Chapter 85 085 Military Three (Thanks to the Supreme Immortal Qi Tian Alliance Leader)

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  Chapter 85 085 Military Three (Thanks to the Supreme Immortal Qi Tian Alliance Leader)

  Dark green moss covers tree roots, stones, and soil.

  Broken dry branches and leaves were mixed together, and small unknown insects could be seen quietly crawling through them.

  In the forest, Li Chengyi quietly held the golden sword and approached the other party step by step.

  Suddenly he stepped forward, and the man rushed straight out like a sharp arrow, stamping out large pieces of dirt and broken leaves on the ground.

  There was no skill, just brute force. The golden sword swept out in a fan shape and slashed towards Zhou Yan's torso.


  Zhou Yan took a precise step back, narrowly avoiding the sword sweep with only a small gap left.

  "If brute force alone is effective, then wouldn't all the weapons we have studied for many years be in vain!?"

  He kept retreating and dodging, and every time he dodged, he could accurately avoid Li Chengyi's hacking.

  The unknown distortion caused by him in the moment just now clearly showed that his Xingyun Slash had a chip calculation-assisted trajectory. Coupled with his own perception correction, there was no way he could go wrong.

  But I didn't expect that in the end, it actually tilted to the ground and played a standard three-no-touch.

  After so many years of performing missions, this was the first time Zhou Yan encountered such a situation.

  After just a little simulated recall, he understood that he was probably affected by some kind of instrument from the other party.

  So he adopted the strategy of dodging first and observing later.

  In the dark night, the moonlight scattered and penetrated the fog to form pillars of light.

  The two of them fought quickly in the beam of light.

  The golden sword kept slashing out various arcs and straight lines of light, but it just couldn't touch Zhou Yan.

  And the weird situation before has never happened again.

  "Does it seem to rely on touch? As long as you can't touch me, you can't activate the influence just now!" Zhou Yan suddenly understood.

  Li Chengyi felt a shiver in his heart. This was the first time he had encountered such an opponent, or in other words, a real opponent who could see through his flowery language ability.

  The ability of flower language itself is extremely powerful and unreasonable. But once someone sees through it, it will indeed be quite difficult for him at this stage to deal with it in a targeted manner.

  At the moment when his mind was distracted.

  A pain spread from the side of his waist.

  Li Chengyi suddenly paused and stopped in place. He could feel that another cut had been made on the right side of his waist, where the damaged part of the flower scale coat had been.

  The opponent specifically picked the previous breach to continue attacking, and accurately cut through the body armor inside, causing real flesh and blood injuries.

  "What's wrong? Is there nothing I can do?" Zhou Yan laughed. "Where are your weird abilities? Why don't you come out?"

  He waved his sword casually and walked around Li Chengyi step by step.

  After taking a few steps, he suddenly dashed forward, avoiding the golden sword struck by Li Chengyi, and flashed past from the left.

  Another wound appeared on the outside of Li Chengyi's left arm.

  "What's wrong? What about that ability you just had? Use it?" Zhou Yan laughed.

  Before he finished speaking, others quickly flashed and moved around Li Chengyi at high speed.

  The light of the sword flickers, sometimes left and sometimes right.

  laugh! !

  Knife edges kept appearing all over Li Chengyi's body.

  He held the golden sword and kept panting, but he couldn't touch the opponent even once.

  The gap between the two sides' skills and realm in weapon fighting is too big.

  If Li Chengyi is considered a novice, then Zhou Yan is at least a top professional expert. Even if the teacher who teaches Li Chengyi comes, he may not be his opponent.

  As wounds continued to appear on Li Chengyi's body, the flower scale clothes on his body gradually fell into pieces, and it was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

  His face was gloomy. It was clear that after Hua Linyi's enhancement, his speed and strength were almost the same as his opponent's, but when they actually fought, the result was a huge gap.

  At the same speed, he couldn't even touch the opponent, and was only beaten from beginning to end.

  'Hua Linyi is about to fall apart. We can't delay it anymore. We must evacuate first! 'He estimated the time in his mind. Since he couldn't do anything to the other party, he could only evacuate temporarily, and then come back to regain the situation after he went back to improve his skills in combat weapons.

  Immediately, Li Chengyi jumped to the right and rushed towards the small villa.

  He didn't forget the real purpose of his coming here. He wanted to find the notebook first.

  His avoidance of the fight caught Zhou Yan off guard.

  "Want to run away!?" Zhou Yan roared and chased after him.

  After killing so many perfect bodies in their Utopia and causing so much loss of resources, just think about escaping?

  If he didn't completely deal with the other party, what would he, Zhou Yan, do to give Mr. !
  The two of them rushed towards the small villa, one behind the other.


  Li Chengyi smashed the wooden door first and rushed into the hall.

  Zhou Yan followed closely behind, swung his knife to chop the remaining door panels, raised his hand to aim, and fired bullets from the muzzle under his forearm.

  The sharp explosive shell hit Li Chengyi hard on the back.

  boom! !

  A burst of white and red fire exploded, and with a huge impact, Li Chengyi flew forward and crashed into the corner of the stairs on the second floor.

  A large area of ​​his back was shattered by the flower scale coat, but the body armor blocked the remaining damage.

