Chapter 131 Detecting Evil

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  Chapter 131 Detecting Evil
  The reason why Richard went out with the main force this time was to seize the population and strengthen himself while taking advantage of the chaos.

  To purchase a population of 18,000, more than 90,000 gold coins are needed. With the current income of Harland Territory, it would probably take several years to accumulate 90,000 gold coins.

  Nowadays, although the territory has a lot of revenue, its expenses are also very huge. With eight infantry squadrons and one cavalry squadron, the military expenditure exceeds 10,000 gold coins every year.

  Starting from next spring, more than 5,000 serfs will become freedmen, and the revenue the territory extracts from indentured servants will be reduced by a few points.

  But a war directly destroyed two wealthy baronies.

  Everyone like Richard and other officers who led troops to suppress the rebellion had their share, swallowing up more than a hundred years of accumulation of the two baronies.

  As the supreme commander, Richard naturally got the biggest share.

  After the failure of the Battle of Osma, the Brenner rebels were in despair. Baron Plani, with a few squadrons of soldiers, quickly drove away the small number of rebels and recovered the two lost baronies.

  These two baronies are now deserted, and their populations and gold coins have been wiped out. Only a solitary castle remains standing in the wilderness.

  If you want to restore the vitality of the two territories, you need to invest a lot of gold coins. I wonder if the new baron can afford this fund?
  In addition to being allocated a population of 18,000, the biggest gain is dozens of enchanted weapons. The most valuable ones are ten enchanted armors and sixteen enchanted bows.

  These enchanted weapons were all seized from the rebel priests and were assigned to the Warcraft Cavalry by Richard.

  The gold coins may have been transferred by Gao Liwen. Only 8,000 gold coins were seized. Many nobles shared one cent, and there was not much left at all.

  Richard received 3,000 pieces. With this windfall, Richard planned to continue to purchase iron horned horses to expand the number of Warcraft cavalry.

  In the Battle of Osma, the Warcraft Cavalry showed its might.

  Although the cost of building an army is extremely high, Richard is still planning to expand the Warcraft Cavalry to the size of a squadron.

  Three thousand gold coins can buy thirty or forty iron horned horses, doubling the number of Warcraft cavalry.

  Without receiving new military orders, Richard led the Heihe County coalition forces to rest in Osma City, while Martin and Vito escorted 20,000 refugees back to Heihe County.

  After sending Martin and others away, the pastor of the Dawn Church began to deal with the captured cultists.

  Within the Church of Dawn, a kind of magic has been developed. This magic is called detecting evil. After releasing this magic on a person, a special light will appear on the person.

  If the light is golden or white, it means that the person is a good person; if the light is black or red, it means that the person is full of evil.

  Through the magic of detect evil, most cultists can be identified.

  Especially the believers of the God of Killing, who believe in the power of killing, there are basically few good people.

  After seeing this kind of magic, Richard was immediately moved.

  As a lord, if you learn this magic, you will be able to distinguish between good guys and bad guys.

  Magic that can distinguish good from evil is a very important benefit to the ruling class.

  Richard found the bishop of the Dawn Church in Brenner County, hoping to use blood type identification in exchange for detecting evil.

  New spells are exchanged for new spells, which is very fair in the world of magicians.

  The bishop of Brenner County did not have such broad authority, so he immediately reported it to the provincial diocese.

  After receiving the letter, the provincial bishop Deng Lejin immediately agreed to Richard's request.

  The Church of Dawn has developed this new magic and actually has plans to popularize it.

  The power of the church, although powerful, was dispersed in different kingdoms. Facing the endless stream of cultists causing trouble, I was also a little exhausted.

  Cultists were not only enemies of the church, but also a serious concern of the lords.

  The lords learned to detect evil, which was a good thing for the church.

  Moreover, Richard also used blood type identification magic in exchange.

  Blood type identification is a new magic in the direction of blood, and this direction has a very bright future.

  Even though Richard created this magic just to identify blood types, it opened a new window to the magical world. For the first time, magicians discovered a new secret in blood, and this secret was blood type.

  As magicians gain a deeper understanding of blood types, they will create more blood-oriented magic.

  The number of magicians within the church far exceeds that of the Harland territory.

  The discovery of this new breakthrough is of great significance to the church magicians. It is very likely that a series of blood type magic will be created, which will greatly increase the advantage of the Church of Dawn on the mainland.

  After the exchange, both parties felt that they had taken advantage and were deeply afraid that the other party would regret it. The bishop of Brenner even left Osma overnight.

  Shortly after the war ended, Alderman Edles held a celebratory dinner.

  Most of the transactions between nobles were conducted through banquets and secret rooms.

  Since the powerful Rule Wizard was defeated and the Seven Gods fell into sleep, the Dawn Plane entered the age of kingship.

  The age of kingship is the age of demons.

  Even a powerful legendary magician cannot compete with a legion in a head-on battle.

  Even a squadron of Warcraft Cavalry can break the shield of a legendary mage by releasing more than a hundred magic at a time.

  According to thousands of years of experience, the strength of a legendary warrior is equivalent to three regular army squadrons.

  A legendary knight can compete with a regular army.

  The legendary magician is more powerful, not only with powerful explosive power, but also with various weird methods.

  A head-on battle requires a squadron of Warcraft cavalry and five squadrons of elite infantry to have a chance of winning.

  If a legendary magician makes a sneak attack, even a kingdom will have a headache in the face of such a super terrorist.

  The only option is to turn to the prophecy mage and set traps in advance.

  These are only the strengths of the legendary first level. The legendary fourth level far exceeds the legendary first level. The power of the legendary fourth level is enough to confront a main army head-on and have strategic initiative.

  A legendary fourth level is enough to intimidate a human kingdom and make hundreds of thousands of troops afraid to act rashly.

  However, there are only a few people of the fourth level of legend on the Dawn Continent, and they are all leaders of super powerful forces.

  Even such a super strong man will still be besieged by the human kingdom. There are also many legendary fourth-level people who have fallen in history. In the

  era of demons, no one can be invincible in the world. A legendary warrior cannot even suppress a baron.

  For example, Harland's territory is now stronger than the legendary knights, and the power it holds in its hands has exceeded that of a regular army brigade.

  In this case, compromise and exchange of interests between nobles became eternal.

  The banquet held by Adelais tonight was neither big nor small, and was held in the tallest building in the main palace of the castle.

  The small building has three floors in total, and a beautiful garden is built outside the building. On the north side of the first and second floors are large rooms with movable partitions, which can be flexibly divided into halls of various purposes according to the needs of use. On the south side are rooms of different sizes. lounge.

  Half of the third floor is a terrace, and the roof is designed like a rooftop, where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  Adelais is hosting this banquet today and hopes that the nobles attending the banquet will write him a joint letter of recommendation.

  Edles has been a city councilor in Brenner County for six years, and as a rule he was either promoted or transferred.

  There is not much energy behind Adelais, and the chances of promotion are relatively small, and transfers can only go to worse places. If he were transferred to the front line of the orc invasion, his life safety would not be guaranteed.

  Although the prospect is slim, Adelais still hopes to give it a try. If the nobles present write a joint letter of recommendation to him, he can become the agent of the nobles in Heihe and Brenner counties.

  With the support of many nobles, the royal capital had to consider everyone's opinions. Elevate Edles' official position and promote him to the top of the province.

  Even if he fails to become a provincial consul, he is basically guaranteed to be a deputy consul.

  (End of chapter)

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