Chapter 141 The Holy Light Shines

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  Chapter 141 The Holy Light shines
  to block the plane passage this time. A total of more than sixty people participated. Among them, magicians and priests accounted for half, and the rest were basically middle- and high-level knights.

  Nineteen magicians came to the Grant Kingdom Mage Association, including one ninth-level magician, two eighth-level magicians, and four seventh-level magicians. Almost all of them were high-level magicians.

  If all these magicians were lost in the world of the dead, most of the inheritance of magicians in Grant Kingdom would be lost.

  In addition to the members of the Grant Kingdom Mage Association, the Church of Dawn also recruited senior members from Nolan, four high-level priests, six mid-level magicians, twelve high-level knights, plus the legendary Archbishop Senna.

  The power of the independent church is already very powerful.

  In addition, Duke Jonathan also came with more than ten mid-to-high-level dragon knights, as well as Duke Roger of the royal family.

  Even the humble Richard is a master of magic and martial arts and has extraordinary fighting ability.

  Everyone came to the vicinity of the plane passage of the Dead Realm and found that the scope of the fog of death had expanded.

  Archbishop Senna carefully surveyed the landscape and said with a relaxed look: "First arrange a large magic circle and set up a blocking barrier to lock in the negative energy escaping from the dead world and prevent the mist of death from continuing to spread." After returning to the camp

  , , Bishop Senna designed a large magic circle.

  Then the magic array was broken down into small arrays and handed over to Richard and others to arrange.

  Although Richard is an intermediate magician, he has not received formal training as a magician and has very little understanding of subjects such as alchemy, pharmacy, magic patterns, and magic circles.

  Even if the small magic array diagram was decomposed, it would be difficult for Richard to arrange it.

  But now there are many magicians who can ask for advice if they don't understand. After more than ten days, Richard not only successfully completed the task, but also learned some knowledge about magic circles.

  In order to arrange this barrier, Archbishop Senna used six ninth-level magic cores at one time. Not counting other materials, the price of six ninth-level magic cores alone was more than 50,000 gold coins.

  After setting up the magic barrier, Archbishop Senna took the lead and led everyone into the fog.

  There are many undead in the fog, and these undead need to be eliminated before entering the world of the dead.

  These undead are all cultists who died in battle, totaling more than three hundred.

  If there was only Richard, he would have to run as far as he could, but with three legends and more than twenty high-level professionals in the team, it would be very simple to clean up these undead.

  Richard also killed six or seven powerful undead in the battle and gained twelve thousand killing experience. Because of the habit he has developed over the years, Richard still likes to grab heads during battles. The few undead he killed were much more powerful than ordinary skeletons.

  Based on feedback from killing experience, Richard estimated that these undead transformed by professionals were roughly at the third or fourth level.

  The intelligence of the undead is very low, and they basically only have the instinct to kill.

  A mid-level professional is a little more cautious, and it is not difficult to deal with undead of the same level.

  Especially magicians and priests have many ways to restrain the undead.

  After clearing away the undead, Senna led everyone to the entrance of the plane passage.

  The entrance to the plane passage is very small, less than a foot in diameter.

  In front of everyone's eyes, a skeleton soldier slowly crawled out of the plane passage.

  Archbishop Sena casually released a magic missile with a finger, blowing the skeleton soldiers into pieces.

  The powerful energy annihilated the skeleton soldier's soul fire.

  When the soul fire is extinguished, the undead creature dies completely.

  Everyone observed the plane passage, and Archbishop Senna released a nine-ring magic to tear the plane apart, widening the gap.

  Turbulent negative energy surged out from the gap, and the violent force tore a corner of the space apart. A dimensional passage that people can pass through suddenly appears.

  On the opposite side of the passage, countless undead creatures rushed toward the plane of dawn.

  Richard looked up and saw densely packed skulls everywhere he could see. His brain suddenly shut down, as if he was suffering from trypophobia.

  Pastor Mavilla closed his eyes and immediately used a legendary divine magic to illuminate.

  His body immediately emitted a dazzling light, like a miniature sun.

  Any undead creature illuminated by the holy light will have its soul fire extinguished immediately.

  Even the legendary Skeleton King hiding behind him immediately ran as far as he could after seeing this scene.

  Priests have great restraint against undead creatures, especially priests of the Goddess of Dawn and the God of Light, who are naturally the nemesis of creatures in the undead world. They fight undead creatures and can fight across levels.

  Maweila used a legendary magic to wipe out seven or eight hundred undead creatures in an instant.

  A large number of bones suddenly piled up in the plane passage, like a small mountain of bones.

  After Maweila took action, four high-level priests simultaneously cast the seventh-level divine spell Holy Light Strike.

  Four beams of light appeared at the same time, like four laser cannons. The soul fire of any undead that stood in front of the holy light was instantly extinguished.

  The priests killed more than a thousand undead creatures in the first wave of attacks, clearing a large passage to the undead world.

  The world of the dead is a place where negative energy gathers. There is no beauty of flowers and plants, no warmth of sunshine, and no joy of life.

  Everything in the world of the dead is gray. If the energy in a world is imbalanced and negative energy becomes more and more, it will eventually develop into the world of the dead.

  There are countless planes in the universe, and there are also many realms of the dead.

  The Dawn Plane was once invaded by the Undead World in the wizarding era, but the powerful wizard defeated the Undead King and even conducted many mysterious experiments in the Undead World.

  The wizards opened more than a dozen dimensional passages to the world of the dead and forced the legendary creatures in the world of the dead to sign slave contracts.

  In the age of wizards, the Necronomicon was equivalent to a colony on the main plane of dawn, providing many unique resources for the plane of dawn.

  In the Age of the Seven Gods, wizards and gods went to war, and the world of the dead took the opportunity to break away from the wizard's control and close the dimensional passage.

  Now the cultists of the evil god use special energy crystals to reopen the plane passage, allowing the world of the dead to appear in the plane of dawn again.

  Richard followed the others and quickly entered the world of the dead.

  Entering the world of the dead, Richard suddenly felt suffocated.

  There is no air in the undead world, and even the legendary knight cannot survive in such an environment for too long.

  On the contrary, magicians can set up magic barriers and use air magic to survive for a long time.

  Mavilla opened the plane channel with the priest, and Senna immediately released the legendary magic world regeneration.

  With Sena as the center, a new world was immediately generated within a radius of 500 meters.

  The air, matter, earth, fire, wind and water evolved one after another, as if a brand new plane was formed.

  In the world opened by Senna, Richard finally breathed fresh air and felt a little more relaxed.

  (End of chapter)

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