Chapter 83 083 Military One (Leader of Sherua Bik)

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  Chapter 83 083 Military One (Leader of Sherubik Alliance)


  The night was hazy and vaguely foggy.

  A gray-white mountain road in the mountain stretches from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and finally comes to a small mountain-shaped villa with red walls and gray roof.

  The villa is built extremely symmetrically, with a side door on each side and two square white windows in the middle.

  At this time, the door on the left was silently ajar, and subtle voices could be heard faintly from the hall in the house.

  In the hall, the moonlight slanted from the window and fell on the black carpet on the ground.

  A group of black and gray burly figures were scattered in the hall, quietly surrounding a blue reformer in the center, listening to her words.

  "According to feedback from other departments, Hongjin Company is closely related to the mysterious modified person who attacked us before. This time we must be prepared to deal with the mysterious modified person." The blue modified person's body is under the moonlight

  . It reflects a light mirror-like luster. Unlike other perfect bodies around her, the body on her body seems to be integrated, with almost no gaps in connection. She is like an ancient heavy-armored knight, wearing thick arm armor, breastplate, and Leg armor.

  "Team Xin, so far we haven't found out the whereabouts of the mysterious reformer. We only have the video of his fight with the official omnic master from Suiyang. At this level, it is difficult to make a comprehensive assessment of it." One of the black and gray reformers said solemnly.

  "I have observed it." The blue cyborg known as Team Xin said in a low voice, "In the video, he was injured by Ding Zaocheng's flying instrument. This degree should be stronger than that of ordinary civilian-grade complete bodies, but it is also stronger than ordinary civilian-grade complete bodies. But it's military grade. In the city, it may be wreaking havoc because everyone has no weapon modules, but outside, all of you can use the fire control to automatically aim, and you can destroy him in one go." The blue cyborg said coldly


  "The key is to seize the target. This time the experiment requires special products from the Silent Shop. All the blind spots that entered before have been used up. The experiment cannot continue without collaborators, so now we finally get new ones, so we can't let them go. X Sir, we must complete the task. The experiment has reached a critical moment." Captain Xin looked around.

  "Are the weapon modules installed?" she asked in a deep voice.

  "No problem, everyone brings it. There is no Silent Fortress here, and with the shielding system, we can have half an hour of free movement." A black cyborg stood in the shadows and sneered.

  "Very good. Everyone, pay attention to the mysterious transformation. Ah Wu went to arrange ambush equipment and shield the equipment. Act quickly! The informant who was in the hospital just now received a letter. Zhong Hui's wife also hid a notebook, which recorded many blind spots. "Leave the Law, who was responsible for your previous searches?"

  Captain Xin's voice turned cold.

  No one said a word.

  "Tomorrow, Hongjin's people will come. No. 4, you are responsible for leading the team to lure away their armed personnel, and annihilate them all if necessary." "

  Okay." One of the burliest black body transformers replied.

  None of them have installed virtual skins here, and they all use pure mechanical bodies to show people.

  "No. 2, you and I went to get the notes and replace them with the substitutes we made." Captain Xin looked at the other person.

  "No problem. The people at Hongjin haven't seen the notes anyway, so we just got a similar one and stuffed it into its place." Another black full-body transformed person said with a smile.

  "Okay, everyone is in your position, let's take action!"

  Captain Xin clapped his hands gently.

  Immediately, all the black bodies present dispersed and left.

  Some walked out of the hall, some went up to the second floor, and some went to the basement.

  One person was left behind to follow Captain Xin. The two of them walked towards the master bedroom on the second floor.

  After going up the stairs, Team Xin quickly came to the door of the master bedroom and stood still.

  "Under the third floor after entering the door." Captain Xin said solemnly.

  Black stepped forward, counted the floor, came to the third piece, squatted down, stretched out his hand, turned his index finger into a sharp metal blade, and stabbed it into the gap in the floor.

  "It's empty down there." He glanced at Captain Xin, and then continued to exert force.

  With a crash, the floor was lifted up, revealing a silver-black metal box underneath.

  "There are also preparations to prevent scanning. This old guy is really thoughtful." Team Xin said in surprise.

  "You're still capable of doing so many things even after you're dead. You're a talent." No. 2 laughed.

  He carefully took out the silver metal box and opened it.

  Inside is a small cavity padded with black silk cloth.

  On the silk cloth, there is a taupe leather notebook.

  There were many small black spots on the notebook. No. 2 took it out and held it in his hand. He didn't notice it at first.

  When he took a closer look, he felt a sudden change in his heart.

  "What the hell!"

  "What?" Team Xin heard the sound and looked over.

  "It's all ants! The surface of this notebook is covered with dead ants!" No. 2 said horrified.

  "Don't make a fuss, take it with you and let's go. Leave the rest to others." Captain Xin said coldly.

  "Okay." No. 2 suppressed his nausea, took the notebook, stood up, took out a completely different notebook and threw it in, then restored the box and floor to their original positions.

  The two of them quickly went downstairs, and the rest of the people had already completed the installation and were waiting in the lobby.

  "The last thing is, the comprehensive starter, No. 1, you go and install it around the outside, one in each direction. To ensure that all traps can operate perfectly." Captain Xin ordered.

