Chapter 137 The end of counterinsurgency

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  Chapter 137: The end of the counter-rebellion.
  Richard stood on the observation deck and saw a group of rebels starting to take blood-boiling potions. He immediately sent the fifty alchemy bombs he had prepared to the grenadiers.

  Although the Warcraft Cavalry is not around, Richard still has alchemy bombs to use.

  People who use blood-boiling potions become fanatical and stupid.

  On the battlefield, only smart soldiers can live well and make military exploits.

  Stupid people are slow to react. Once the battlefield situation changes, it is difficult to respond correctly.

  Faced with the impact of the Boiling Blood converts, Richard was not particularly worried.

  Seeing the boiling blood, the converts rushed forward feverishly and entered the grenadier's throwing range.

  The grenadiers waved their arms and threw alchemical bombs into the crowd of boiling blood converts.

  In an instant, gunpowder smoke filled the air, shrapnel flew everywhere, and the bloody converts suffered heavy casualties.

  After fifty alchemical bombs were dropped, the Boiling Blood Converts had already suffered thirty or forty casualties.

  The Boiling Blood converts didn't care about the casualties, and the remaining sixty or seventy were still charging towards the military station ferociously.

  Richard used his bow and arrow and shot and killed several Boiling Blood converts. Unfortunately, these people were still ordinary people, and there was no killing experience to gain from killing the Boiling Blood converts.

  The physical fitness of the Boiling Blood converts is close to that of the professionals. Their speed is very fast, and they can cover a distance of one hundred meters in just six or seven seconds.

  Seeing that the bloody converts were about to climb up the wall of the village and rush into the military station.

  Richard immediately used the powerful spider web technique. He invested eight points of mental power at once, and a huge magic spider web five meters wide and thirty meters long appeared on the ground, instantly clinging to more than twenty blood-boiling converts.

  Seeing that the Boiling Blood converts could not move, the veterans in the military station started shooting arrows. After a second or two, these twenty or so Boiling Blood converts were covered with arrows and died on the spot.

  After two rounds of attacks, the remaining forty or so Boiling Blood converts climbed up the wall and rushed into the camp.

  Although the Boiling Blood Converts are powerful, there are also many veterans in the military station. They work in groups of three or five and cooperate with professional officers to fight against the Boiling Blood Converts.

  For a time, blood and flesh flew everywhere in the military station, causing heavy casualties.

  Richard stood on a high place and continuously shot cold arrows to kill the bloody converts who entered the camp. In less than a minute, he successfully shot eight people.

  Seeing that Richard's threat was too great, the rebel commander immediately dispatched more than ten sharp archers to sneak up on Richard with bows and arrows.

  The arrow came and was blocked by the powerful energy shield released by Richard in advance.

  The energy shield released by investing four points of mental power blocked ten cold arrows and the shield shattered.

  The danger of being targeted by more than a dozen sharp archers is very high.

  Richard hurriedly jumped down from the observation tower and hid in the crowd.

  The Boiling Blood converts rushed into the camp, and the rebel commander immediately sent the third echelon into battle, taking the opportunity to widen the gap and defeat the enemy.

  The third echelon is already the reserve team of the rebels, with a total of more than 600 people.

  As soon as these more than 600 people crossed the moat, they were hit by rounds of arrows, killing many people immediately.

  At the same time, more than ten Boiling Blood converts in the camp were killed and injured, and there were less than twenty Boiling Blood converts left.

  Richard ordered Martin to command the first squadron, the fifth squadron, and the eighth squadron to suppress the main force of the rebels. He led his own soldiers and Sharp's squadron to surround and annihilate the bloody converts.

  After reorganizing the serf soldiers brought out by Baron Rice, the infantry squadron commanded by Richard already had 300 people.

  The quality of this squadron under Baron Sharp is good, and many of them are veterans of the Eighth Battalion. After incorporating the serf soldiers, they still had a numerical advantage, and with the addition of Richard Sharp's two killing stars, the remaining Boiling Blood converts were quickly killed.

  The rebel commander had just approached the wall of the village, and Richard and Sharp had already cleared away the enemies in the camp. Although the rebels were of better quality, with the protection of the camp, Richard was able to repulse the onslaught of rebels.

  The rebels had just retreated and reorganized their formation.

  Baron Deyang has arrived nearby with his cavalry.

  Facing the charge of more than 200 Warcraft cavalry, the rebels immediately collapsed.

  Seeing that the rebels' defeat was certain, Richard immediately led his troops out of the camp and cooperated with Baron Dejan to annihilate the cavalry in one fell swoop.

  During the battle, Richard also seized the opportunity and killed the rebel commander Huo Fen'en, a sixth-level warrior.

  Killing a sixth-level warrior is a great merit, and killing a hundred boiling-blooded converts is another great merit. In addition, the command merit in this battle and the merit of killing the rebel professional are also rewarded.

  Richard is very close to being granted the second barony.

  After the battle, Richard ordered the soldiers to cut off the heads of the Boiling Blood converts and pile the bodies together and burn them.

  The flames burning the corpses in the military station burned until noon the next day before the rebel corpses were completely burned.

  Soldiers who died in battle would also have their bodies cremated and put in clay pots to bring to their relatives in the territory.

  The soldiers commanded by Richard suffered heavy casualties in this battle.

  The First Squadron had thirty-two killed and sixty-one minor or serious injuries, including more than fifty veteran casualties.

  The Fifth Squadron suffered twenty-eight killed and forty-six minor and serious injuries, and more than forty veteran casualties.

  The Eighth Squadron suffered the heaviest casualties, with fifty-six killed and eighty-seven casualties. The vast majority of casualties were serf soldiers.

  Sharp's squadron suffered twenty-six killed and forty-one slightly wounded.

  The total of the four squadrons, plus the loss of Richard's personal soldiers, resulted in approximately 380 casualties.

  After this battle, Richard did not participate in the next battle.

  Baron Deyang led the Warcraft Cavalry to participate in the siege of the City of Victory.

  The siege was very brutal. The coalition of serf soldiers and nobles suffered more than 10,000 casualties.

  In the end, Cardinal Mavilla of the Church of the Dawn used the artifact Dawn Badge to kill the Night Walker Marlo, and finally won the victory with difficulty.

  In this counter-insurgency war, although there was no large-scale mobilization of the main army to defend against the orcs, the casualties were not light at all.

  Due to the rebellion created by the cultists, Canyon County lost 60,000 people, Brenner County lost about 10,000 people, and Wright County lost several thousand people.

  Nine barons were killed in the battle. Counting the noble serf army, the Grant Kingdom lost 16,000 soldiers and the main force also lost 5,000 people.

  In addition, due to the deliberate destruction by the cultists, a dimensional passage to the world of the dead was opened on the mountain roads in Brenner and Canyon counties.

  Closing this plane channel is also very troublesome.

  After this rebellion, because the mayor of Canyon County had been killed by the rebels, the responsibility was traced to the provincial level.

  The provincial consul Jerram was transferred back to the royal capital. Although this was good news for Richard, his replacement was named Belet Holland, and he was still a member of the Holland family.

  Adelais, who was supported by Richard, was successfully promoted this time and became the deputy consul of the province.

  In the upper echelons of Geda Province, there is finally a spokesperson for the interests of the Haaland family.

  (End of chapter)

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