Chapter 139 Morning Holy Light

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  Chapter 139 Dawn Holy Light
  Richard received the call-up order in August and put down the rebellion in September.

  He was preparing to lead his troops back to the Harland territory, but was summoned by Cardinal Mavilla of the Church of the Dawn.

  When he heard Ma Weila summoned him, Richard's expression suddenly changed.

  Although the pastor of Morningside Church didn't say anything, when he thought about it, he knew that it must be about the plane passage.

  The plane passage involves the realm of the dead, and this operation may be dangerous.

  Richard couldn't hide and was unwilling to participate at all, but when Maweila summoned him, it was impossible to avoid him.

  Maweila is the Cardinal of the Church of Dawn, an assistant to the Pope of Dawn, and he is also a powerful second-level legendary priest.

  Such a big shot's status in the Dawn Plane can already be compared with that of King Charles.

  They summoned Richard by name, so even if he had to bite the bullet, he should still go and see him.

  Richard asked his uncle Soros to lead the troops back first, and then he went to the City of Victory to meet Mavilla.

  Uncle Soros gained a lot from this battle, and together with his eldest cousin Kent, he gained eight medium merits and nine minor merits.

  Uncle Soros's team has accumulated more than half of the merits before being granted the title of baron.

  Second cousin Morgan also advanced to the second-level knight this year and was promoted to the rank of captain in the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade of the Northern Army.

  The three members of his uncle's family worked hard, and according to Richard's estimation, he should be able to become a hereditary baron in ten years.

  Arriving at the City of Victory, Richard saw large areas of ruins.

  There are traces of explosions in many places, and it seems that alchemy bombs were also used.

  According to public information, the Grant Kingdom cannot yet create magic alchemy bombs.

  The cost of purchasing alchemy bombs is very high. It seems that in order to put down the rebellion as soon as possible, Duke Roger also invested many precious resources.

  Richard went directly to the City of Victory Dawn Church.

  The original church had been burned down due to the war, and priests and believers were collecting construction debris.

  Bishop Mavilla, like ordinary priests, wears coarse cloth and carries garbage by himself.

  Mavilla is a tall and thin old man with a very ordinary appearance. He looks very old, but his eyes are extremely bright. There are deep wrinkles on his face, revealing the vicissitudes and wisdom of the years.

  There was a dark blue badge hanging on his chest. The badge exuded rich holy light, making Richard feel like he was bathing in the sun.

  Maweila took off the Dawn Badge and recited a scripture devoutly. The holy light on the badge became stronger and stronger, shining on Richard's body.

  After the morning light shone in, I immediately felt my body heat up, and there was also a sense of fragmentation in my soul.

  It is as if two powerful forces in the soul are at war.

  Richard gritted his teeth and endured the intense pain.

  When he was on Earth, his ability to endure pain was higher than that of ordinary people. He was not afraid of injections when he was two or three years old, and he did not cry when his arm was broken when he was nine years old.

  After traveling through time, Richard's willpower seemed to be strengthened.

  Even though his soul was cut into pieces, as if cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, Richard still gritted his teeth and resisted with all his strength.

  "Child, it seems that the goddess is very fond of you! But you must be careful in the future and don't use the power of the God of Slaughter easily. This will not do you any good. The more you use the power of the God of Slaughter, the more likely it is that he will be resurrected

  . Big. When He revives in you, you will lose yourself, and your life will become an insignificant memory of Him."

  What Maweila said, because of the severe pain, Richard did not listen. clear.

  Just as Richard was persisting, a mysterious picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

  A colorful ray of light wrapped around a silver necklace.

  Memories that have been buried for a long time emerge in my mind.

  This silver necklace is a souvenir that Richard bought while traveling abroad in his previous life. Judging from the style and workmanship, it should be an old item from before World War II.

  When he was on Earth in his previous life, Richard liked to wear this necklace very much. After traveling through time, this memory suddenly disappeared. It was not until the morning light illuminated this memory that it was recalled in Richard's mind.

  Suddenly, Richard had some speculations in his mind and decided not to use killing experience to increase his level.

  All gifts given by fate have their prices secretly marked.

  Richard suddenly remembered this sentence.

  Relying on their killing experience, in just a few years, warriors and magicians have advanced to the fourth level.

  If you continue to rely on killing experience, you may be in big trouble in the future.

  There is a god of killing in this world, although this evil god has been missing for more than 10,000 years.

  It is said that the power of rules controlled by the God of Killing is to kill the enemy and extract the energy of the enemy's body and soul to strengthen himself.

  This kind of ability once made Richard think a lot.

  When he saw the records about the God of Slaughter in the Vic Castle, Richard felt a little worried.

  Because of his ability to gain experience by killing enemies, he is similar to the God of Slaughter.

  He was originally a little wary of this ability, but after using his killing experience to advance, he seemed to be addicted.

  The cruel reality does not allow him to make progress slowly.

  Today's scene made Richard's guess a little clearer.

  Decided not to use kill experience to level up.

  Even if he doesn't use killing experience, Richard can still use the attribute panel.

  Accumulate experience in practice through feedback from the attribute panel. In this way, even if the advancement speed is slow, the security is increased a lot.

  Moreover, Richard vaguely heard Maweila's instructions, telling him not to use the power of the God of Slaughter.

  After the holy light disappeared, Richard quietly opened the properties panel.

  The killing experience has exceeded 60,000 points. Because of inner worries, Richard is not going to use the killing experience to advance.

  Now his combat power is slightly stronger than that of the seventh-level silver knight.

  More than 30 points of mental power are roughly equivalent to a seventh-ring magician, and 16 points of strength can rival a fifth-level warrior.

  As Richard masters more magic, his strength will increase. When Richard masters dozens of magics, his combat ability will be comparable to that of the Golden Knight.

  The eighth-level golden knight is stronger than the ninth-level warrior, and this strength is enough for Richard to stand firm.

  After the holy light entered Richard's body, his mental power increased by six points, and he also learned three spells in the mental power space.

  It is said that in times when gods are active, they can easily grant power.

  As long as you have a devout faith and gain the attention of the gods, you can become a priest. A powerful priest can even rival the legendary magician.

  After the Seven Gods fell asleep, only a few priests could borrow artifacts to obtain the gods' gifts and become priests. Nowadays, after members of Dawn Church become pastors, if they want to improve their level, they have to rely on their own practice.

  The secret method practiced by priests is called the Holy Light Method. To practice this method, one needs to conform one's behavior to the teachings of the church.

  The closer it is to the doctrines formulated by the gods, the closer the soul is to the Kingdom of Dawn, and it can use the power emanating from the Kingdom of God to condense its spiritual power and gain stronger power.

  Many of the teachings formulated by the Dawn Goddess are ideal and not easy to realize.

  It is more difficult for priests in the Age of Kings to advance to legend than for magicians.

  In the past three thousand years, the central power of the Church of the Seven Gods has also shifted from the favored ones to the knights and magicians, but the pope, high priest, and cardinal are still held by legendary priests.

  As has been the habit for many years, the pastor still holds control of Morningside Church.

  (End of chapter)

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