  Without stopping, Li Chengyi rolled from the stairs to the second floor.

  "Run, keep running!!" Zhou Yan raised his gun and fired bullets continuously.

  Explosive bombs flew out one after another, from bottom to top, aiming at the second floor. They penetrated the floor one by one and exploded into clouds of flames.

  Boom boom boom! !
  "You piece of trash! Weren't you very arrogant just now? Are you going to kill me!? Come and kill me!" Zhou Yan roared with a loud smile.

  "I'll stand here, come and chop me."

  "You're looking for death!!!" Suddenly, Li Chengyi exploded from the second floor with a furious cry.

  Boom! ! ! In an instant, the floor on the second floor shattered.

  A giant golden hand broke through the wooden floor tiles and pressed down fiercely.

  The giant golden hand is more than four meters in diameter. It looks like it is made of metal, and its palm is covered with spikes.

  The moment it fell from top to bottom, it completely covered all Zhou Yan's dodge space.

  He was caught off guard, not expecting such a huge golden hand to suddenly appear.

  By the time he reacted, there was no room to dodge in the narrow villa hall.

  Big golden hands filled his field of vision in the blink of an eye.

  boom! ! ! !

  His entire body was hit by a big hand and fell into the ground.

  The smooth floor tiles shattered and exploded, but this time it failed to completely smash Zhou Yan.

  He was just hit so hard that the armor all over his body was shattered and twisted, and some joints flashed with electric sparks.

  But it can still move!

  Don't wait for him to get up.

  He grabbed him with his big hand and pounded him on the ground.

  boom! ! !
  Four times in a row.

  Zhou Yan's two arms were smashed and flew apart, one leg was completely bent, his torso collapsed, and even the inlaid battery crystal was shattered and dimmed.

  "What the hell!?" He screamed in fright.

  But his head was immediately pinched by big hands and hit hard on the ground.

  Bang! !

  His entire head was violently severed and separated from his torso.

  But even so, Zhou Yan didn't lose consciousness yet.

  His eyes flashed red, and he looked up along the arm of the big golden hand.

  The arms extended upward, becoming thinner and thinner, and then connected to a golden armored man about 1.8 meters tall.

  The armored man's whole body is covered with golden shiny armor, his head is shaped like a mountain, and his ears have delicate patterns like wings.

  On his left forearm is a small buckler, also golden.

  The right hand is equipped with a huge golden hand that just exploded suddenly.

  The entire armor surface is covered with simplified twisted patterns of sunflowers.

  In the center of its chest, there is a crystal-like golden disc crystal. There is a faint golden mist flowing inside.

  "What on earth are you!?" The red light in Zhou Yan's eyes flashed rapidly.


  His head was crushed into pieces by the giant golden hand.

  The sound stopped suddenly.

  at the same time.

  Thousands of kilometers away from the small villa, in an underground cave.

  In a secret room hidden deep underground, there stands a huge dark green crystal column.

  Inside the crystal column, a modified human mechanical body was soaked in a green solution, and its eyes suddenly lit up with red light.

  The Cyborg smashed the crystal glass in front of him with one punch and stepped out of it.

  "Damn it!!" Zhou Yan's voice came out of its mouth. At the same time, silver particles slowly emitted from all over his body. All the particles were like living creatures, condensing on his body to simulate the real skin and flesh of human beings.

  "Did that guy switch bodies at the last minute? Is there such a technology now?"

  He couldn't understand.

  It was clear that one second he had the absolute upper hand, but the next second he was suddenly reversed and killed.

  This is a joke! !

  Recalling the big golden hand he had just encountered, Zhou Yan showed anger on his face.

  That thing, from the outside, doesn’t conform to physics at all! ?
  How does such a heavy hand maintain balance without knocking oneself off? ?

  He couldn't understand it!
  The flames gradually engulfed the entire villa, illuminating a small area of ​​the night sky.

  Li Chengyi walked downstairs slowly, holding a gray-white notebook in his hand.

  He just dug it out from under the floor.

  But unfortunately, it is blank, there is nothing.

  'The notebook must have been taken away by the group of people just now! 'He had a judgment in his mind.

  At this time, he was wearing a new set of golden armor, which was the Titan Sunflower Scale Clothes he had just obtained.

  This set of flower scale clothes is average in other aspects. Its protection is slightly weaker than that of Wisteria and slightly stronger than that of Gladiolus. The pattern is the same as before, with the whole body covered in a delicate pattern of sunflowers.

  There is only one thing that distinguishes it from the other two sets of flower scale clothes.

  That is - the right hand.

  Huge right hand!
  This sunflower scale suit has a giant golden hand that can be retracted in length and can reach more than four meters in diameter and nearly five meters in diameter.

  The palm of the giant hand is covered with sharp blackish thorns, like sunflower seeds.

  The arms are covered with patterns, like metal parts assembled, with gaps one after another between the patterns.

  Compared to the balance of the wisteria and the sharpness and strength of the gladiolus, the only unique feature of the sunflower's flower-scaled suit is its golden right hand, which is astonishing in both weight and size.

  Judging from the weight just smashed out, Li Chengyi felt that the right hand alone weighed at least five tons.

  It has extremely high hardness and does not feel heavy at all when controlled. It is slightly heavier than a normal arm.

  (End of chapter)

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