Fort. They have What is unsatisfying?
  Human desires have no bottom line. I should advise the lord that the salary cannot be increased."

  (End of Chapter)

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