  "Yes!" No. 1 walked out quickly.

  "The rest of you, follow me." Captain Xin took the lead and went out from the other side door.

  The rest of the people followed and filed out.

  Everyone stood in the dark woodland on the side of the villa.

  "Where are the people? Why hasn't Number 1 arrived yet?" Captain Xin looked back in confusion.

  "The action is too slow. I'll contact him." Number 2 said quickly.

  He pressed a button on the side of his face and quickly connected to No. 1's encrypted communication.

  "Wait. No need to contact you yet." Team Xin's eyes flashed red and he looked down the mountain.

  In that direction, in the darkness, a purple-black figure was approaching the crowd quickly. Its figure was like a cheetah in the dark night, swift and vigorous.

  "The guy who killed Ai Xi actually dared to come to her door." She raised her hand. "It's really stupid. You dare to approach this way without any cover-up. Just in time to solve it completely." As she raised her hand, several people present raised their right arms. The skin above the arm cracked and a frame rose. Micro missile launch module.

  This is the disposable weapon module they carried this time, which can launch a model 7793 foam burning missile.

  This missile can automatically track its target within a certain range, and its explosion is powerful enough to easily destroy a three-story building. It is named foam because the explosive flames will burst out a large amount of white burning debris like foam.

  "Three rounds of launch." Team Xin said coldly.

  "Wait! I can't lock him!?" Suddenly a black perfect person on the side exclaimed.

  "Me too! Why does that guy have no heat radiation!? No heat source radiation at all!?"

  "Then use metal reaction tracking instead!" Team Xin said sternly.

  Several people adjust the mode at the same time.

  "No, he's not a perfect metal!"

  "Still can't lock on!! What's going on with this guy!?"

  Several people exclaimed again.

  Team Xin also discovered the problem herself. The locking system in front of her was all red, the crosshair kept beating, but she couldn't lock it.

  Looking at Li Chengyi who was approaching quickly, the distance was getting closer and faster.

  "Change to motion capture immediately and aim manually!" she hurriedly growled.

  Several people hurriedly changed to manual mode.

  But it was too late.

  laugh! !

  A golden ray flashed under the night cover and penetrated the torso of a perfect black figure.

  Before the others could react, several more golden rays flashed past in the dark night.

  Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

  The sound of continuous cutting continued.

  One person was hit hard against a tree trunk and nailed to it, unable to move.

  Li Chengyi did whatever he could and easily divided his entire body together with the tree trunk into two sections.

  He turned around.

  "Can you tell me, did you secretly take anything from the house just now?"

  "You guy."

  Captain Xin's eyes were dark and solemn. She had heard other branches mention this mysterious purple and black reformer earlier, saying that he was very troublesome.

  She didn't take it seriously at the time, but now it seems that
  it's not that troublesome anymore.

  She put away the notebook she just got with one hand and hid it in the metal sandwich on the outside of her thigh.

  "There is no heat source, no metal reaction, it is not any known alloy material, and there is not even an electrical signal on the body. What the hell are you!?" "Don't say it so harshly, by the way, can you ask me something

  ? Question?" Li Chengyi asked without answering.

  Under the moonlight, he walked step by step towards Team Xin, who was the last one left around.

  The rest of the black cyborgs all fell to the ground, their bodies cut into pieces.

  "What are you most afraid of? How can I make you fear me? Hate me?" He asked as he approached.

  "It's ridiculous, who do you think you are? As long as I am willing, I can blow myself up here in an instant and completely destroy your body along with it. Why should I be afraid of you?" Captain Xin said coldly, feeling that the other party might have a mental problem. .

  "Really? This is the complete body? What a convenient ability." Li Chengyi paused.

  "So what are you waiting for?"

  "I want to find out who you are?" Captain Xin said in a cold voice, "Why do you go against us so many times?"

  So many people were killed, which was a big loss for their branch. She won't be reconciled until she knows who her opponent is!

  Moreover, what's more important is that
  this time besides her, there is also a reformer of the same level as her acting together.

  Compared with those complete cannon fodder models, the two of them are the real main force and controllers of this operation.

  And that guy is not comparable to those basic models just now. Compared to her as a commander, he is the real fighting model.

  'Just hold this guy off for a few minutes! Team Xin

  glanced at the remaining complete remains of sparks flashing around him.

  I felt anxious in my heart.

  "Actually, I also have a question that I want to ask clearly." Li Chengyi also spoke up at this time. Through a simple voice changer, his voice became shrill and harsh, making it impossible to distinguish between male and female.

  "What are you pursuing in Utopia?"

  "You don't know?" Captain Xin was stunned and stared at Li Chengyi in disbelief.

  "You don't know anything, and you come out to go against us?"

  "I should know?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "Perhaps we don't have to be hostile." Team Xin's tone suddenly became calm.

  She opened her hands and slowly moved closer.

  "Since you know that the name of our organization is Ideal Township, you should also be curious about why we call it this name, right?" "

  Yes, why?" Li Chengyi really didn't know.

  "Friend, have you ever come into contact with a real noble?" Team Xin asked.

  (End of chapter)

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