Chapter 145 Battle of Souls

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  Chapter 145: Battle of Souls:
  The legendary lich actually left a back-up plan. Seeing this scene, Richard couldn't help but take a step back, with a look of shock on his face.

  No one expected that the Lich actually designed a trap in the phylactery. No matter who destroyed the phylactery, they would be hit by the legendary magical annihilation ray.

  This time, everything went very smoothly in blocking the passage to the realm of the dead. Unexpectedly, we suffered casualties at the last moment.

  The death knight's name was Ian, who was born into a small noble family. He was a high-level knight trained by the church using the bloodline enlightenment potion.

  The high-level knight trained by the church had relatively little fighting experience, so he rashly slashed his sword. Although he cut off the phylactery, he died at the hands of the lich.

  In fact, if you take the phylactery back to the legendary magician, you can discover this trap, and there is also a way to destroy the phylactery without damaging a hair on your own.

  The phylactery was destroyed, and the lich's soul turned into a white light and shot toward Roger.

  Roger's expression changed, and he immediately activated his fighting spirit, and the high-level armor on his body glowed with intense light, like a human-shaped torch.

  A defensive light shield lit up on the powerful enchanted armor, which immediately bounced the lich's soul away.

  The Lich's soul turned around and rushed towards Richard.

  Seeing this scene, Richard's expression changed drastically. He hurriedly used the magic shield and applied all his mental power to the magic shield.

  Because of the use of several magic spells, Richard only had eight points of mental power left.

  Eight points of mental power are invested in the magic shield. The defense of the magic shield is equivalent to standard five-ring magic.

  Although the five-ring defensive magic is good, it only weakens the power of the Lich's soul.

  A ray of white light suddenly penetrated into Richard's mind, and countless strange memories rushed up in an instant, trying to annihilate Richard's self-awareness.

  These influx of memories are very messy and span more than a thousand years.

  Richard seemed to have become a wizard named Sugard, who had lived in the wizarding era for thousands of years.

  He seemed to have become a powerful wizard, able to control the wind and rain, and change the world. Sugard's experience suddenly appeared clearly in front of Richard's eyes.

  Although Sugard's memory is incomplete and messy, the number of memories exceeds that of Richard's own ten times.

  Ten times more memories suddenly flooded into his mind, making Richard unable to tell who he was for a moment.

  If it continues for a period of time, Sugard's soul may merge with Richard and become a soul suture monster.

  White light shined into Richard's mind, causing him to fall to the ground immediately. His teeth were clenched, his eyes were dull, and his whole body was shaking constantly.

  Duke Roger drew out his long sword, put it against Richard's head, and asked Pansy, "Do you want to kill him?" Pansy

  nodded and said, "It's safer, it's better not to leave any trouble." She

  was about to attack Roger when she saw him. , Evans took his hand, turned to the church knight and asked: "Now that Baron Richard's soul is still resisting the lich, I think we should wait. Mr. Stevenson, what do you think?

  " Baron Richard is not a threat now. I am willing to carry him on my back and take him back for the Archbishop to see. If the Lich is resurrected in him, he will not be able to hide it from Archbishop Senna. The Baron's life or death should depend on Archbishop Senna's will.

  " The church knights had different opinions from him, and it was difficult for Roger to continue his attack.

  After all, Richard was the person he introduced, and he was also a hereditary baron of the Grant Kingdom.

  If he insists on killing someone, it will affect his reputation and cause him a lot of trouble.

  Richard's wife Sophia is pregnant, and his next heir will inevitably become a viscount. It has also accumulated a lot of achievements. The Harland family will obviously be granted new territories and will develop further.

  Now there are 2,000 soldiers in Harland's territory, as well as a smaller Warcraft Cavalry Regiment.

  The power of this family is no less than that of a viscount, and its influence among the nobles of Heihe County is also very large.

  After killing the baron of the Harland family, Richard's wife and father would probably not let it go.

  Roger is a smart man. Since someone is willing to take risks and there is no big conflict of interest, he will certainly not have a feud with the Harland family in vain.

  Knight Stevenson carried Richard on his back, and another church knight took away Ian's remains. Everyone did not dare to stay in the world of the dead and hurriedly returned to the plane passage. At the critical moment when Richard was unbearable, a silver necklace suddenly appeared in his mind.

  After the silver necklace appeared, severe pain came from his mind.

  Richard felt his soul being torn apart again.

  His soul seemed to be bitten by countless ants, and he felt various feelings of soreness, numbness, pain, and itching.

  At the same time, a warm light also appeared in Richard's mind.

  Although this ray of light is weak, its energy is no less powerful than that of a silver necklace.

  With the help of this light in his soul, Richard's pain was slightly relieved.

  After the silver necklace appeared, it immediately absorbed all the messy memories of the soul. The lich's soul was sucked dry by the silver necklace without any resistance.

  There are only a few memories of Sugard left in Richard's soul, which add up to about six or seven years.

  After absorbing the soul of the legendary lich Sugard, the silver necklace feels clearer.

  The silver necklace in his mind actually gave Richard a feeling of fear.

  Although he couldn't open his eyes, Richard could sense every move from the outside world.

  When he discovered that Roger and Pansy wanted to kill him, Richard suddenly became frightened and angry.

  And when he heard that Evans and Stevenson had helped him, Richard secretly thanked them for their life-saving grace and vowed to repay this kindness.

  After Archbishop Senna met Richard, he also studied Richard's physical condition because of his magician instinct.

  It was discovered that the lich's soul had been completely extinguished, and Richard's soul had grown slightly stronger.

  Seeing this scene, Archbishop Senna was in disbelief and also had some doubts about Richard's identity.

  But the top priority is to block the plane passage.

  After killing two legendary undead creatures, blocking the plane passage became very smooth.

  Archbishop Senna and his magicians used the magic altar to successfully block the gap in space and eliminate this hidden danger.

  After blocking the plane passage, the pastor of the Church of Dawn stayed for a while and dispersed the nearby fog of death before returning to Nolan.

  After Archbishop Senna returned to the Dawn Plane, he immediately found Cardinal Mavilla and asked him about Richard's situation straight to the point.

  "Yes, you guessed it right. Richard's soul comes from another universe. In fact, he has been under our surveillance for these years, and he has not used the power of the God of Slaughter for too long. This kind of thing has never happened to us

  . It is indeed rare in this era, but when you zoom into the entire universe and countless main planes, it is actually not uncommon.

  Every time the walls of two universes collide with each other, there are souls from different universes wrapped in mysterious energy and traveling to ours. The universe.

  The largest number was about 10,000 years ago. At that time, many powerful souls came from different universes. At that time, there were secret organizations such as Xinghui, Rose, Holy Light, and Dawn, and their members were all from different universes. Senna, you

  should You know, even the great goddess of the dawn that we believe in also comes from a different universe.

  When this child crossed over, he attracted a powerful demon in the abyss. The bishop of Heihe County discovered this situation. After reporting it to the Holy See, the Pope personally took action, He expelled the devil for him.

  Remember, don't let this child encounter an accident. If Richard dies, the power of the God of Slaughter may be transferred to other people, and things will be very troublesome to deal with. If Richard can go

  smoothly By advancing to legend, the resurrection of the God of Slaughter can be delayed for many years. If he can ignite the divine fire, he can replace the God of Slaughter, and then the goddess will have one more helper." "Does he have a chance to become a god?" Mavela heard

  this Senna asked in disbelief at these words.

  "His body contains the divinity left by three gods, and his destiny is quite special. If he becomes a fourth-level legend, absorbing the divinity will help ignite the divine fire." (End of this chapter


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