Chapter 142 The murmurs of the dead

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  Chapter 142: The Whispers of the Dead

  Archbishop Sena unleashed the regeneration of the legendary magical world, creating a tiny world that stood between the two planes.

  The new world is connected to both the plane of dawn and the realm of the dead.

  This brand new world is very critical to blocking the plane passage.

  After creating the miniature world, Archbishop Senna began to arrange the magic circle and build the altar. It would take three days to block the plane passage.

  The mission of Richard and others is to guard the miniature world.

  As long as we hold on for three days, the operation will be considered complete.

  There were tens of thousands of undead on the opposite side. Although some were cleared away by Mavela and high-level priests, the rest were still flowing towards the plane passage.

  The vast majority of undead creatures are not very intelligent and have no fear of death.

  Smelling the fresh souls of the Dawn Plane, it has attracted all the undead from a thousand miles around the gap in the plane passage.

  The priests had just released the magic of mass destruction, and the magicians immediately stepped forward.

  Nine-ring magician Pansy Grant led the mage group and released more than thirty large-scale destructive magic at the same time.

  In an instant, fire dragons, hurricanes, and lightning appeared around the undead at the same time.

  These large-scale magics can sweep away a large area.

  After a round of spell strikes, the undead immediately suffered more than a thousand casualties.

  At the same time, the knight squad stepped forward and blocked the front line.

  The knights also have magical power, especially the knights of the Jonathan family. They also release dragon flame breath, spitting out streams of flames at the undead.

  Ten rays of dragon flame breath magic formed a large sea of ​​​​fire, burning hundreds of undead.

  Richard was not familiar with the Grant mages, and their cooperation was not very tacit. He followed Roger and cooperated with the knights in fighting.

  Richard used the enchanted sword to continuously slash at the undead skeletons that came up.

  The sword is attached with fighting spirit and can easily cut off the bones of the undead. A single tip of the sword can extinguish the soul fire.

  Powerful undead have professional levels. Every time an undead professional is killed, a prompt will sound from the attribute panel.

  Richard had decided not to use the killing experience. Hearing the continuous experience reminders, he became particularly annoyed.

  Although the number of undead was a hundred times that of the blocking team, they had no tactics or coordination. They just swarmed forward and no members of the blocking team were hurt yet.

  Suddenly, a red light appeared among the undead. The red light was so dazzling that everyone present seemed to have lost focus.

  "Be careful, it's the legendary lich."

  Senna shouted to remind everyone. But the reminder was a little slower.

  A dazzling six-pointed star appeared in the red light. The six-pointed star suddenly exploded and exploded into a very huge blood flower.

  Endless blood gushes out from the Flower of Blood, making a loud noise like a landslide and a tsunami. With the six-pointed star as the center, it roars and spreads outward.

  The exploding sea of ​​blood was densely packed with countless arms desperately grabbing outwards, and an aura of madness, fear, and extreme despair filled the entire miniature world.

  Thousands of people trapped in the sea of ​​blood, making desperate and futile struggles before drowning, are like countless dead people in the sea of ​​blood in hell, trying to drag everyone they catch into the sea of ​​blood, and together they will be trapped in the sea of ​​blood forever. , beyond redemption!

  Everything is like a living hell being summoned to the world. These dead people spoke a language that Richard could not understand, but he could completely understand the fear and cries of the dead.

  Suddenly, powerful negative energy surged into Richard's heart, making him feel very depressed.

  As if suffering from severe depression, Richard couldn't lift his spirits and even had a desire to commit suicide.

  Such a powerful method was the first legendary magic released by the Lich, Whispers of the Dead.

  Anyone affected by the whispers of the deceased has the intention to commit suicide. After death, the soul will also be enslaved by the lich and will never be free.

  This undead magic has a huge range. As long as you hear the voice of the dead, you will be affected by the power of magic.

  Those who can resist this magic can only rely on the power of soul magic to soothe and get rid of this special feeling, in addition to their own will.

  Soul magic is very difficult to learn. Many magicians spend their entire lives learning it and find it difficult to understand it.

  Affected by the deceased's murmurs, Richard endured the discomfort and immediately cast a requiem spell on himself.

  After using Requiem, although he didn't get completely better, he no longer felt that severe sense of oppression mentally.

  Seeing that Duke Roger and others around him were affected by the whispers of the dead, Richard was not afraid of the loss of mental power and released seven or eight requiem spells in succession, which made the knights around him feel slightly better.

  At the same time, Pansy Grant, president of the Grant Kingdom Magician Association, also successfully released a second-ring domain spell to calm the mind and make everyone feel better.

  Pansy Grant released this group domain spell and invested ten points of spiritual power. The power of the spell effect was equivalent to the eighth ring.

  Even though the effect of group domain spells is far less than that of single-target spells, the spiritual improvement for everyone is still better than the requiem spell released by Richard.

  The benefits of mastering many spells can be seen from this.

  Although I was still a little tired, I finally no longer felt like committing suicide at any time.

  Seeing the dead in the sea of ​​blood coming to kill them, Richard, Roger and others used the enchanted weapons in their hands to dance airtight with fighting spirit to protect themselves and avoid being dragged into the sea of ​​blood by countless arms.

  Seeing that the blood sea is still spreading, the knight has strong melee combat ability and can protect himself from the attacks of the dead in the blood sea. The magician has weak melee combat ability. Once caught by the dead in the blood sea, it is impossible to survive.

  Senna's magic power still needs to be retained to block the plane passage. Duke Jonathan is a legendary knight and is not suitable for fighting the lich. Cardinal Mavilla stood up at the critical moment.

  I saw him leading four high-level priests, chanting the Holy Word at the same time, and using the seven-ring divine spell Holy Word.

  The five seven-ring magic was released and immediately suppressed the murmurs of the deceased.

  After hearing the holy words of the high-level priest, some undead souls with less resentment were freed and turned into streaks of blue smoke.

  As the number of undead decreased, the power of the Blood Sea weakened slightly.

  When the lich hiding in the sea of ​​blood saw this scene, he immediately sent out a shrill soul wave.

  "Odulas, if you don't take action, I'm leaving."

  "Sugard, let me help you."

  Undead creatures communicate not through sound, as skeletons have long since lost their vocal organs. They communicate through soul fluctuations, which according to Richard's understanding, are a special type of electromagnetic waves.

  As long as you learn to listen to soul spells, you can understand the language of the dead.

  Richard doesn't know how to listen to souls yet, and he can't understand the language between the undead, but there are many magicians in the team, many of whom are very knowledgeable and have mastered the listening to souls spell. Through their translation, Richard knows that there should be two at the scene. Legendary undead.

  (End of chapter)

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