Chapter 114 Byers

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  Chapter 114: If Byers

  wants to open this magical equipment, he not only needs to devote mental power, but also needs to recite a special incantation, and it must be recited with a Chinese accent in order to form a special resonance with the bottle of starlight and open the bottle of starlight. Bottle space.

  Now that he had obtained the mysterious bottle of starlight deep in the Grand Duchy of Stanik, Richard did not dare to recite the spell casually to prevent others from noticing the accident and causing trouble.

  He carefully hid the bottle of starlight and prepared to open this magical equipment after returning to his territory to see what he found inside.

  The next day, Richard took Soros to Linus Slave Market.

  Richard walked around the market for a while and found that the price of slaves in the Grand Duchy of Stanik was slightly cheaper than that in the Grant Kingdom.

  The price has moved down by about five percent.

  Linus slave trading market is very large, larger than the slave market in Nolan, the capital of Grant Kingdom.

  The quality of slaves here is also higher. Not only are they sold by professionals, there are even some slave craftsmen.

  Richard searched around and found that there were slave craftsmen who could burn glass, but the prices were not cheap and their skills were average.

  Richard was about to find the largest slave merchant, but unexpectedly he met an acquaintance.

  This man's name was Byers Fender, a slave trader. The Fender family is the vassal of the Duke of Guise and the hereditary viscount in the southwestern part of the Kingdom of Grant.

  The family's biggest business is the slave trade, and catching slaves and selling them is their biggest source of wealth.

  I didn’t expect to meet again in a foreign country.

  "Mr. Byers, we meet again."

  "Master Richard, why did you come to the Grand Duchy of Stanik to buy slaves?" "

  I am not afraid of embarrassment, so I will talk to you about this matter. Because buying slaves from Duke Jonathan I bought salt and offended Archon Jerram. In order to prevent Jerram from causing trouble for me in the capital, I went to Linus to buy slaves."

  "If Master Richard needs slaves, he can go directly to the Duke of Guise and talk to my uncle. We can deliver the goods to your door. Of course, plus shipping, the price is a little more expensive than at the Nolan Slave Market." Richard came to Sta

  . The most fundamental reason why the Grand Duchy of Nick purchased slaves was that it did not want to deal with the nobles of the Grant Kingdom.

  There are many new things in Harland's territory, and their strength is developing rapidly, which has attracted the attention of some interested people.

  Nowadays, the Harland territory restricts the entry and exit of the population and does not welcome outsiders. If you want to penetrate the Harland territory, the best way is to plant spies from slaves.

  As for purchasing slaves from the Grand Duchy of Stanik, because Richard had no conflict with the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Stanik, there was no hidden danger.

  "Next time if you need anything, you must go to the Duchy of Guise and talk to Baron Fender. Mr. Byers, when you come to Linus this time, you are still doing slave business." "Yes,

  actually from the Duchy of Guise It's only six hundred kilometers to Linus Castle and five hundred kilometers to Nolan. We have always had a trading station in Linus, and the slave trade has been done for many years." "How many slaves do you have

  here? Take me to see it. We don't even need to exchange foreign currency for our transactions, which just saves a lot of handling fees." "

  There are a lot of slaves, more than 2,000 people in total, and four indentured servants. Their prices are more expensive."

  Richard and Byers came to the Fender family's trading station and looked at the quality of the slaves. The average number of slaves is just over two thousand, with a combined value of ten thousand gold coins.

  More than a hundred slave craftsmen are more expensive, including carpenters, blacksmiths, bamboo craftsmen, tailors, coppersmiths, shoemakers, gold and silversmiths, etc. These craftsmen are generally older. Many of them have gray hair and wrinkles on their faces. The average age is close to forty years old.

  Despite this, the total gold coins of more than a hundred craftsmen exceed 3,000. On average, the price of craftsmen is much more expensive than that of strong slaves. Richard also spent a huge sum of two hundred gold coins to purchase several glassmakers from other slave traders, preparing to improve the glass kiln technology after returning to the territory.

  If large pieces of glass can be successfully fired, greenhouses can be made in Harland Territory.

  Even if the cost is higher, Richard can still eat fresh vegetables in winter, and his quality of life will improve a lot.

  In addition, after the hospital opened, it needed glass bottles, and magicians also needed glassware to conduct many experiments.

  It costs a lot of money to buy them all from Viscount Luomen.

  An ordinary glass infusion bottle costs four silver coins, which is more expensive than a month's salary of an ordinary citizen.

  A farmer living in the countryside can probably buy a glass bottle with the money he saves every year.

  The dozens of glass infusion bottles that Richard purchased at one time are now important assets of the hospital.

  This situation must be changed by Richard. He could not find a glassmaker at all from Heihe Fort or Wright Fort, and Richard knew little about burning glass.

  Now that he has successfully purchased a glassmaker from the Grand Duchy of Stanik, even if the skills are average, the price is expensive, and the price-performance ratio is not high, Richard does not hesitate at all. He opened a glass kiln not just to make money.

  The four contract slaves at the Fender Family Trading Station are not high-level, they are all first- and second-level professionals, and there are still three or four years left on the contracts they signed. Among them was a second-level knight with a very strong fighting ability. Although the contract period was relatively short, the price was the most valuable.

  Because the contract is about to expire, the price of the professional contract is not very expensive.

  With three hundred gold coins, you can successfully obtain four contracts. It's cheaper than hiring a professional.

  Because these indentured servants were already married and established businesses in the Fender family, Richard bought their relatives back together.

  In order to win people's hearts, Richard turned all the family members of these professionals into indentured servants.

  Anyway, in the Harland territory, except for the orc slaves, the remaining population was converted into indentured servants.

  Treating people as slaves for the rest of their lives is not in line with Richard's worldview.

  Moreover, since slaves have no freedom, they naturally have no goals to strive for. They have no spending power or creative ability. No matter how many such people there are, it will not be conducive to the development of the territory in the long run.

  It is precisely because slaves have hope and ambition. Only the talents cultivated in Haaland's territory will continue to emerge.

  There are more than ten officers who have advanced from slave soldiers to professionals.

  The directors of brick kilns and steel plants were all promoted from slaves. They did quite well, contributing their talents, improving production processes, and accelerating the development of productivity.

  It is precisely because of these people's silent efforts that the Harland territory can develop rapidly.

  Richard carried 20,000 gold coins and spent more than 13,000 from Fanta Trading Station.

  Next, Richard spent 5,000 gold coins to purchase 1,100 slaves from a larger slave merchant.

  At this moment, the number of slaves in his hands has reached 3,300. It will also cost a sum of money to bring these people back to the Harland territory.

  Richard used the remaining funds to purchase a large amount of grain, horses, and vehicles, and left Linus Castle in a mighty manner and returned to the Grant Kingdom.

  (End of chapter)

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