Chapter 82 082 Urgency Four (Xie Chuliuyun Alliance Leader)

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  Chapter 82 082 Urgency Four (Xie Chu Liuyun Alliance Leader)

  "Wait a minute." Song Ran suddenly felt something was wrong. "Mr. Zhong, didn't we just talk on the phone? It's not a degree, but the method of escape?"

  "The method of escape?" Zhong Hui frowned at first, and then he seemed to suddenly remember something.

  With a crash, he stood up and dropped the newspaper and mobile phone in his hands to the ground. His eyes suddenly became frightened and he stared at Song Ran.

  "You just said, break away from the Fa!? You are here to break away from the Fa!?"

  "Isn't it? We just talked on the phone more than an hour ago, Mr. Zhong!? You also promised me to come over and hand over the money in one hand. Method!" Song Ran was also a little stunned.

  "I only talked to two students on the phone just now. There is absolutely no way to pay with one hand and pay with the other!" Zhong Hui looked solemn.

  "You guys." Suddenly his voice paused, as if he thought of something terrible.

  "No! You guys, leave now!!" His voice suddenly became sharp and urgent, "Hurry, hurry, hurry! Otherwise it's too late!!" "

  But there is no way to escape." Li Chengyi finally couldn't help it, stood up and spoke.

  "I don't know how to escape! Everything is "

  Boom! " ! !
  In an instant, the window of the living room on the second floor was smashed.

  A black figure flew in like a rhinoceros, followed by broken glass, and rushed towards Song Ran who was speaking.

  This change happened too quickly.

  Song Ran only had time to turn her head, her body tensed, and she reached for her lower back to pull out the gun.

  But before he had time, he was hit hard on the side by a figure.

  Bang! ! !
  The two of them flew out together, broke through the wooden door of the bedroom, and rolled in hard.

  The sawdust flew away. Not only was Zhong Hui not frightened by the incident, but she pushed Li Chengyi away.

  "Go! Don't stay! This is a trap!!"

  trap? !
  Li Chengyi's body was already tense at this time, holding a gun in his hand, but he did not leave, still staring at Zhong Hui.

  "Professor Zhong, I came here to find out how to escape from the silent shop in the dead corner!" "

  I don't know anything! I don't know all the methods to escape from the dead corner! Those things are all there."

  A gunshot suddenly exploded.

  Li Chengyi's scalp numbed instinctively, and his five senses, which had been strengthened by the flower scale clothes, suddenly tightened at this moment. With his head tilted.


  In front of him, a black metal needle suddenly appeared on the side wall of Zhong Hui.

  The needle penetrated deeply into the wall, and the tail was still trembling.

  Without saying a word, Li Chengyi immediately squatted down and looked for obstacles.

  But at this moment, a figure rushed in from the window that had just been smashed.

  The figure kicked against the wall in mid-air, used the force to turn, and rushed towards Li Chengyi's face.

  In desperation, Li Chengyi raised his hand and fired.

  The large-caliber bullet missed and opened a hole in the ceiling beside the figure.

  After shooting, he rolled over without looking at the result, barely avoiding the opponent's attack.

  Li Chengyi used his hands on the ground to push open the door of another bedroom and rushed in.


  The second figure who rushed in stood up and revealed his full face. He was clearly a modified man with metal damage in many places on his body.

  He was dressed in a black suit, had a dull face, and had a standard appearance for an adult man. But at this moment, one of his eyes was flashing red, and the fingers on his right arm were transforming into sharp metal needles.

  Without hesitation, he immediately chased after Li Chengyi in the direction where he entered.

  But there was no one inside.

  Facing a completely transformed person, ordinary people cannot be opponents at all, so the chosen strategy is naturally to escape.

  "The two ran away separately, chase each other separately!" A communication voice sounded in the ears of the reformer.

  "We don't have much time. The Silent Fortress signal has been blocked for the time being. We only have five minutes. Act quickly! People from the Security Department will be here soon!" The man in the black suit glanced at the open window, quickly rushed over, and lowered his head

  . Look, I happened to see Li Chengyi who had arrived on the first floor.

  Raising his hand, he pointed the needle in his hand at Li Chengyi, preparing to shoot.

  Suddenly, Li Chengyi's body dwarfed in his field of vision, and he huddled in the corridor entrance on the first floor to avoid being shot.

  "*!" The man cursed, turned over and jumped from the window.

  But as soon as he landed, he felt something was wrong and looked up into the distance.

  A little red light was shooting from mid-air quickly.

  "It's Feiyi! Evacuate!" An urgent voice came from the communication. "Damn, it's coming faster and faster! It's less than two minutes! They're lucky! Get them all out!" "

  I don't need this body. I'll arrest them first! It won't be so easy next time if I'm targeted. Already." The man in the black suit said solemnly.

  "As you wish!" The communication was interrupted.

  The man in the suit's eyes were bright red, and he was about to enter the hole in the building where Li Chengyi was hiding.

  Suddenly the red light in mid-air accelerated suddenly.

  A red line flew down like lightning, passed through the middle of his chest, then flew back into the air and flew to other places.

  The man in the black suit was making a move to step forward and raise his feet. He didn't have time to react, so he froze in place, his body slowly tilted, and he fell to the ground motionless.

  There was already a burnt black round hole in the middle of his chest.

  The hole was the size of a fist, and it was rapidly expanding and spreading in all directions, as if some kind of poison was spreading.

  In the cave, Li Chengyi slowly walked out and looked at the reformer on the ground with a complicated expression.

  He just hid at the entrance of the corridor just so that when forced, he would change his clothes and explode to kill this guy.

  But now it seems that it is no longer needed.

  He stopped no longer and rushed up to the second floor. The door to Professor Zhong's house was open.

