Chapter 84 084 Military 2 (Leader of Sherua Bik)

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  Chapter 84 084 Military 2 (Leader of Xierua Bek Alliance)

  "That's right. With a complete transformation of your level, you should have heard of it even if you haven't been exposed to it." She didn't wait for Li Chengyi to answer, and skipped it by herself.

  "Then you should also know what the Federation, the Grand Federation, and the Royal Family mean. How far are their superior nobles from ordinary people now?" Team Xin stabilized the opponent while looking right

  . A small map appeared in the lower corner.

  On the map, the green dot belonging to the companion combat model is approaching here quickly.

  Obviously the changes here have aroused vigilance over there.

  "Then what? What does that have to do with me?" Li Chengyi was unmoved.

  "Don't you understand what a self-circulating city is like and what an ordinary city is like?" Xin Dui said in a deep voice. Looking at the green dot on the mini map, the distance is getting closer.

  Five thousand meters.

  Four thousand meters.

  Three thousand meters.

  "There shouldn't be such a big class gap in this world. The aristocrats and the ordinary people have almost become two species. Genetic biology and pharmacology, coupled with various mechanical modifications and biochemical modifications, have continuously extended their lifespans.

  If the elders do not die, they will always occupy high positions and block all avenues of advancement. The people are suffering and there is no hope. The society is in stagnant water. Do you know that some of the highest-ranking royal family in Yi Kingdom have lived for a full three hundred years? !"

  Team Xin said in a deep voice.

  "Three hundred years! Four generations have passed in ordinary cities, and he is still there! Treating people as pigs, dogs, and livestock! He can even continue to live!" "

  So you want to build a Utopia?" Li Chengyi suddenly understood.

  "There are more and more undead in the royal family. They will not die, nor are they engaged in production, and they require others to pay all their tribute. They are like a cancer in the Yi Kingdom, getting bigger and bigger!" Captain Xin

  ! His eyes became colder and harsher.

  "Get rid of the undead! Build a true Utopia with up-and-down stairs in the legend! Restore order to the entire world. This is our mission! It is also our ideal!" "It is indeed an Utopia. I understand you somewhat

  . Such an ideal is indeed great. Sorry, I may have misunderstood you before." Li Chengyi's tone was moved.

  "To be willing to sacrifice everything for your ideals, and to remain anonymous at the risk of being exposed by governments of various countries." Before he could

  finish his words, Li Chengyi took a step forward.

  At this time, the distance between the two of them was only ten meters without even realizing it!
  Bang! !

  Others were like sharp arrows, rushing towards the Xin team.

  This change was too sudden and sudden. Team Xin was still listening to him and could not predict the trajectory of his actions at all. She was caught off guard by this change.

  She raised her hand in front of her in time and barely blocked the sword.

  The golden sword blade struck hard on the armor of her arms, cutting a scar more than ten centimeters deep.

  '! ! ? This is military grade alloy! ? Team Xin looked shocked. Her armor was at least several times stronger than the rest of the complete body.

  Other materials used for civilian use, in order to avoid the Yi State government, are all ordinary metals patched together.

  But she is different.

  Her body is a complete special military alloy made of parts accumulated over many years and finally assembled together!

  The hardness is simply not comparable to that of cannon fodder!
  But even so, she almost failed to block the first blow! ?
  Before she could regain her senses, the golden sword blade slashed down randomly without any order.

  When the sharpness of the weapon exceeds the opponent's imagination, even the so-called hacking technique can bring huge threats.

  Dang Dang Dang! !
  Team Xin kept retreating, and she tried to jam the opponent's weapon with her arms. But as soon as a golden sword got stuck, Li Chengyi simply let go and pulled out another golden sword from nowhere.

  The golden sword blade kept slashing at her armor.

  New sword marks appeared everywhere on the shoulders, waist, chest, and arms.

  Suddenly her breastplate opened, and the honeycomb-like muzzle inside suddenly spurted out a large amount of tongues of fire.

  But all the bullets were impossible to aim at such a close distance. All failed.

  The automatic fire control system seemed to be blind, unable to lock on Li Chengyi.

  He is like the plants and trees in the mountains, impossible to aim at.

  Can only rely on manual operation.

  This made Team Xin, who had long been accustomed to automatic aiming correction, completely uncomfortable.

  She is just a commander, fighting in person is not what she is good at.

  After taking more than ten steps back, her expression suddenly brightened and she looked down the mountain in the distance.

  There was a green dot approaching quickly.

  "Here it comes!! You're dead!!" She said in surprise, and a ball of fire burst out from the armor behind her.

  The huge propulsion brought by the fire explosion caused her to fly up and rush towards the reinforcements.


  Strangely, Li Chengyi behind him had no intention of pursuing him.

  He just held the sword and stabbed forward lightly on the ground.

  The golden sword blade just stood upright in the soil, motionless.

  Something strange happened.

  Team Xin, who had just flown out, suddenly felt dizzy throughout his body.

  She was obviously flying straight down the mountain.

  But at this moment, this moment, she made a strange circle in mid-air, like a boomerang, flew back inexplicably, and rushed straight towards Li Chengyi! No stopping!

  "No!!!??" She screamed in mid-air.

  At this moment, Li Chengyi drew his sword, lifted it up, and slashed.

  Golden sword marks and blue cyborgs passed by each other, and the harsh fire light disappeared in an instant.

  Team Xin's whole body was split into two and cut off diagonally at the waist.

