Chapter 113 Mysterious Porcelain Vase

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  Chapter 113 Mysterious Porcelain Vase
  Linus Castle is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Stanek. This city was founded by the legendary knight Nickolay Jonathan, nicknamed the Dragon Man.

  More than a hundred years ago, the name of this city was St. Jonathan.

  After the rule of the Jonathan family was overthrown, it was renamed Linus City.

  Linus Castle is now home to a population of 200,000.

  The population near the capital is relatively dense, and it is considered the most developed area in the Grand Duchy of Stanik. Linus County as a whole has a combined population of over one million.

  Richard and others submitted customs clearance documents, paid the head tax, and then rented a large hotel outside the city wall.

  Judging from the size of Richard and others, it must be a large caravan. The owner of the hotel specially said a few words.

  Through the mouth of the hotel owner, Richard learned that there would be an auction held at Linus Castle a few days later.

  The auction threshold is high and assets need to be inspected in advance, and only hereditary nobles can get tickets for the auction.

  According to rumors, the items auctioned at this auction are mainly the property of a seven-ring magician.

  This magician once settled in Ivan Castle in the Holy Glory Empire. When he was old, he returned to his hometown of the Grand Duchy of Stanik and served as a royal court baron.

  This old mage who returned from Ivan Castle had no children in his life. The knowledge and wealth he left behind after his death fell into the hands of a distant relative.

  Without extraordinary power, the old mage's relatives cannot control the old mage's inheritance.

  Therefore, this relative of the old mage decided to hold an auction in the royal capital. After the auction is completed, half of the gold coins obtained will be handed over to the royal family in exchange for royal protection.

  This old mage is a Star Mage and has astrology in his heritage.

  Astrology is a type of prophetic magic, which contains mysterious power. According to Sophia, it is very difficult to learn.

  In addition, the old mage also recorded many spells in his notes and wrote down very valuable experiences. Even the experimental records left behind are very valuable to magicians.

  To the great nobles, the lowest value items were a few pieces of magic equipment.

  Although he has 20,000 gold coins in his hand, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Richard to obtain such things as meditation methods, astrology, mage notes, and experimental records. If he can pick up a piece of magic equipment, it is considered a worthwhile trip.

  Several countries close to the Orc Empire are magical deserts in the traditional sense.

  I missed this opportunity and I don’t know when I can buy a good magic equipment.

  This auction also alarmed a big shot in the Duke of Fox. This person's name was John Fox, the younger brother of Duke Fox and a five-ring magician.

  I heard that nobles from the Grant Kingdom came to Linus City and met Richard in person.

  The implication behind the words was that he hoped that Richard would not compete with him for the experimental records left by the old mage.

  It seems that the magician of the Fox family is very self-aware and knows that the old mage's most precious knowledge will definitely be in the hands of the noble Stanik, so he sets his sights on the experimental records with the lowest value.

  Before the auction, Richard handed over his family crest, moved a box of gold coins to complete the capital verification, and sat next to John Fox.

  There were not many nobles participating in the auction, there were only more than sixty in total, and more than a dozen of them were foreign nobles.

  There are four nobles in Grant Kingdom.

  In addition to Richard and John Fox, there is also a distant branch of the royal family who serves as an ambassador in the Grand Duchy of Stanek. The other is a border noble and a vassal of Duke Fox. After hearing the news, he came over to join in the fun and gain experience. After the auction started, the first item to be auctioned was the astrology inheritance.

  Right off the bat, there were the finale items, which made the atmosphere of the auction very lively. Soon the price exceeded 10,000 gold coins, and there were only four or five big nobles competing for it.

  These nobles seemed to have discussed it in advance. After a few bids, they won a set of astrology for 10,500 gold coins.

  Although Richard was rich, he would not dare to take advantage of the situation.

  He is still on their territory, and if he offends the great nobles in Linus City, he will not be able to leave the border.

  Richard disappeared in the Grand Duchy of Stanik. Can we still expect the Grant Kingdom to avenge him? ,

  Richard is just a hereditary baron, and he doesn't have such a big reputation. Even if the prince of the Grant Kingdom dies in the Grand Duchy of Stanik, it is estimated that the two countries will not go to war.

  Before attending the auction, Richard knew that he should not get involved in anything of high value, let alone be greedy.

  The second auction item was a mage's notebook. Like the astrology inheritance, after the price exceeded 10,000, a few nobles bid a few times and the deal was sold for 12,000.

  Then came the meditation method. Duke Shirley held the sign in person, and the auction price was only 10,000.

  The final mage experiment record had the lowest value. The number of people raising placards was actually more, and the price was actually a high price of 16,000 gold coins.

  John Fox, who was sitting next to Richard, successfully took the title.

  On the Dawn Continent, inheritance and knowledge are often the most precious. If Richard and Sophia are willing to auction off the results of their bloodline research, they can also exchange for a generous sum of money.

  The heavyweight auction items were sold out as soon as they started, and the remaining items were of average value.

  Mainly some antiques, a few of which were left over from the Seven Gods era, were sold for several hundred gold coins.

  One of the antique vases actually made Richard feel familiar. The shape is like a Qing Dynasty porcelain vase from the previous life. Richard has never seen porcelain in the Dawn Continent. Very surprised by this, he walked up and took a closer look and found that there were many Chinese characters densely written on it.

  These Chinese characters are written so small that you need a magnifying glass to barely see them.

  When he saw the familiar Chinese characters, Richard felt frightened and almost fell to the ground.

  After years of experience, his city has become very unusual. He suppressed the abnormality forcibly, and then quietly purchased this antique from the Age of Seven Gods for 200 gold coins.

  For the last few pieces of magical equipment, because there were too many people competing for them, Richard felt that it was not cost-effective, so he did not bid.

  After paying the gold coins and getting the antiques, Richard returned to the hotel calmly.

  The porcelain bottle glows with blue light. Under the candlelight, it exudes a special luster and looks a bit dazzling.

  Ordinary magic equipment can be used as long as it is perceived with mental power.

  But using mental power to perceive the bottle of starlight is like a mud cow sinking into the sea, like an ordinary antique.

  He took out a magnifying glass and read the text on it carefully.

  From the words engraved on it, Richard knew that the porcelain vase was called the Vase of Star Glory, and it was a piece of space magic equipment.

  (End of chapter)

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