Chapter 132 Exchange of Interests

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  Chapter 132 Exchange of Interests
  Adelais is not a noble from the Gedda Province. He is the second son of a baron from the Gascoigne Province and entered the civil service system after he became an adult.

  His father, who was close to the previous consul, transferred Adeles to the province of Gedda.

  After thirty years of hard work, Edles climbed to the position of alderman.

  For Adelais's class, the alderman is basically the top.

  To continue climbing up, you need to have some influence in the capital.

  Adelais communicated with each nobleman at the banquet, exchanged interests, won the support of the noblemen, and wrote joint letters.

  When he came to Richard's side, he made it clear directly, promising that as a senior provincial official, he would safeguard the interests of the Harland Territory and prevent the Jerram Consul from formulating official policies that were detrimental to the Harland Territory.

  "How come the conflict between me and the consul is known to everyone?"

  "Gedda Province is not far from the Duke of Jonathan, and the nobles can go to the Duke of Jonathan to buy salt. But everyone is afraid of offending the governor of Jerram Officer, even Viscount Romen wanted to buy salt from him, delivering benefits to the interest group behind Prince Felix.

  Baron Richard organized a caravan to go to the Dukedom of Jonathan to buy salt, and this matter could not be hidden from everyone's eyes.

  Although I don't know the details behind it, Archon Jerram will definitely take revenge on Leader Harland." Richard

  smiled, picked up the red wine, touched it with Adelais, and took a sip.

  "I do have some business conflicts with the executive, but Archon Jerram wants to ease them. During this expedition to counter the rebellion, Archon Jerram even provided me with some weapons and equipment at his own expense. I don't plan to continue next year either

  . By purchasing the salt from Duke Jonathan, you can also provide it to Prince Felix." "

  Baron Richard is a smart man and would not choose to do this. You are a person highly valued by Duke Roger. Duke Roger's attitude is very clear and supports Prince Chris, the Queen’s legitimate son.”

  "You are right, I will support the mayor."

  Richard knew clearly that since he had offended Jerram, he was entrusted with an important task by Duke Roger. In fact, he has become a person on the line of the great prince Chris.

  As a baron, since he is standing in line, he cannot jump left and right. Otherwise, I am afraid that the forces from both sides will attack me and make me no longer human inside and outside.

  Since Duke Roger reused himself, he should repay Duke Roger's kindness from a noble moral point of view. Politically one must side with Duke Roger.

  Richard and Adelais completed the exchange of interests, had a few drinks with several nobles from Brenner County, and returned to the military camp early before the banquet was over.

  Because of his personality, Richard is not suitable for network management.

  When interacting with nobles, acting and hypocrisy are necessary skills.

  In this respect, Richard is not like his father William, but similar to his second uncle Powell. He has a more direct and simple personality and is suitable for pragmatic work.

  But a hereditary aristocratic family must have members who are suitable for communication and expand their connections.

  Having these relationships may not necessarily lead to success, but without these relationships, there is a high probability that bad things will happen.

  In the current Haaland family, William and Mrs. Ola still do this kind of thing.

  Ron is relatively mediocre, with average abilities in all aspects, neither too good nor too bad.

  Hayden worked as a spy and saw a lot of the dark side, and his personality became a bit vicious. Richard was not good at submissiveness, and Wendy was a woman.

  Adrian and Tang En are not particularly adaptable in character.

  The other family members are still relatively young and have to observe their abilities and temperaments.

  Richard rested in Osma Castle for more than twenty days. Martin and Vito completed their mission of escorting the refugees and returned to Osma Castle to join Richard.

  Two days after Richard and Martin joined forces, the merits of suppressing the rebellion were finally determined.

  In order to clarify Richard's military exploits, it is said that there was a lot of controversy in the royal capital. Regarding whether the Boiling Blood converts are professionals? Do their heads count as merit?

  How important is Richard's counterinsurgency battle in Brenner County? Should he be awarded a major merit?
  The two groups kept arguing over various issues.

  The current royal capital is because King Charles publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the eldest prince Chris.

  The remaining adult princes gathered a group of people and began to compete crazily for the heir apparent.

  Whatever one prince supports, the other will oppose.

  This situation has seriously affected the political stability of the Grant Kingdom.

  Coupled with the fact that Duke Brenner, the pillar of the royal family, is old and seriously ill, the Kingdom of Charles is even more troubled.

  In the midst of the commotion, the main force of the counter-rebellion army led by Duke Roger was defeated, losing more than 2,000 troops.

  In this battle, the rebel cavalry attacked the grain road, and more than half of the brigade escorting the grain and grass was lost. At the same time, the leader of the rebels, Mallo the Night Walker, also used the legendary magic Fire Meteor, which severely damaged the main force of the siege. The

  two thousand troops lost were the main force of the counter-rebellion.

  The two brigades of the Northern Army suffered more than a thousand casualties. Even the Warcraft Cavalry led by Duke Roger suffered more than thirty casualties when attacked by legendary magic.

  The Warcraft Cavalry Regiment commanded by Prince Roger is an important force of the Grant family.

  Everyone is very precious, and the loss of more than thirty casualties at one time has already made Roger very heartbroken.

  There were twists and turns in the war, and Duke Roger immediately sent a personal letter to the royal capital. It was requested to mobilize the Grant Royal Cavalry Academy, and to reward Richard heavily, so that Richard could lead the coalition of nobles from Heihe and Brenner counties to participate in the counter-insurgency war.

  The situation changed, and King Charles made a decisive decision to reward the coalition of nobles from Heihe and Brenner.

  The converts of Boiling Blood were considered professionals, and it was a significant war for Richard to lead the troops to counter the rebellion.

  The two hundred Boiling Blood converts are considered professionals, and their combined total is two great merits.

  Coupled with dozens of cultist professionals of different levels, including the seventh-level warrior Gao Liwen, the sum of the Human Head Skills exceeds six great skills.

  In addition, it was of great significance for Richard to lead the troops to quell the rebellion, and he was also rewarded for his great service.

  In this counterinsurgency battle, the army commanded by Richard was assigned five major merits, six medium merits, and four minor merits.

  Not only did Baron Sharp get some of the credit for these achievements, but his uncle Soros also received four medium merits.

  The merits attributed to Richard include four major merits, three medium merits, and eight minor merits.

  Three great merits belong to killing the seventh-level professional Gao Liwen, one great merit is the merit of commanding this battle, and the remaining merits mainly come from the soldiers under his command.

  Apart from Richard, the one who has made the most meritorious deeds is Baron Franklin. Although Baron Franklin suffered very heavy losses and killed dozens of Boiling Blood converts, there were a total of seven medium-level attacks.

  After the meritorious service reward, the troop deployment order was sent in less than three days.

  In addition to the coalition of nobles of Black River County, the hereditary baron of Brenner County must provide a squadron of soldiers.

  In suppressing the rebellion in Osma City, the nobles of Brenner County were the main force. When going to Canyon County to quell the rebellion, the Brener County nobles, like Baron Rice and others, sent serf soldiers to fool them.

  Richard organized the baron and elite guards together with Baron Rice and others, and appointed Baron Plani as the commander of the 2nd Warcraft Cavalry Squadron.

  As for the serf soldiers provided by the nobles of Brenner County, they were responsible for escorting grain and grass and serving as auxiliary soldiers.

  (End of chapter)

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