  He quickly walked in and returned to the living room.

  "Professor Zhong! Just now." Li Chengyi's words stopped abruptly.

  Zhong Hui was lying on the sofa at this time, trembling all over, as if she was ill.

  The old lady on the side was hurriedly feeding medicine into his mouth, but her hands were also shaking and trembling, but she didn't get a few pills in.

  "Send to the hospital immediately!" Song Ran walked out from the bedroom on one side, holding on to the wall, her upper body covered in blood.

  17:12 minutes.

  Tongfeng Second People's Hospital, Emergency Room.

  The red emergency lights dyed the corridor outside the door a light red.

  Li Chengyi and Song Ran were all bandaged with more or less gauze and sat on the waiting chairs to rest.

  Opposite them is Zhong Hui's wife, the old lady who poured them water before.

  She looked haggard and sat on the metal chair, silent.

  Besides them, there were several tall men wearing black police uniforms.

  "Lao Song, don't be so reckless next time. Say hello in advance before you come. If I hadn't received the text message just in time this time, you would have been in danger." The man in police uniform who took the lead had long hair tied into a ponytail. His facial features are ordinary, somewhat gloomy, and he is slightly fat.

  "Who is attacking us?" Song Ran was obviously familiar with the other party. He stood up, sighed, and asked softly.

  "If you completely transform a person, who else could you be?" the man said in a low voice.

  "Utopia?" Song Ran reacted. If you can cause trouble in Yi Kingdom and send out all the forces to transform people, there is no other option than Utopia.

  Of course other organizations also have the courage, but they don't have the technology to conceal the Fortress of Silence and allow the entire group to enter the city.

  "We have been following Zhong Hui for a long time. According to the tip, eleven Chen Zonghan from Utopia has been using Zhong Hui to fish," the man replied.

  "Fishing? A blind spot?" Li Chengyi followed and said.

  "Yes." The man glanced at Li Chengyi and understood that he was probably in a blind spot, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

  It is no secret that people in blind spots are in the official department. These dangerous elements are basically registered in the security files. Men have no discrimination against these poor people who are struggling with their mortality. Just feel sad.

  "Zhong Hui's mastery of the escape method is also the information that Utopia deliberately leaked. We have handled similar cases twice before. The process is the same. We also gave warnings in advance, but some people still believed it." He sighed.

  "I just want to know one thing, this police officer." Li Chengyi stood up with a solemn expression. "Professor Zhong Hui, do you really know how to escape from a blind spot?" "You

  should know that the research department related to blind spots has been here and asked Professor Zhong, and one of them did successfully escape a blind spot through his teachings." The man nodded.

  "Are there any other records? Why not record the information?" Li Chengyi continued to ask.

  "Professor Zhong is unwilling." Song Ran replied from the side, "I don't know why, but he is unwilling to record the escape method."


  Just then, the emergency room light turned green.

  The door slowly opened.

  A doctor wearing a mask walked out tiredly.

  "Who are Zhong Hui's family members?"

  "Me, it's me!" The old lady stood up tremblingly.

  "The patient has been rescued, but his consciousness is still unclear and he needs to rest."

  "Although it is a bit unhuman, but it is about human life, I still want to ask, Mrs. Zhong, can we meet Professor Zhong now?" Song Ran asked aloud.

  "The person in the blind corner may enter the blind corner at any time and encounter life-threatening danger! So, two million! This is the reward we can give immediately!"

  He looked at the other party sincerely.

  "No need to ask him. I know a little bit." Mrs. Zhong sighed, "Now Lao Zhong's mind is not very clear, and he remembers many things in confusion. But in the past, I know that Lao Zhong had a notebook, and he recorded a lot of things in it. His personal things. The things you want should also be on there."

  "Mrs. Zhong, have you never told us about this before?" A police officer on the side couldn't help but speak out speechlessly.

  "Are you giving me money?" Mrs. Zhong asked.

  The policeman was speechless.

  "If my husband wants to continue living, he needs a lot of money, and they can provide it." Mrs. Zhong confessed.

  Cloning a living person requires a lot of money.

  "So, where is the notebook?" Li Chengyi asked in a deep voice.

  Mrs. Zhong glanced at the two police officers, and then looked at Song Ran.

  Song Ran took out his mobile phone and quickly transferred the money.

  After a few seconds, there was a soft ding.

  Mrs. Zhong looked down at her phone, with a chrysanthemum smile on her face.

  Only then did she get closer and take the initiative to whisper in Li Chengyi's ear.

  "We have a villa over there in Linqi Mountain. The things are in the villa, under the third floor after entering the master bedroom."

  Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes.

  Linqishan, it should be a suburb, not within the city.

  Is it intentional?
  He looked at Mrs. Zhong. After she finished speaking, she had already walked away. She looked down at her phone with a happy smile on her face.

  After receiving the news, he and Song Ran immediately said goodbye, walked out of the hospital, and sat in the car.

  "It seems that Zhong Hui really knows how to make money in the suburban villa." Song Ran said in a low voice, "Are you going?"

  "Why not?" Li Chengyi answered. "Such an important notebook is not placed in a safer city, but in a villa in the mountains in the suburbs. It's interesting."

  He looked at Song Ran. This guy's arm was broken again, and there was also a wound on the side of his neck. Wrapped with gauze, it looks miserable.

  "Brother Song, please don't go this time. I'll go alone." "I

  have already transferred people from the company. I already transferred people before I came here. I think they will arrive tomorrow." Song Ran replied. "You'd better not act rashly, in case you meet the reformer from Utopia again."

  "I understand!" Li Chengyi nodded seriously.

  He looked up and out the window.

  "What do they want to do in Utopia?"

  (End of chapter)

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