Chapter 12 The Orcs Arrive

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  Chapter 12 The Orcs Arrive
  On the fourth day after Soros and his party left, the Eighth Brigade received military orders to garrison at the fortress complex in the Platos Mountains.

  The Platos Mountains are forty kilometers away from the Flame Castle and located in the northeast of the Flame Castle.

  There is an intermountain valley road in the middle of the mountains that leads directly to Flame Castle.

  Guarding this valley road is equivalent to guarding the flanks of the Flame Castle.

  If Platos Fortress cannot be breached and troops are stationed under the Flame Castle, the orc army's food route may be cut off at any time.

  If you want to bypass the Platos Mountains, you need to walk an additional 300 kilometers of mountain roads.

  The orc army consumes a lot of food every day, and the additional transportation line of 300 kilometers is difficult for the orc army to bear.

  Decades ago, the Mad Lion Legion built a strong fortress in the Platos Mountains. Unfortunately, during the last orc invasion, the fortress group was lost and a large group of soldiers were wiped out.

  After the orc army retreated, it destroyed the fortress complex. Although it has been repaired in recent years, only half of the castle can be defended.

  The Pratos fortress complex is home to six squadrons of city defense troops, and there are two baronies nearby.

  The two baronies belong to different provinces. The barony of Harden belongs to the province of Gascoigne, located south of the Platos Mountains. The Barony of Stopa is located in the province of Gedda, southeast of the Platos Mountains.

  The combat effectiveness of the city defense army was very average, far inferior to that of the three main legions. The equipment is relatively weak and the number of professionals is also very small.

  There are only seven professionals in the six squadrons in total. In previous wars, they could only barely undertake garrison tasks. You can't fight orcs in the wild.

  On the contrary, the troops directly under Baron Harden were very powerful.

  Although there are only a hundred or so knights under the Baron, the number of professionals exceeds thirty. The remaining soldiers are all elites, and more than half of them are Warcraft mounts. In a head-to-head fight, their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the main force of the Mad Lion Legion.

  A group like the Eighth Group that has not yet been organized is not as good as the Baron Knights in fighting.

  After receiving the order, the Eighth Battalion set off immediately and arrived at the Platos fortress complex after walking for a day from morning to night.

  There are extraordinary powers and magic factors in this world. Ordinary humans in Dawn Continent are stronger than Blue Star. According to Richard's observations over the years, the average strength of strong men in the north exceeds 1.5.

  Some warriors with better talents can actually reach 4 to 5 points in strength. Such strength is enough to rival the Blue Star Hercules.

  Their physical strength also exceeds that of Blue Star men. They wear heavy armor and march. If there are supplies and military stations along the way, the main army can easily travel hundreds of miles in a day.

  Nine forts, large and small, were built on the Platos Mountains.

  The nine castles are located on both sides of the mountain valley. The castles are relatively close and can support each other with crossbows and trebuchets.

  The nine castles vary in size and are garrisoned by varying numbers of city defense troops.

  Entering wartime, the castle will be taken over by the main army.

  Counting more than half of the 7th Squadron that had just been formed, the 8th Brigade had less than eight squadron soldiers.

  Among them, the seventh squadron is weak in combat effectiveness and is slightly better than the city defense army.

  The Sixth Squadron has been established for more than half a year. It has removed some key members from several old squadrons, and its combat effectiveness is not very strong, slightly weaker than several main squadrons.

  After taking over the castle and settling the soldiers down, the main officers of the Sixth Squadron received orders to go to Castle No. 3 for a meeting.

  Presiding over the meeting was Baron Harden, who was also the commander of the Pratos Line.

  "In the past few days, I have led a team to investigate and found that the orc army is not far from the defense line.

  Our city defense army, the main army, and the command systems of the two baron private armies do not belong to each other. They do not train together all year round. They have no tacit understanding and are not suitable for mixing with each other. ed.