  Before she could say anything, the golden sword casually slashed her head into two pieces.

  All settled.

  Li Chengyi retracted his sword and looked up at the green figure rushing towards him.

  "It's a pity that you're late."

  "It's not too late to kill you now!" The green figure roared and rushed straight towards Li Chengyi without slowing down.

  His speed is much faster than all the previous perfect bodies. After its body broke out of the shadow, its entire appearance was revealed in the moonlight.

  It was a strong black and green transformed man with a sharp horn on his head and two huge scimitars in his arms.

  His whole body was covered in armor with dark green patterns, and the deltoid muscles on his back were bulging, obviously hiding a magazine or weapon. There is a huge dark red diamond-shaped crystal on the chest, inlaid with and extending out many veins like blood vessels.


  A low roar came out.

  The green figure brandished two swords and rushed towards Li Chengyi like an explosion, slashing his waist with one sword and slashing his thigh with the other.

  The golden sword slashed out horizontally. Li Chengyi held the sword in both hands and faced the two swords without fear, and slashed with them.

  Dang! !

  The two crashes merged into one.

  Li Chengyi took a few steps back, and his expression under the helmet suddenly became serious.

  There were obvious chips and damage to the golden sword's blade.

  The opposite pair of knives also had slight damage.

  "Sure enough, it is military grade!" The green complete body said coldly, "No matter what force you belong to, just leave this body of yours to me today!!"


  The muscles in his back split automatically, and two more arms stretched out from behind.

  There are four mechanical arms in total, all with palms made into machetes.

  The green shadow flashed, and he rushed towards Li Chengyi again.

  The four machetes crackled like a storm and slashed towards the opposite side.

  This kind of chopping is not like Li Chengyi's random chopping, but rather methodical, sealing all possible dodge gaps and routes.

  This left Li Chengyi with no choice but to fight hard or retreat!

  The speed of retreating is definitely not as fast as sprinting forward, so once you retreat, there will inevitably be a decline.

  Although Li Chengyi was not proficient in weapons techniques, he had also learned fighting for a period of time, and the principles were similar in terms of actual combat.

  He kept his pace and slashed forward with both swords towards the opponent's torso, not caring about the machete coming at him.

  Before coming here, he had used the word "Strengthening". In a head-to-head confrontation, he didn't believe he would lose!

  Wearing the Flower Scale Clothes and activating the language of flowers will bring about a joint amplification effect of the body and the Flower Scale Clothes.

  It can greatly increase the strength of the Flower Scale Clothes at once.

  This is also the confidence that Li Chengyi gained from many personal experiences.

  At this time, he didn't dodge, and the other party didn't dodge either.

  The weapons in both men's hands fell on each other almost at the same time.

  Dang Dang Dang! !

  Under the moonlight, two figures quickly passed each other and stood still.

  Li Chengyi looked down at his waist, where two gaps had been forcibly opened, revealing the body armor inside.

  The alloy steel plate of the body armor was also slashed, almost damaging the flesh.

  His expression became serious.

  This was the first time that after he activated the Solid Flower Language, he was able to break through the Hualin Yi's defense with just one blow.

  Not only that, at the moment of intersection, he was also stabbed twice in the chest.

  In other words, he was hit four times in that exchange.

  Because the chest was blocked by the golden sword, it could not break through the flower scale clothes. But it also left two deep scars.

  "Again!" He growled, turned around and charged towards the opponent again.

  This time, the green perfect body did not confront him head-on, but dodged left and right.

  With the speed difference between the two sides being almost the same, he actually dodged all of Li Chengyi's golden sword strikes perfectly.

  "Turns out he's a trash who knows nothing!" The green perfect figure finally saw that Li Chengyi didn't know any weapons at all, he just slashed randomly with a sharp military-grade alloy sword, that's all.

  There were also scars on his body, but there was only one, which was left by Li Chengyi's sword just scratching his waist.

  At the critical moment, his long-trained instincts allowed him to twist his body in time and avoid Li Chengyi's chop to the greatest extent, leaving only a shallow scratch.

  "Remember, the person who killed you is me, Zhou Yan!!"

  Green fire erupted from the back of his thighs behind him at the same time, and the huge propulsion generated caused his speed to surge, like a sharp arrow, rushing towards Li Chengyi.

  "Walking Cloud Slash!!"

  Green Perfect shouted, and swung the four swords in unison, slashing at Li Chengyi faster and with greater force than before.

  The speed was so fast that Li Chengyi only had time to dodge to the right.

  But the strange thing is that when he turned to the right, the opponent actually turned slightly to the right at this moment and rushed towards him again.

  laugh! !

  In an instant, the two figures were intertwined.

  The green body was surrounded by Yan, and four machetes were cut deeply into the ground and soil.

  The knife marks carved a long ravine on the ground.

  'what happened! ! ? 'He couldn't understand that he had clearly aimed at his opponent at the critical moment, but at the last moment, his blade suddenly became crooked and hit the ground.

  The car was suddenly cut sideways due to the rapid collision. If he hadn't braked in time, he would have rolled and crashed into the ground.

  'How did it fail? 'Zhou Yan couldn't understand. He looked down at his waist.

  There was a deep scar there.

  It was during the instant fight that the opponent's golden sword was left behind with the help of the impact.

  "What the hell are you!?" He turned around, looked at the other person intently, and spoke solemnly.

  Li Chengyi did not reply, but drew out a golden sword again, pointed it downwards, and turned to look at him.

  (End of chapter)

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