Chapter 112 The caravan travels far away

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  Chapter 112: Most of the difficulties of caravan traveling for blood
  transfusion have been overcome, and sterility and anesthesia are relatively simple.

  The territory can produce high-strength wine, naturally can distill and purify alcohol, and can use high-temperature disinfection and alcohol disinfection methods to create a sterile environment.

  Anesthesia is the easiest to overcome, and magicians can achieve anesthesia through slumber.

  Richard also found a special plant called the psychedelic tree through the sheep-headed people, and extracted an anesthetic from it. Drinking a bowl of it can make people fall into coma.

  Through many experiments, Richard discovered that the psychedelic tree had no other side effects except causing coma.

  A piece of wasteland was also opened in the territory, and some psychedelic trees were transplanted to extract the sap from the psychedelic trees.

  In addition to making narcotics, this thing can also make narcotic arrows.

  Haaland Territory has been making preparations since last year, and now more than half of the prerequisites for establishing a surgical hospital have been met.

  There will be no need to treat patients within a short period of time after the hospital is built.

  Doctors and nurses all need training. Even if Richard wrote a lot of regulations, it will take some time for doctors and nurses to have a clear understanding of bacteria and viruses and understand the new knowledge written by Richard.

  Moreover, doctors still need to conduct experiments on animals to see the effects of treatment.

  It will take at least a year before the hospital can be opened to the public to treat patients and save lives.

  Arranging Adrian to be the director of the hospital actually means doing some preliminary work. The main task is to train personnel and conduct animal experiments to summarize experience.

  Another cousin, Tang En, is mainly responsible for supervising the spring plowing work.

  Sophia has to study magic every day and doesn't have much free time. She can only manage major events in the territory. The work of spring plowing is very important and needs people to keep an eye on it at all times. Even if it's time to catch up, Tang En can only do it.

  Richard was busy in the territory for a month, and it was only in mid-March that he decided to leave the territory with the 6th and 4th squadrons and go to the Grand Duchy of Stanik to buy slaves.

  Spring has arrived in mid-March.

  Spring is the time when all things wake up, green tree buds have grown, and the earth regains its vitality.

  As Richard walked on the road, he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of flowers and earth. The fresh and refined feeling made people feel relaxed and happy.

  The hills in the distance are bathed in the soft sunshine. They are full of green and look particularly beautiful and charming.

  The river was roaring, the water was crystal clear, and small fish were swimming in the river, passing by them.

  There are some birdsong in my ears, and sparrows and swallows are crossing the mountains and ridges, coming to the northern region to breed.

  After traveling to this world for eleven years, it was only this year that Richard felt a little more relaxed.

  If you want to enter the Grand Duchy of Stanek, you need to go west through the Gascoyne Province, the Dukedom of Edward, and the Dukedom of Fox to reach Lenas, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Stanek, which is about 800 kilometers away.

  Richard was accompanied by two squadrons of soldiers, and the procedures for entering any territory were cumbersome.

  Many things need to be prepared in advance. A trip to the Grand Duchy of Stanik may take several months to go back and forth.

  When leaving, Richard carried some territorial specialties such as iron arrowheads, brown sugar, white wine, and Zitou Peak honey.

  Passing the Heihe River, a major artery in northern Xinjiang, Richard and others entered the Dukedom of Edward before disembarking.

  Supplies such as iron arrowheads and liquor were very popular in Northern Xinjiang. After Richard sold this batch of goods, he purchased ten iron horned horses from Duke Edward to expand the number of warcraft horses in Harlan's territory.

  Duke Edward has been breeding the Wildebeest for more than a hundred years. The population of the Wildebeest is also very large, and some second-level stallions will also be sold.

  But these second-level stallions are all castrated. Stallions that cannot be bred have very little appeal to the Harland family.

  Richard could only purchase a batch of mares that had been eliminated by Duke Edward. These mares were already quite old and would have reached old age in human terms.

  Even though it is very old, as long as it can be bred and fertile, it is better than a gelded stallion for the Harland territory.

  Leaving the Dukedom of Edward and entering the Dukedom of Fox, it was almost April.

  The Duchy of Forks borders the Grand Duchy of Stanek.

  Entering the Dukedom of Fox, you can already see some caravans from the Grand Duchy of Stanik, selling the specialties of the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

  The elven black tea produced in the Grand Duchy of Stanik is very famous. Thousands of black tea trees are planted in tea farms directly controlled by the royal family.

  Every year, the Grand Duchy of Stanek gets hundreds of thousands of gold coins by selling elf black tea to the Grant Kingdom.

  The Grand Duchy of Stanek has very strict control over the species of black tea trees.

  Caravans entering the Dukedom of Fox from the Grand Duchy of Stanik must undergo strict inspections.

  Once tea tree species are found, the entire caravan will be executed.

  The Grand Duchy of Stanek covers an area of ​​less than one-third of the Grant Kingdom, about 600,000 square kilometers, and has a population of less than 8 million.

  Because the country is weak, it is difficult for the Grand Duchy of Stanek to resist every time the orcs invade, and it often asks for help from neighboring countries.

  Neighboring countries such as the Kingdom of Grant, the Kingdom of Delon, and the Kingdom of Lane, because of their close ties, would often lend a helping hand within their capabilities to help the Grand Duchy of Stanik defend its defense line.

  If the Grand Duchy of Stanik is captured by the orcs, the land six hundred kilometers west of the Grant Kingdom will become the front line.

  Holding on to a thousand kilometers of defense line in the north has already made it very difficult for the Grant Kingdom. Add another six hundred kilometers and the heavy burden will bankrupt the kingdom's finances.

  Although the former royal family of the Grand Duchy of Stanek took refuge in the Grant Kingdom, the Linus family of the current royal family had some complaints.

  However, the Grand Duchy of Stanik wanted the current situation of the Grant Kingdom, and they could not openly fall out.

  In the past hundred years or so, the Grand Duchy of Stanek has moved closer to the Kingdom of Lane and has become somewhat alienated from the Grant royal family.

  The Linus family used to be vassals of the Jonathan family. Taking advantage of the appearance of a foolish grand duke in the Jonathan family, they united with several big nobles to drive away the Jonathan family.

  Although they successfully counterattacked and became the Grand Duchy of Stanik, the family's strength has also been developed very well.

  Unfortunately, because he won the country unfairly and compromised too much with the great nobles, he was restricted by the great nobles.

  The authority of the royal family of Grand Duke Stanek was weak, and it only controlled a population of 2 million, just over a quarter. More than 5 million people were monopolized by a few big nobles.

  Because the big nobles occupied huge resources, it was difficult for the small nobles to develop well.

  The number of hereditary barons is very small, only more than a hundred, less than one-sixth of the Grant Kingdom.

  Classification in this country is even more serious and somewhat lifeless.

  Entering the Grand Duchy of Stanik, the strict class divisions and almost no room for advancement made Richard feel depressed.

  (End of chapter)

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