Chapter 140 Speeding up

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  Chapter 140 Quickly
  seeing that Richard had consumed a lot of the Holy Light of the Dawn, Maweila showed a sense of pity on his face.

  Now that the goddess is still sleeping, the conversion rate of the power of faith is not high, and it is difficult to replenish the power of the artifact. The power that Richard consumes requires absorbing a large amount of power of faith on the altar of the Holy Mountain. According to Maweila's experience, it will take at least thirty years for the Dawn Emblem to be restored.

  The Dawn Badge used more power on Richard than killing the legendary magician Marlo.

  "Child, how many magical spells has the goddess given you?"

  "Your Majesty Cardinal, there are three. They are the Shocking Magic, the Requiem Magic, and the lifting of the curse." "Raising

  your magic power to the third level at once, this is The Church of Dawn is very rare. It seems that the goddess likes what you do on weekdays very much.

  You should have guessed some of the reasons why I summoned you this time. Closing the plane channel is a very important matter. Magicians should not sit idly by.

  The royal family will give some rewards to you magicians who participate in the operation. You can talk to Duke Roger about these rewards."

  Maweila usually speaks very few words. After giving a few words to Richard, he immediately started working. stand up.

  His body has aged, and physical labor seems to be very strenuous. But he still tried his best, no different from ordinary priests.

  Because there are gods in this world, there are many idealists in the church, and dirty things are relatively rare.

  Especially senior pastors, whose behavior is restricted by doctrine.

  The rules controlled by the gods are for good, and the priest's alignment is also inclined towards good.

  As long as the pastor holds the power of the church, the political situation within the church is generally much cleaner than that of the human kingdom.

  Richard left the church and found Duke Roger.

  This is the first time Richard has met Duke Roger. Duke Roger is less than forty years old and is an eighth-level golden knight.
  His body is very strong, with clear outlines, slender legs, and a swift and capable walk. His whole person exudes a sense of confidence and majesty.

  The Duke has long flowing hair, clean and tidy, and the sun shines on his golden hair, showing his nobility.

  His eyes are deep and bright, and the straight bridge of his nose gives people a cold and determined look.

  Duke Roger wore a set of gorgeous armor. The breastplate was made of fine gold and inlaid with various precious gems. It looked like a very valuable enchanted armor.

  Richard secretly estimated in his mind whether the price of this armor exceeded 10,000 gold coins.

  A person like Duke Roger, even standing in the crowd, stands out from the crowd. You can tell at a glance that this person has extraordinary temperament.

  Although Richard had a high self-esteem and felt that he could fight against an eighth-level golden knight, but facing a golden knight like Duke Roger who was armed to the teeth with gold coins, he secretly thought that he had no chance of winning.

  Seeing Richard arriving, Duke Roger said: "Have you received a letter from Cardinal Mavilla?" "

  Yes, Duke."

  "There are many people participating in this operation. Not only are you going to the world of the dead, but I am also going It is necessary to enter the world of the dead. The King's Mage Tower will also mobilize nineteen mid-level magicians, and Nolan's Dawn Church priest will also participate in the operation. This operation also invited Duke Jonathan, led

  by a legendary priest. A legendary magician and a legendary knight lead the team. Even if you encounter the undead king, you can still fight.

  All the nobles who participate in the action will be rewarded by the king. You are a magician and a martial artist, and your combat power exceeds that of a seventh-level warrior. . The rewards given to you are one magic essence potion, three bloodline enlightenment potions, and one hundred Tenghui potions. You

  can also exchange for various resources by performing meritorious deeds during the operation." "

  How many days will the action take place?"

  "King's Capital The person is relatively far away, so it should take another five days."

  "Then I will go back first and return the potions to the territory. If you die in the undead world, who will be cheaper with these potions?" "I'll give you three days. .”

  Richard asked Duke Roger for three days' leave, and rode his iron horned horse as fast as he could, and hurried back to Harland's territory.

  The iron horned horse can run at full strength and can cover forty kilometers in an hour. The physical strength of the Warcraft horse can run continuously for two hours.

  Even with a cavalryman on horseback, he can run fifty kilometers in one breath.

  After running fifty kilometers, Richard asked the Iron Horned Horse to rest for an hour before continuing to run fifty kilometers.

  In this way for more than 20 hours, the Wildebeest carried Richard and ran for more than 300 kilometers. It only took one day to return to Harland Territory.

  Richard handed the potion to Sophia and told him to give the magic essence potion to his uncle Thoros. The bloodline enlightenment potion can exchange resources with nearby nobles.

  A lot of boiling potions have been refined in the territory, and this time they are mainly given to high-level warrior students to redeem and train a group of new professionals.

  The magic energy essence potion can assist fifth-level warriors to break through the realm. Judging from the experience value, Richard is still far away from breaking through. This kind of potion cannot be stored for three or four years.

  The most suitable user of this potion is uncle Soros.

  Although the bloodline enlightenment potion is very good and extremely valuable, the bloodline of the knights of the Haaland family is thin, so it is difficult to awaken the knightly bloodline.

  It is better to trade with the nearby nobles in exchange for some resources that the territory lacks.

  This year there are 18,000 more people in the territory, and only 8,000 tons of grain are stored.

  Although the food is barely enough to eat, if the territory does not store food, it cannot resist the risk of accidents.

  Once the climate changes next year and food production is reduced on a large scale, there may be a lot of trouble in the territory.

  Bloodline enlightenment potions can only be refined by the royal family and are very rare on the market.

  The three bloodline enlightenment potions can at least be exchanged for some food and replenish the inventory.

  In addition, Richard also told Sophia to buy some grain reserves from nearby lords.

  This winter, the territory will also save a little bit. Food will be distributed on a rationed basis, and efforts will be made to increase revenue and reduce expenditure to increase the food reserves to 12,000 tons.

  In this way, the territory's ability to resist risks next year will be slightly stronger.

  After returning the potion and spending some time with Sophia, Richard packed his luggage and left the bottle of starlight with Sophia for safekeeping. In Sophia's worried eyes, Richard left Harland's territory. Returned to the city of victory.

  After resting for two days in the City of Victory, the magician from the royal capital finally arrived, along with the Archbishop of Grant Kingdom, Senna Walton.

  Senna Walton is a legendary magician who came from a very humble background, the son of a shoemaker from the Province of Maryland.

  His father was a very famous shoemaker, and he was considered a member of a family with a relatively high income among the citizens.

  Because his family's financial situation was pretty good, Senna attended a missionary school since he was a child.

  Through the channel of the church school, he gradually came into contact with extraordinary knowledge. Under the training of the Church of Dawn, he became a magician and advanced to legend many years later.

  Senna is the leader of all church personnel in the Grant Kingdom. If Mavilla does not use the artifact, his strength will be worse than Senna due to old age and frailty.

  (End of chapter)

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