Chapter 138 Medical Development

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  Chapter 138 Medical Development
  After the war, Richard came to the field hospital.

  Since the beginning of the war, the hospital led by Adrian has developed rapidly in terms of trauma treatment.

  The first is anatomical knowledge. During the counter-insurgency war for more than a month, field hospitals had no shortage of corpses.

  One or two cadavers can be dissected every day, and both doctors and nurses have rich anatomy experience.

  In his previous life, Richard heard from a high school classmate who was studying medicine that he only had a few dissection practices in seven years of studying medicine.

  Now when it comes to understanding anatomy, the surgeons in Harland's territory are much better than the college students in the previous life.

  Although some of these doctors are still illiterate, they have done more autopsies and have a deeper understanding of body organs.

  After the battle, Richard used the blood identification spell, and the hospital started a blood transfusion experiment, successfully curing two wounded soldiers who lost excessive blood.

  In addition, after the glass kiln was put into operation, some medical equipment was also added.

  Before the war began, territorial glaziers had already blown chopstick-thin hollow glass tubes.

  The prerequisites for making glass hollow tubes, mercury thermometers, and mercury sphygmomanometers are mature.

  After receiving the recruitment order, Richard described two types of medical equipment in detail, and then asked the craftsmen in the territory to find ways to make some.

  After learning how to blow glass products, it is not difficult to make thermometers and blood pressure monitors.

  The principle of the thermometer is to measure the expansion or contraction of the mercury column under temperature changes to measure body temperature.

  The sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure by wrapping a cuff around the arm, then using a pneumatic pump to inject gas into the cuff, causing the air pressure to gradually increase, causing the cuff to compress the arm, and finally using mercury to measure the pressure of blood flow. .

  Before building these two instruments, Richard conducted air pressure experiments and found that the atmospheric pressure of Chenxi Continent was slightly greater than that of the earth, about 1.2 times that of the earth.

  Through the conversion of air pressure, it is easy to mark the scale and make original thermometers and sphygmomanometers.

  During this time, doctors in field hospitals have gained a clearer understanding of body temperature and blood pressure.

  Simply talking about surgical knowledge, he is slightly better than the barefoot doctors in the countryside in his previous life.

  After all, he has seen a lot. He has dissected more than a hundred corpses and treated hundreds of injuries.

  Anesthesia, sterility, and blood transfusion, Harland Territory has completed the three basic requirements for surgery.

  With these three foundations and the development of anatomy, the surgical level of the hospital has been greatly improved.

  Although magical healing has immediate effects, it has great limitations in treating injuries and illnesses.

  Especially for the injured with internal bleeding, although magic healing can stop the bleeding, the congestion in the internal organs cannot be discharged, making it very troublesome for the body to absorb it.

  After surgery, it can be treated with medical treatment.

  Magic combined with science, the healing effect is extraordinary.

  Some organic lesions cannot be cured even by magical treatments, but surgery can remove the diseased organs.

  Through observation, Richard discovered that Adrian led the doctors to perform three major surgeries without his help.

  One had a gunshot wound, bleeding from the liver in the abdomen, one had a stab wound to the stomach and had a ruptured intestine, and one had a lung injury from an arrow.

  According to Richard's estimation, these three operations could not be performed by the county hospital in his previous life. To treat such severe trauma, he had to go to a top-level hospital in the city, and the chance of saving his life was not high, estimated to be less than half.

  However, the field hospital led by Adrian, relying on the help of magical healing techniques and lack of medicines, successfully completed three operations, and all three wounded soldiers survived.

  The effect of magic healing combined with surgery can be seen from this.

  Under the treatment of field hospitals, the survival rate of seriously injured personnel has increased a lot. As long as these seriously wounded soldiers recover from their injuries, they will become excellent soldiers. The hospital's surgical level will improve, which will also be a positive cycle for the development of the territory.

  In addition to surgical operations, the hospital has also accumulated a lot of experience in the treatment of orthopedic injuries.

  Fighting is indispensable on the battlefield, and soldiers will be injured in every battle.

  By treating these patients, doctors basically know some bone-setting techniques. If combined with magical treatment, the effect is very outstanding.

  Because of the help of surgical treatment techniques, the level of doctors has directly improved into the twentieth century.

  The development of internal medicine was very slow.

  Only by accumulating experience can we use herbal medicine to treat some simple diseases.

  Limited by industrial level and scientific knowledge, modern internal medicine still has no hope.

  Traditional internal medicine, because this world has great restrictions on the spread of knowledge, and the doctors in the Harland territory have not accumulated much experience, so they cannot develop an empirical science similar to traditional Chinese medicine in a short time.

  However, the system of the hospital led by Adrian should be the most advanced in the world.

  Every patient who enters the hospital has his own medical history.

  Through the summary of cases, a lot of medical experience can be gained.

  After staying in the field hospital for a few days and cooperating with the doctors to treat many wounded soldiers, Richard felt quite gratified in the process.

  The greatest romance for a man is to change the world.

  Although Richard did not have the power to change the plane of dawn, he still left his footprints in this world and made it a better place.

  After returning from the field hospital, Richard decided to increase investment in medicine and accelerate the development of medicine.

  After returning to the territory, he planned to let Sophia use the crystal ball to test all the doctors and nurses to see if any of them had magic talents.

  In addition, key officers and grassroots bureaucrats who have been in the territory for three years are all within the scope of the talent test.

  Richard is planning to spread the meditation method on a larger scale like the breathing method.

  Not long after the war ended, the merits of the last battle were also distributed.

  Richard killed the sixth-level cavalry commander and was rewarded with a great merit. He killed the Boiling Blood Convert and the Rebel Professional and was rewarded with nine medium merits in total. He teamed up with Baron Deyang to eliminate the rebel cavalry. The two of them shared a great merit. , Richard obtained five medium merit.

  Counting the medium skill and two minor skills gained just after entering Canyon County.

  There are four major merits, three medium merits and eight minor merits obtained by annihilating Brenner County.

  Throughout the entire counter-insurgency war, Richard received six major merits and nine medium merits. He was not far away from receiving the next territory.

  In addition to gaining military exploits, the biggest gain of Harland's territory in this battle was the population of 18,000.

  With this population of 18,000, the territory will develop faster and its foundation will be more solid.

  Counting these 18,000 people, the population in the territory exceeds 43,000.

  With a population of 43,000, it was already the largest among the dozen or so hereditary barons in Heihe County. Looking to the entire Gedda Province, baronies with a population of 40,000 were very rare.

  Even the wealthy Baron Franklin was assigned a group of refugees, and the population in the territory was only 38,000.

  (End of chapter)

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