Chapter 111 Establishing a hospital (please vote for me)

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  Chapter 111: Establishing a hospital (please ask for monthly votes)

  Because the territory stall is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more things happening.

  The Haaland family is already running out of managers.

  Fortunately, Richard's cousin has grown up and can already take on some responsibilities.

  Tang En and Adrian are the same age, both two years younger than Richard.

  In the Dawn Continent, nobles at this age have ended their education and begun marriages.

  Neither Tang En nor Adrian are married.

  Marriage between nobles is very troublesome and requires mutual trust.

  If a suitable marriage partner cannot be found and the Haaland family's advanced technology is stolen by his wife's family, he may become a stranger inside and out.

  According to Richard's own idea, he planned to let his cousins ​​marry the daughters of the middle and upper class in the territory.

  For example, children of mid- to high-level military officers such as Martin and Heyman can marry members of the Haaland family.

  If the second uncle and the third uncle must marry a noble, Richard is prepared to let them marry women from the Stopa family and get closer to Sophia.

  Sophia also has two brothers. They both have daughters and are of a suitable age.

  Other hereditary nobles have no trust with the Harland family.

  Richard was a little worried about marrying an unknown noble.

  If they really marry the daughter of a strange nobleman, Richard will arrange for them to leave the territory and join the army to develop.

  Adrian learned magic from Wendy, and now he has just started. He was promoted to a junior magic apprentice and learned his first spell to treat minor injuries.

  Healing minor injuries is very useful on the battlefield.

  Although Adrian has just started to learn magic, he can still cast four spells to treat minor injuries, and can treat four soldiers in a short time on the battlefield.

  This brother has grown up, and Richard is planning to arrange for him to be the director of the hospital. Use surgical methods combined with the effects of magic healing to treat more wounded soldiers.

  There is no concept of surgery in Dawn Continent yet.

  There are healing spells in this world. As long as a priest can be found, the effect will be immediate.

  The power of magic suppressed the development of medicine, especially surgery, which was severely suppressed.

  Back in the Mad Lion Legion, Richard also planned to build a hospital to treat wounded soldiers.

  But he was just a small officer back then, with no resources or prestige, and he didn't understand surgery. There is no way to promote the construction of hospitals.

  Now Richard manages three baronies and has 20,000 people under his command.

  Whatever he decides, the territory must implement.

  He had this in mind and started preparations for building a hospital last year.

  Richard planned to build the hospital before traveling far.

  The new hospital was built in Sofia Castle and occupied a large courtyard.

  Originally this courtyard was intended to be used by castle officials for their offices, but later Richard took a fancy to it and moved the new hospital directly into it.

  Dean Richard appointed Adrian, in addition to seven or eight rookie doctors and a dozen nurses.

  Modern surgery is based on sterility, anesthesia, and blood transfusion.

  If these three things are solved, a large part of surgical diseases can be treated.

  Blood transfusion requires the use of glass bottles, blood transfusion needles, and rubber blood transfusion tubes, which are difficult to solve in Chenxi Continent.

  Blood transfusion needles were the best solution. Several silversmiths in Harland's territory completed the task assigned by Richard last year and made blood transfusion needles by hand. Glass bottles are not difficult to solve. There are mature glass kilns in the territory of Viscount Rome, which can produce most glass products.

  Although the price of glass products is high, Richard has already purchased some of them.

  The glass kilns established in the Harland territory are still unable to produce qualified products. I am afraid that it will take a long time to explore before they can produce qualified glass products.

  The most difficult thing to solve is the infusion tube.

  Richard had never found rubber trees in northern Xinjiang, so it was naturally impossible to manufacture rubber products.

  Finally, Sophia had an idea and thought that sheep arteries could be used as transfusion vessels.

  Although the cost was high, the preparatory work for blood transfusion was still completed.

  However, the blood type needs to be tested before blood transfusion. This problem stumped Harland.

  Richard knew that in his previous life, it was not until the early 20th century that laboratories had the conditions to test blood types.

  This level of development is simply not possible in the Haaland territory.

  Since real-life technology is restricted by the level of productivity and cannot be realized for the time being, Richard can only hope to achieve similar results through the power of magic.

  He, Wendy and Sophia discussed this issue for a long time.

  This is the first time for Sophia and Wendy to hear that people's blood types are different, but in their minds, this is determined by blood.

  The magicians in Dawn Continent have a very limited understanding of blood. They generally believe that blood is composed of four basic elements, namely earth, fire, geomantic omen and water.

  Because ancient wizards discovered through blood tests that the elemental power of earth, fire, fengshui existed in the blood of extraordinary creatures.

  The magician system after the Age of Seven Gods inherited a large part of the knowledge of ancient wizards, and was passed down from generation to generation, forming wrong concepts.

  Richard proposed novel blood knowledge and used visual magnification magic to let Sophia and Wendy understand that humans have multiple blood types.

  There are already mirror grinders in the Dawn Continent, and in Markholm Magic Kingdom, wearing glasses has become very popular.

  Listening to Sophia's story, in the Kingdom of Markholm, a microscope has appeared in the magician's laboratory.

  Of course, a powerful magician can magnify magic through vision and observe microscopic structures without using any tools.

  Using this magic, Sophia can clearly observe cellular structures and even bacteria.

  Richard estimated that the legendary magician could even observe microscopic particles through this magic and discover the root of magical power.

  But through primitive microscopes and magic, they discovered that humans on the Dawn Continent did not have only four blood types as Richard said.

  Ancient wizards' bloodline experiments have already changed human genes.

  Through research, Richard and the others discovered dozens of different blood types. They still need experimental observations to draw conclusions on what kind of transfusion reactions will occur when different blood types are transfused.

  Sophia, Richard, and Wendy have created a new type of magic by combining their magic knowledge through research on blood types.

  Because it is a new magic, the three of them don't know if it has any side effects yet, so they have not learned this magic yet and engraved the magic pattern into the spiritual space.

  The name of the new magic is blood type identification, and it is a one-ring magic.

  If magic can create success, Sophia, Richard, and Wendy will also appear in the history of recording magic.

  In the history of Dawn Continent, it was precisely because of the continuous specialization of magicians from generation to generation that the types of magic became more and more abundant, and a unique magic civilization was developed.

  After creating new magic, the effect of Richard's meditation during this period was particularly good, almost ten times better than usual.

  It seems that the cognition of the magician's soul plays a decisive role in the effect of meditation.

  (End of chapter)

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