Chapter 144 Destroying the Phylactery

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  Chapter 144 Destruction of the Phylactery
  Legendary Skeleton Odulas died, and the defeat of the undead became inevitable.

  Seeing that the defeat was certain, the legendary lich Sugard was about to escape, but was stopped by Duke Jonathan, who transformed into a legendary dragon.

  After transforming into the legendary dragon, Duke Jonathan's heart was like a huge furnace. Mysterious and powerful power filled his body. The dragon's body exuded fiery energy, which could see the sea of ​​blood evaporate to dryness.

  See how powerful Duke Jonathan is.

  Cardinal Mavilla also made a prompt decision and used the second legendary magic, the legendary hold technique.

  Sugard was hit by the legendary body-holding technique, and his reaction suddenly felt very slow, and time seemed to have stopped.

  Sugard could not move, and his body was instantly shattered when he was grabbed by Duke Jonathan.

  Even though the lich is dead, if the phylactery cannot be found, he will still be resurrected.

  In order to completely eliminate the hidden danger, Cardinal Mavilla sat down cross-legged and used the third legendary magic, the Great Prophecy.

  After using this magical technique, Maweila's mental power was finally exhausted.

  Maweila is already over 230 years old, which is already approaching the end of his life for a pastor.

  Today, three legendary magic spells were released in succession, including a seventh-level magic spell, which consumed too much mental energy.

  Mavilla suppressed the fatigue in her mind, hurriedly drew a map with a quill, and handed it to Sena.

  After drawing the map, the second-level legendary wizard passed out on the spot.

  The next time I wake up, I don’t know how many days it will take.

  Anyway, young people like Richard will feel drowsy after their mental energy is exhausted, and sometimes they will sleep for several days in a row.

  When I wake up, I still feel a splitting headache.

  It is actually very dangerous for an old man like Maweila to exhaust all his mental energy.

  A person who is dying has a high chance that he may never wake up.

  Seeing that Mavela was unconscious, the two church knights hurriedly carried the old priest on their backs.

  Now Mavilla's body is no longer suitable to stay in the world of the dead where negative energy accumulates.

  Archbishop Senna opened the space channel and asked two high-level knights to send Mavilla to the plane of dawn.

  Archbishop Senna looked at the map left by Mavilla and said to Duke Jonathan: "The Lich's phylactery is one hundred and twenty kilometers away from us. I will stay here to arrange the altar and block the plane passage. Duke Jonathan will lead Team to destroy the Lich Phylactery."

  Before Archbishop Senna could finish speaking, Pansy Grant immediately interrupted.

  "I don't think it's appropriate. Blocking the plane of justice is related to the security of the Grant Kingdom and even the Dawn Continent. Duke Jonathan is a powerful legendary knight and should stay here to prevent accidents. Destroying the Lich's phylactery can be left to us. Please

  . Archbishop Senna believes in me. I will use legendary magic equipment at critical moments. If I lead the team to destroy the Lich Life Box, we will still have a chance of winning." Pansy's words were approved by Duke Jonathan, who immediately took over the

  topic and sat down Confirm this matter.

  "There may be many magic traps in the Lich's lair, so be careful."

  There are many legendary undead in the world of the dead. If you encounter legendary undead on the road, the life of the person who destroys the phylactery will be in danger.

  But Pan Xi took the initiative, willing to take the risk and sacrifice his own safety, hoping to increase the probability of blocking the passage.

  Pansy decided to block the passage, so naturally he had to select some elite soldiers and generals.

  All the high-level magicians under his command were selected, and half of the high-level knights of the church were also selected. Plus Roger, Richard, and Vader, there were a total of sixteen operatives. Except for Richard, who is a magician and martial artist, the rest of these people are high-level professionals.

  Vader is the cousin of Viscount Luomen. He is already a seventh-level silver knight, and his combat power is slightly weaker than Roger.

  After being baptized by the morning light, Richard's combat effectiveness increased. Now, his strength is even higher than that of Vader, and he is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with an outstanding knight like Baron Harden who has unique talents.

  Everyone ran all the way, and the magician was carried by the knight. After running for four hours, they arrived at the hidden lair of the legendary lich Sugard in one breath.

  Richard's physical fitness is not as good as that of a high-level knight, but he is much stronger than a magician.

  He doesn't need to carry people on his back and can easily keep up with everyone.

  When it comes to magical power, Richard is worse than a seven-ring magician, and his melee strength is not as good as that of a high-level warrior.

  But taking the two aspects together, Richard is a panacea that can adapt to various environments.

  Pansy chose him to participate in the operation because of this.

  The secret lair where Sugard is located is a natural cave. There are piles of bones everywhere near the cave, forming a high mountain of bones.

  The cave is blocked by a huge dragon bone, and it cannot be moved unless it has forty points of strength.

  Roger's strength is the strongest among everyone. According to Richard's estimation, it should not exceed thirty points. He tried it, but he couldn't move the dragon's spine, which weighed tens of thousands of kilograms.

  Roger slashed hard with the enchanted long sword, but it only left a wound more than an inch deep on the dragon bone. It would probably take a lot of time to cut off this huge dragon spine.

  After arriving at the Lich's hidden lair, Pansy immediately released a five-ring magic fire tornado.

  Wherever the flames passed, all the bones were scorched, and even a huge boulder blocking the way was exploded by the flames.

  The charred bones were much crispier, and the knights swarmed forward and chopped the huge dragon bones into several pieces.

  After opening the entrance, Pansy and others released several large-scale magics and actively triggered several magic mechanisms.

  They are all high-level magicians, very experienced, and can successfully crack the peripheral magic mechanisms one by one.

  For a lich, if the phylactery is destroyed alone, the lich itself will be fine.

  Liches have both soul and body insurance for rebirth.

  The phylactery is used to recycle the soul, and also has the function of reshaping the body.

  To destroy a lich, the correct way is to first destroy the lich's phylactery so that he has no way out, then destroy his soul container and destroy the lich's head.

  If the lich head cannot be destroyed, it will transform into a demilich. Demilichs can also awaken, and their souls can find a way to return to their heads to revert back to lichs.

  It can be seen from this that to eliminate the lich, you need to use double insurance, destroy the phylactery and the head, in order to completely kill the lich. If only one is destroyed, the lich will reappear.

  Lich Sugard's head has been destroyed by the magician, and it will take another day to reshape the head in the phylactery.

  After Richard and the others killed the lich, they found the lich's lair within four hours.

  The Lich is now at his weakest.

  After discovering the Lich's phylactery, the Church Knight stepped forward and severed the phylactery in pieces.

  As soon as the life box was broken, a soul scream suddenly came from the cave, and a thick annihilation ray spurted out from the life box, annihilating the seventh-level knight who had cut off the life box on the spot.

  (End of chapter)

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