Chapter 11 Promotion to Military Rank

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  Chapter 11 Promotion to Military Rank
  "The Second Squadron is the main squadron with a lot of veterans. I am afraid that the position of deputy squadron leader is being watched by all parties. The deputy squadron commander of the 7th Squadron, which was just formed recently, is relatively easy to handle. Uncle Roland, can you Transfer Ron from the Second Squadron, and the three of us brothers will work together in the Seventh Squadron."

  Before Roland was promoted to deputy captain, he served as the squadron leader in the Second Squadron, and he had a great influence on this squadron.

  However, in the past year or two, under the management of the new squadron leader, Roland's influence has gradually been disintegrated. On the contrary, the Sixth and Seventh Squadrons have transferred many veterans and officers from the Second Squadron, including many of Roland's old subordinates, so their influence is greater.

  The reason why he planned to transfer Richard to the Second Squadron was to maintain his influence in the Second Squadron.

  It's just that Richard doesn't want to go to the Second Squadron to compete with other forces.

  Harland has a close relationship with the Roland family, and Richard is William's valued son. He became a professional at the age of sixteen. Even Roland has to consider his opinions and discuss major matters.

  Otherwise, there will be cracks in the relationship between the two parties.

  Richard served under Roland, and Roland's brother Wren also served as an officer under William. All are being manipulated.

  According to Richard's opinion, although Roland's influence in the Second Squadron continues to weaken, his influence in the Seventh Squadron has been strengthened.

  "There is no need to be so troublesome. Meda has already received the transfer order and is ready to go to the Knights. You can be promoted in the Sixth Squadron. There are two more squads in the Sixth Squadron that will be organized. It will be easier to transfer Ron by then. ."

  Roland thought for a moment and felt that it would be more beneficial to him to promote Richard on the spot.

  The captain of the 7th Squadron has been his old team for many years and has a very close emotional relationship. The backbone of the 7th Squadron mainly comes from his line. There is no need for the three Richard brothers to strengthen their control.

  On the contrary, it was the Sixth Squadron. The squadron leader was a close confidant of the group leader, and only deputy squadron leader Brown was his old subordinate in this line.

  Counting Richard, officers on Roland's line could only control three squads.

  If Richard is brought up, Hayden will take over as team leader, and then Ron will be transferred. We can turn the enemy around, with two deputy squadron captains and four squad captains, and by gaining some middle power, we can overpower the squadron captain and take control of the squadron's real power.

  With Roland's secret operation and the fact that Richard himself met the promotion conditions, the Legion Headquarters soon issued a promotion order, and Richard was successfully promoted to deputy squadron leader of the Sixth Squadron.

  When Richard entered the Mad Lion Legion, he had already accumulated twelve minor merits and was more prominent than most deputy squadron commanders. He has no weaknesses other than his young age.

  In a different world where power belongs to individuals, age and seniority have to give way to strength.

  As long as they are strong enough, even a two-year-old legend can become a legion commander, count, or duke.

  From the moment Richard is promoted to a professional, he must be promoted to the rank of deputy squadron leader.

  The only thing that can be done is which squadron Richard is transferred to.

  Which squadron is more suitable for his development?

  After his promotion, Richard was quickly promoted to military rank. He was a man with military exploits and already met the conditions for promotion to lieutenant.

  Less than a month after joining the Mad Lions, Richard reached the end of many free soldiers' lives.

  It is difficult for the vast majority of freedmen soldiers to become professionals and take up positions at the squadron level.

  Half of the soldiers are destined to die on the battlefield, and the other half end up in the fields. There are less than one in a hundred people who can cross the threshold and advance to the profession.

  A few days later, Ron was also transferred to the Sixth Squadron and served as the captain of the Eighth Squadron.

  Team 8 has more recruits, and Ron only has two veterans.

  This newly formed team needs two to three years of training to form a combat effectiveness.

  After becoming a professional, Richard still spent time with the soldiers every day, gaining crazy experiences. A few days later, when Richard was training in the military camp, his uncle Thoros and his second uncle Powell came to Flame Castle together. They also came with some supplies that Uncle Thoros could personally escort. It seemed that these supplies should be very valuable.

  "Talak has made armor from the scales on the snake body. This armor is a first-level enchanted armor, which is much more sophisticated than the standard armor of the Mad Lion Legion. The snake scale armor weighs only sixteen kilograms, is very light, and has better defense

  than Sixty kilograms of steel armor is better.

  In addition, this kind of armor can conduct Dou Qi and superimpose Dou Qi defense. It is very suitable for grassroots officers like you.

  After peeling off four pieces of snake body human armor, only three pieces of snake scale armor were made. .According to our previous agreement, you, the Harland family, can only share one piece.

  William has already told you in advance that this armor must be given to Richard. In addition, we also sent three iron horned horses this time, and two low-level armors. A high-level enchanted long sword. A fine enchanted long bow. Leave the bow and arrows to Richard, the best archer, and give the two enchanted long swords to Hayden and Ron."

  Thoros handed over the enchanted weapons he brought to the three of them. , and by the way, delivered the initially tamed Iron Wildebeest to the hands of the three of them.

  Of the nine iron horned horses assigned to the Haaland family, only one stallion was of the second level.

  The three iron horned horses sent this time include one second-level male horse and two first-level mares.

  William almost left the three best horses in the Iron Horned Horses to the three sons of the Wild Lion Legion.

  Ron asked with some confusion: "Don't father need a Warcraft mount?"

  "William's Brigade is a heavy infantry brigade and does not need a mount."

  Hayden immediately retorted: "We are also an infantry brigade?"

  "Silly boy. Time is urgent. , We can't stay too long in the Flame Castle. When the war is going on, you guys must learn to take care of yourself. Goddess of Dawn bless, may we be able to get together after the war." Thoros patted Hayden on the head, turned and left the military camp


  "Has the war already broken out?"

  Richard asked loudly when he saw Soros and Powell preparing to leave.

  "Yes, child. The war has broken out! The Northern Army has fought three outpost battles with the main force of the orcs, and it will soon be unsafe outside the Flame Castle." Soldiers of the Grant Kingdom can bring their own equipment


  The Mad Lion Legion where Richard belongs will only equip soldiers and officers with standard equipment. This standard equipment is ordinary armor, spears, bows and arrows.

  In Richard's squadron, only the squadron headquarters was equipped with three enchanted crossbows.

  Enchanted weapons are expensive, and even the Royal Guards cannot equip everyone with enchanted weapons.

  If you want to survive in the war and achieve more military exploits, all officers need to prepare their own enchanted weapons.

  Especially the noble officers were armed to the teeth. There are not only Warcraft mounts and enchanted armors, but also enchanted crossbows and long swords.

  High-ranking nobles even carry magical equipment.

  The equipment of the three Richard brothers has exceeded the limit of professional families and is enough to compete with low-level nobles.

  (End of chapter)

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