Chapter 129 Competitiveness

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  Chapter 129: Competitiveness
  The war has developed to this point, and Gao Liwen can only gamble his life.

  He thought everything was safe when he attacked Osma Castle, but he didn't expect reinforcements to arrive in the city.

  Among the reinforcements there was actually the Warcraft Cavalry, which was the most capable of resisting blood-boiling potions.

  If the commander in the castle uses troops rigidly and steadily, he may also take advantage of the blood-boiling potion and rely on the powerful explosive power of the boiling-blood converts to defeat the soldiers defending the city in waves.

  It is a pity that although Richard, who leads the army, is young, he has experienced many wars. Coupled with the bombing in the information explosion era in his previous life, the experience in two lives and hard work, Richard is already talented in military use.

  After summarizing the intelligence yesterday, Richard immediately grasped the weaknesses of the Boiling Blood converts.

  He stole the show on the battlefield today, beating the bloody converts to their knees.

  If we don't take a gamble today, our defeat is almost certain.

  Seeing Richard commanding the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment to start moving, the horses were getting faster and faster.

  Gao Liwen drew out his long sword and shouted: "People of the God of Slaughter, the gods are waiting for us in heaven. Everyone, follow me and charge!"

  There is also a squadron of cavalry beside Gao Liwen. Although the quality of this cavalry is good, their combat effectiveness is But it is far inferior to the Warcraft Cavalry.

  Gao Liwen kicked the horse's belly, and the cavalry under his command also began to accelerate slowly, and the heavy armor on their bodies made a "clatter" sound. Although not as powerful as the Warcraft Cavalry, the soldiers under Gao Liwen still launched the charge without hesitation.

  The elite of the rebels are all fanatical believers of the God of Slaughter.

  They are not afraid of death at all and believe that they can return to the embrace of gods after death.

  This kind of army composed of fanatical believers has a perverted tendency to actively seek death.

  Rebels often took off their armor and launched suicidal attacks.

  Although such an army cannot compare with the Warcraft Cavalry in terms of physical strength, no matter who dares to underestimate them, they will probably suffer a big loss.

  After fighting the rebels today, Richard has realized this.

  As the horses ran faster and faster, the heavy sound of hoofbeats was like rolling thunder, making people's ears roar.

  Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, the junior officers began to shout continuously.

  "Steady, steady, wait for the enemy to get within a hundred meters, launch a salvo together, don't shoot without orders."

  After entering the shooting range, Richard and Soros kept pulling their bows, shooting down a group of enemies in the blink of an eye. .

  Seeing that the distance between the two sides was less than thirty meters. Richard had clearly seen Cardinal Galvin's figure.

  In war, you either die or I live.

  Discovering Galvin, Richard immediately released a powerful fireball.

  This time he still tried his best and invested 25 points of mental power.

  With so much mental power invested, the power of the powerful fireball spell has far exceeded the standard nine-ring magic, and is equivalent to a weakened legendary magic.

  Even if he is a legend, he will definitely be injured once he is hit by this fireball.

  The normal fireball technique is only the size of a human head and has about the same power as a grenade.

  The fireball released by Richard was more than one meter in diameter and was somewhat more powerful than the explosion of a 380 mm caliber naval gun.

  Seeing the fireball hitting him, Gao Liwen's expression changed drastically.

  Looking at the power of this fireball, at least more than 20 points of mental power were invested in it.

  Once hit by this giant fireball, he might die on the spot.

  Gao Liwen was already a seventh-level warrior, and his reactions were very fast and his responses were extremely precise.

  I saw him swaying and hiding in the belly of the war horse, hoping to use the war horse as a human shield to withstand the impact of the explosion. At the same time, raise the enchanted shield to block the energy damage caused by the fireball explosion.

  The fireball fell near Gallivan.

  There was a violent explosion in an instant, and the scattered flames swept in, and the sputtering scorching energy fell on the rebel formation like rain.

  In an instant, the soldiers commanded by Gallivan suffered heavy casualties.

  More than twenty soldiers died directly from the giant fireball, and no less than fifty people fell to the ground injured.

  This fireball directly caused the casualties of more than half of Gallivan's squadron.

  A normal human army would collapse immediately after suffering more than half of its casualties.

  The followers of the evil god had greater energy to withstand casualties, but the remaining people still slapped their horses hard and charged.

  Roland waved the command flag violently, and the Warcraft cavalry issued instructions one after another. The iron horned horses under their crotches immediately activated blood magic, and dozens of energy rays penetrated into the rebels.

  More than thirty soldiers in the front row were immediately killed by energy rays. Immediately afterwards, the Warcraft cavalry grabbed their javelins and threw them at the rebels.

  After being attacked by three waves in a row, there were only about 20 intact rebels left.

  At this time, the distance between the two armies was less than five meters. After one round, the rebels had suffered all their casualties.

  Richard was about to send someone to cut off Gao Liwen's head. Unexpectedly, this man jumped up and killed a soldier.

  Gallivan was about to seize the horse and escape, but Thoros had already drawn the bowstring, and the arrow hit Gallivan directly in the back of the heart.

  Although Gao Liwen survived the super fireball released by Richard, his injuries were actually serious.

  All the internal organs were injured by the scorching fire energy. The enchanted shield was covered in black. The magic pattern had been damaged and could no longer be used.

  He grabbed his horse and fled, using up his last bit of energy.

  He reluctantly waved his sword to block the arrows, but found that he was no longer able to do so.

  The long sword did not knock away the arrow, and Gao Liwen could only barely avoid the vital point. The arrow, with its powerful kinetic energy, directly shot Gao Liwen to the ground.

  Thoros was about to shoot the second arrow when he heard Richard shout: "Uncle, stop, leave this man to me to kill."

  "Is this nephew too competitive?"

  Thoros thought to himself, but he knew that Gao Liwen was severely injured by Richard, and he really shouldn't compete with him for credit. He was stunned for a moment. Richard had already shot the arrow and hit Gao Liwen between the eyebrows.

  "Killing the seventh-level warrior will reward you with 32,000 experience points."

  Killing Gao Liwen greatly damaged the confidence of the rebels.

  After Gallivan brought down the flag, the morale of the rebels on the left and right dropped greatly, and they immediately fell into chaos.

  Countless refugees knelt on the ground, and the soldiers threw off their helmets and armor and left the battlefield in a panic, trying to save their lives.

  Apart from cultists, the largest number of rebels were ordinary serfs.

  The serfs did not have enough to eat and had no way to rise. As long as the cultists stirred up a little bit, people would follow, burning, killing, looting, and tying up more good people.

  The two wings collapsed, and Richard ordered Baron Sharp to lead soldiers to capture the escaped serfs. He led the Warcraft Cavalry to support Franklin's army with Baron Plani.

  The middle army led by Franklin suffered heavy casualties. Three squadrons of soldiers were defeated by the Boiling Blood Converts.

  If not for Richard's timely reinforcements, the remaining five squadrons might not have been able to withstand the onslaught of the bloody converts.

  (End of chapter)

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