  The castle area is not too big, and the grain storage is limited. I decided to withdraw the city defense troops and stay at Baron Harden's Castle in the rear. The Eighth Brigade is dispersedly stationed inside nine castles. The cavalry under my command were roaming outside, raiding the orc food routes, and cooperating with the soldiers of the 8th Brigade to guard the defense line. Do you have any opinions? "

  Baron Harden is over seventy years old and once served as the commander of the Feiyan Legion.

  He was born in a declining noble family. After awakening his bloodline, he advanced to the seventh-level Silver Knight. He earned the title for his military exploits and gradually became a heavyweight in the north. Commander.

  The king placed his fiefdom near the Platos fortress group in order to rely on his strength to stabilize the Platos defense line.

  After the battle broke out, Baron Harden personally led a reconnaissance team and killed many people in recent days. The more than twenty orc scouts already know the enemy's situation relatively well.

  Although the tactical arrangements he made are not surprising, they are quite stable.

  The 8th Brigade has just arrived and is still unfamiliar with the enemy's situation, so naturally no one will give random opinions.

  The meeting ended The next day, Richard was preparing to practice archery when he suddenly heard the sound of a horn in the distance.

  Richard ran quickly to the foot of the city

  wall. When he climbed onto the city wall, he found wisps of smoke and dust approaching the castle complex quickly.

  Richard carefully At first glance, I found that an army of thousands of orcs had arrived nearby.

  These orcs should be the vanguard of the army. They quickly dispersed into three teams and began to attack castles 1 to 3 without preparation. Castle

  1 is located in the northernmost part of the valley road, in Pula. At the foot of the Toss Mountains is the outpost castle, which is relatively large.

  Castle No. 2 is located on the mountainside above Castle No. 1 and is smaller in scale, but the arrows shot from Castle No. 2 can effectively reinforce Castle No. 1. Castle No. 3 is

  located on Above the mountains on the east side of the valley.

  The mountains on the east side are low and gentle, about tens of meters high, and continuous for more than ten kilometers in depth. They are typical hilly terrain.

  Three castles also formed the first line of defense, of which Castle No. 1 was the focus of defense. Group Captain Sharp Varra arranged for the garrison of the 3rd Squadron.

  The Third Squadron is one of the main squadrons, with more than 80% veterans and considerable combat effectiveness.

  Stationed at Castle No. 2 are three squadrons of the Fifth Squadron, reinforced by more than a dozen sharpshooters. Castle No. 3 is garrisoned by the Sixth Squadron, which is less stressful than Castle No. 1.

  When the orc army approached, the Sixth Squadron was ready. Each team stood at the designated position, and the reserve team was in place, ready to support at any time.

  Richard is the deputy squadron leader and his command position is at the forefront.

  Squadron leader Diarra coordinated the overall situation and mobilized troops, while another deputy squadron leader Brown was responsible for commanding the reserve team to check for leaks and fill vacancies. Military Judge Owen stood motionless at the top of the city, not looking at all flustered.

  Under the protection of his direct team, the army chaplain Ed has set up a simple battlefield rescue center, ready to treat the wounded at any time.

  Ed is a second-level priest, and his mental power can release spells to treat minor injuries six times a day.

  Although it is called treating minor injuries, the effect is outstanding. Richard has personally seen that using a spell to treat minor injuries can instantly stop bleeding from a two-inch long and one-inch deep knife wound.

  Even if the internal organs are injured, the bleeding can be stopped quickly. Richard felt that the effect of the four-ring magic in treating serious injuries was better than going to a tertiary hospital for rescue.

  The chaplain's healing technique will only heal important officers.

  Ordinary soldiers were injured and could only get a simple bandage. When the wound became inflamed, they could only resist it. If they couldn't resist it, they would have their limbs amputated or even lose their lives.

  The lives of ordinary people in the Dawn Continent are as cheap as grass

  (End of Chapter)

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