Chapter 130 Divide the Population

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  Chapter 130: Divide the Population.
  The Warcraft Cavalry restrained the Boiling Blood Converts. Richard led the team to charge several times, killing more than a dozen Boiling Blood Converts each time.

  After a few rounds, the Boiling Blood converts were already gone, with only a few dozen people left.

  The Boiling Blood converts were defeated, and the remaining rebels were no match for the Warcraft Cavalry and were quickly defeated.

  After this failure, the rebels in Brenner County were no longer in power.

  After the battle, Richard quietly opened the attributes panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 16
  Agility: 3.4
  Physical: 4.8
  Mental Power: 25.8
  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 6 (Extreme)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skills : Level 4 (8902/10000)

  Mad Lion Legion breathing method: Level 7 (11560/50000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 7 (5130/50000)

  Zero-ring magic: energy ray, treatment of minor injuries, reading magic, light spell
  one link Magic: energy missile, vine entanglement, treatment of minor injuries, petrification, magic shield, freezing ray, grease, feather falling, hypnosis, blood type identification. Second-level magic: brute force, venom missile, spider web, lightness

  . , sound transmission, stone skin, defense against arrows.

  Three-ring magic: Fireball, Flying, Lightning Ball
  Four-ring magic: Treatment of serious injuries

  Experience: 41,200
  Killing Gao Liwen added 32,000 experience points. Richard's Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique can be advanced.

  It is relatively easy to increase experience with the Breathing Technique of the Mad Lion Legion, and Richard does not intend to use the killing experience on the Breathing Technique.

  Instead, he prepared to continue accumulating killing experience and improve his meditation method.

  After the battle, Richard arranged for Baron Sharp to lead a coalition of nobles from Heihe County to capture the defeated soldiers, clean up the battlefield, and collect the spoils of war.

  It was only in the evening that the results were tallied.

  Baron Plani took a page and reported the results of the battle to Richard.

  "Your Majesty Commander, in this battle we killed Cardinal Gallivan, 200 Boiling Blood converts, 600 evil believers, 37 missionaries, and more than 1,600 serfs." After the battle

  . After the battle, Richard's prestige in Brenner County greatly increased. Even though Baron Franklin hated Richard very much, he could not say anything openly.

  There will always be casualties in war, and there must be people who can chew the bones.

  Unless Franklin can become the commander, it is a pity that he does not have Warcraft Cavalry under his command.

  The reason why Duke Roger entrusted Richard with important tasks was because Richard had Warcraft Cavalry under his command.

  If Richard was unwilling to cooperate, it would be impossible to win this battle.

  In order to put an end to the chaos as soon as possible, Richard must be reused and his initiative brought into full play.

  It is very difficult to form a Warcraft cavalry. Purchasing dozens of Warcraft horses requires thousands of gold coins. In addition, armor, weapons, and enchanted crossbows all require a large investment of resources.

  The most important thing is to have an elite group of soldiers and enough professional officers to bring out the powerful combat effectiveness of the Warcraft Cavalry.

  To form a squadron of Warcraft Cavalry, it often costs tens of thousands of gold coins and enough elite soldiers.

  Although Baron Franklin had some wealth, it was difficult for him to come up with such a huge sum of money. Even if he spent money, he did not have elite soldiers under his command, but a large number of professional officers.

  If Richard hadn't killed the flying dragon, relied on the resources of the flying dragon to make enchanted bows and arrows, and trained a group of professionals, he might not have been able to set up a World of Warcraft cavalry.

  The survival rule of aristocrats is that strength comes first. Without strength, they are naturally controlled by others.

  Hearing the statistics of beheadings, Richard thought to himself: "If I kill Gao Liwen, I will be rewarded with three great merits. I will be rewarded with three great merits. I will command the victory in the counter-insurgency war in Brenner County. I will also be rewarded with meritorious deeds by beheading the bloody converts. I don't know what the calculation will be." Doesn't it count as meritorious service?"

  Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Richard asked: "What are the casualties of each army?" "From the statistical figures, Franklin's Central Army suffered the heaviest casualties, with more than 400 casualties and about one killed in action. One hundred and sixty people, about 300 were injured. The left wing I led suffered more than 180 casualties and 40 were killed. The right wing suffered more than 300 casualties and 80 were killed. Four Warcraft cavalry were killed and 11 were lightly or seriously injured

  . One Warcraft horse was killed and another was maimed."

  "How many prisoners were captured?"

  "The cultists captured more than three hundred, and there were nine missionaries and ordinary serf soldiers, and they captured 2,600 people."

  " Where are the refugees being held hostage?"

  Baron Plani's expression changed and he explained a few words.

  "There are more than 40,000 refugees abducted. These people are ordinary people and have not committed crimes."

  These ordinary refugees come from two lost baronies.

  Brenner County is located in the south of Gedda Province and has been developed for many years and is more densely populated than Heihe County.

  There are less than 50,000 people living in the two baronies.

  These people who have lost their lords have been regarded as fat meat by the nobles of Brenner County, and everyone wants to take a bite.

  But Pulani actually ignored Richard, the dragon crossing the river.

  After listening to Brenner's explanation, Richard's expression changed and he said, "There are cultists here. We need to take them back to Heihe County to identify them carefully." "Your Excellency, Baron, the priests of the Church of the Dawn can release soul

  detection magic to identify the followers of the evil god. I'm afraid there's no need to go to Heihe County?"

  "You want to object to my opinion?"

  "Of course I don't dare to oppose Mr. Richard, but I'm afraid other people will have opinions. If this matter is not handled well, someone may make a fuss in the noble council and make it known to everyone. Everyone will be in trouble, and it will be easy in the end. It's the royal capital."

  Although the Harland family has some strength, it doesn't have much influence on the noble council.

  Moreover, Richard had already had a conflict with Archon Jerram and offended Prince Felix and his gang, so naturally he would not offend the nobles of Brenner County again.

  This matter will eventually be settled through secret negotiations and after the interests are divided.

  Negotiation is the art of compromise. Richard's personality was not suitable for negotiation, so he left the matter to Hayden.

  The nobles bargained for several days, and finally the coalition of nobles from Black River Castle gained a population of 21,000.

  Richard gave two thousand to Baron Sharp, and three hundred to each of the five Baron Rice. The remaining 18,000 people belonged to Harland.

  From Osma Castle to Harland Territory, it is about 200 kilometers away.

  The refugee army can travel up to thirty or forty miles a day, and it will take at least ten days to return to Harland Territory.

  The food consumed along the way is estimated to be several hundred tons.

  Because Richard had a huge appetite, the Brener nobles all wanted to laugh at him, so they united to blockade Richard and not sell food.

  The food in the army is fixed. If 300 tons of food are allocated from the army ration to the refugees, it will give others a clue.

  Unexpectedly, Richard had the space magic equipment, the Star Bottle. When he went on the expedition, the Star Bottle contained 300 tons of food. The small amount saved was enough for the refugees to return to Harland's territory.

  Richard still had military affairs to attend to, so he took out the food stored in the Star Bottle and sent Martin and Vito with the 1st and 5th Squadrons to escort the refugees back to Harland Territory.

  In this battle, the Heihe Fort coalition forces captured a large amount of trophies, including more than 300 pieces of armor. Half of it was given to the Brenner coalition, and it could arm a squadron of armored troops.

  Counting the batch of chainmails presented by Consul Jerram, Richard already has more than 500 pieces of iron armor in his hands. Almost all the veterans brought from the Harland territory have iron armor for self-defense.

  Richard even gave Baron Sharp thirty collars for the wealthy armor.

  (End of chapter)

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