Chapter 13 Fierce battle at the city head

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  Chapter 13: Fierce Battle at the City Head. Richard

  looked around and found Ron standing on the top of the city wall, looking nervous and gloomy.

  The Hayden team was a reserve team and was under the command of Brown. Because the city wall blocked the view, Richard could not see the specific situation.

  Not long after, hundreds of orcs rushed toward Castle No. 3 in a scattered formation.

  There were about three squadrons of the orc army that rushed over. The types were relatively mixed. They included not only the snake-like heavy infantry that Richard had seen, but also low-level units such as kobolds and satyrs. The leader was a fourth-level tauren commander. .

  The four harpies were constantly hovering in the air, apparently trying to swoop down on the city. Cooperate with ground troops in combat.

  "Oops, the orcs actually used Fortress No. 3 as the focus of their attack! For the first time in the battle, they actually strengthened the special units and invested more than half of the troops." Richard was shocked and immediately ordered the messenger to

  request reinforcements from Diarra.

  Squadron leader Diarra was also very decisive. He immediately believed in Richard's judgment and sent the reserve team to the front line of city defense. He also blew the horn for help and asked Captain Sharp for help.

  Richard roughly counted and found that there were more than twenty orc professionals attacking the No. 3 fortress.

  Four third-level harpies, six third-level snakes, one fourth-level tauren, and the remaining dozen or so professional soldiers are all first and second levels.

  If this group of orc professionals were allowed to climb the city wall, the Sixth Squadron would suffer heavy casualties in a short period of time, and the castle would be lost so close that they would be unable to resist it.

  Before he could think too much, when he saw the orc forward entering the shooting range, Richard immediately drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot the first arrow.

  Before the war began, William sent enchanted bows and arrows.

  This enchanted bow is at level four.

  The bow arm uses the antlers of a third-level monster long-horned deer and the trunk of a fourth-level Sun God tree.

  The material of the bow string is inferior, only the tendons of the second-level monsters are used. If it is replaced with high-end materials, there is still room for improvement in the grade of this bow.

  This bow and arrow is the equipment that William has used for many years. It is worth more than 200 gold coins, which is more expensive than a second-level Warcraft horse.

  This arrow was aimed at the first-order kobold. The arrow cut through the air, made a sharp sound, and instantly pierced the kobold's eyes.

  The battlefield was in chaos, and the kobolds had no time to react. A scream came out, and they immediately crawled to the ground limply and died on the way to attack the city.

  The kobold had just died, and there was a ding in Richard's mind.

  "Killing the first-order kobold will reward you with 500 experience points."

  Richard silently opened the attributes panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.8
  Mental Power: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 4 (216/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (521/4000)

  Archery: Level 4 ( 523/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (456/4000)

  Northern Legion Combat Skill: Level 2 (581/2000)

  Richard has been training hard every day these days, especially the Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique, which cost a lot time, even in a busy day there is no stopping.

  His efforts were not in vain, as shown in the attribute panel, various skills and experience increased.

  The war was urgent, and after receiving the killing experience prompt, Richard hurriedly closed the attribute panel in his mind and focused on the battlefield.

  Richard fired the first arrow, followed closely by a dozen veterans of the Sixth Legion with accurate archery skills. They opened their bows and shot arrows at the orcs who were rushing at the front.

  Veterans who have been in the army for many years have extraordinary archery skills. According to Richard's estimation, many of them are very good at archery and have reached the third level of basic archery. There are a few powerful ones whose archery skills can rival Richard's.

  The dozen or so arrows were extremely accurate and shot down seven or eight enemies in an instant.

  Eight heavy arrows were aimed at a first-level goat-headed man. Two arrows pierced the goat-body man's lower limbs, four arrows hit the torso, and the other two missed. There are more than a dozen veterans of the Sixth Squadron. Although they have not advanced to become professionals, they have been practicing breathing techniques for several years. Most of them are middle-level apprentices with more than 4 points of strength, which is better than Hayden.

  Most of these people are team captains, deputy captains, and serve as grassroots officers. Several of them joined forces to attack, and they cooperated very well, killing the Goat professional immediately. In a chaotic battlefield, low-level professionals are just cannon fodder and worthless.

  There were casualties and blood, which made the orcs' desire to attack even stronger.

  The archers kept unfurling their bows and nocking arrows, shooting out rounds of arrows.

  Each volley will take away more than a dozen orc soldiers. After three rounds of volley, the orcs have fallen more than thirty soldiers, three professionals have also been killed, and two others have been injured, and their combat effectiveness has been weakened. Quite a few.

  After three rounds of arrow rain, the orc army was already fifty meters away from the city wall. The sheep-headed men and wild boar men took up their slings and fired stone bullets at the top of the city.

  The stones came over, immediately injuring and killing some soldiers, causing a trace of chaos on the city wall.

  Even Richard's chest was hit by a stone. Severe pain was felt and his body was covered in black and blue.

  Richard endured the pain, his eyes widened, and he stared at the battlefield carefully. He saw a recruit whose legs were weak and looked as if he was about to drop his weapon. Richard kicked him hard, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was eating someone.

  "Draw a bow and shoot arrows, and don't let your legs weaken.

  Whoever dares to take a step back will not be recognized by the long sword in my hand.

  If I, Richard, take a step back, you can also hack me to death with random swords.

  Today I will stand on the top of the city and fight with you. Let’s kill the orcs together.

  Victory belongs to us! Honor belongs to the Sixth Squadron!
  We are invincible, brave and courageous!”


















  A squadron is equipped with only nine arrows. If they are used up, it will be difficult to replenish them in wartime.

  Three enchanted crossbows, equipped with nine arrows, are the trump card of the main legion infantry squadron. They hit the vital point and are enough to kill mid-level professionals. More than half of the casualties suffered when they swooped down on the city. The remaining two harpies suddenly panicked and did not dare to approach the city. They could only hover helplessly at high altitude.

  (End of chapter)

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