Chapter 135 135 An Xinyi

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  Chapter 135 135 An Xin -
  Forever Botanical Garden.

  Countless snowflake spots flashed in front of Li Chengyi's eyes. As his vision gradually became clearer, the white spots became sparser, became fewer, and finally disappeared completely.

  "It's out!"

  He breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Iselin?" he tried to ask.

  No one answered.

  Things or people in the blind spot seem to have varying degrees of restrictions in reality.

  The products in the silent shop before were just like this, and ordinary people couldn't see them at all.

  Now Iselin seems to be doing the same.

  After exhaling, Li Chengyi quickly raised his hand and checked the time on his phone.

  Fortunately, after the mobile phone connected to the Internet and automatically corrected the time, it was only twenty minutes ago.

  'In such a short time, nothing should happen. '

  What he was worried about was that if he stayed in there for a long time, something would happen to Skittles and the others when he came out, and that would be troublesome.

  After straightening his clothes, he walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs.

  As soon as they got down to the first floor, they saw Dahei, Big Bear, Xiaozhuang and others rushing towards them.

  "Brother Cheng!? Daxiong said you didn't go in! The mobile phone signal was also cut off. Did you enter another blind spot!?" The big beard on Dahei's chin was stained with white milk. He was obviously eating when he heard the news .

  He didn't even have time to wipe his beard before running this way.

  He and his younger brother originally thought that Brother Cheng would go in to help, which would give them some relief, so they went to drink some milk. As a result, we happened to encounter a big bear that appeared.

  After learning from Daxiong that they had not met Brother Cheng at all, everyone immediately understood the urgency of the situation.

  At this time, Li Chengyi's mobile phone signal was connected again.

  Several people immediately ran towards the upstairs.

  "We have entered another blind corner. What are you doing?" Li Chengyi frowned and looked at the anxious expressions of several people, and immediately thought of something.

  "Could it be!?"

  "Sister Tang is in!" Big Bear said anxiously. At this time, she was not as gentle and quiet as usual, but had a hint of impatience in her serious expression.

  "We encountered monsters inside, and we were just about to think of ways to deal with them. When my time was up, I flashed back. Now several of them are trying to flash, but they can't get in!" There is a chance of flashing, and the chance of flashing is generally high for people in blind spots

  . Really not high.

  Although it is possible to get in by accumulating time, if you don’t get in at the critical moment and wait until later, all the flowers will wither. Meaningless.

  "Skittle candy went in? How long has it been!?" Li Chengyi quickly understood the seriousness of the matter.

  "It's been about twenty minutes. We went in together with Cheng Geqi. We thought you entered a blind corner, but now it seems" "Get

  ready now." Li Chengyi quickly went downstairs and passed between several people.

  He took action at this time, with his strong physical fitness on full display, taking several steps to the ground floor and down to the lobby on the ground floor.

  Arriving at the place where Skittles had played the game before, he looked around.

  Close your eyes.

  'There are certain rules for entering blind spots. '

  'Almost every time I enter, it must be intentional or unintentional, when I am unconscious. '

  'For example, when entering and exiting a portal, wandering around, or when your attention is elsewhere. '

  'According to the boss's information summary, one of the characteristics of getting in and out of blind spots is the need to keep one's consciousness in a state of dissociation and divergence. In the divergent state, it is easier to reach and perceive the location of the blind spot, and thus be pulled by it. Li

  Chengyi closed his eyes, and an analysis of how to flash faster flashed through his mind.

  "Dahei, where's the high-temperature spray gun you prepared?" he said solemnly.

  "It's all here." A heavy sack was thrust into his hand.

  "There are also the downstairs machines that were prepared before, and a large number of disposable light-emitting devices. There are more than two thousand in total, which is definitely enough." came Xiao Brown's voice.

  "Okay, everyone, be quiet now!" Li Chengyi grabbed the bag and sat down on the spot, sitting next to the Skittles.

  He began to deliberately distract his thoughts and think about other messy things.

  For example, how to divert funds from your own account to improve the conditions of your family, for example, boss Sindra is investigating the blue book. There has been no movement for so long. What happened?

  There is also the old man I met in Utopia last time. He didn't reply after giving the invitation. This mysterious terrorist organization is entangled in the dead end. I don't know what it will do in the future.

  As he thought about the many things, he suddenly realized that he had quite a lot of troubles to solve.

  Li Chengyi kept thinking and spreading his thoughts, sitting quietly on the sofa, like a statue with his eyes closed.

  He is waiting.

  Suddenly, a stream of warm air slowly blew onto his cheek.

  "Here it comes!!"

  Li Chengyi opened his eyes suddenly.

  What we saw in front of us was no longer a lobby, but a dark and dark closed stairwell!
  Skittles turned sideways and rolled on the ground to escape several times. He narrowly avoided a pale palm caught in a surprise attack from behind.

  Her heartbeat was racing, but her expression was unusually stable.

  After taking a look at the attacking black figure, he quickly stood up and ran upstairs.


  The dull sound of footsteps was like a drumbeat, quickly spreading in the stairwell.

  The other party came downstairs, so she could only choose to face upwards, otherwise if a new monster appeared downstairs, in such a narrow space, that would be
  "!!?" Suddenly Rainbow Sugar opened her eyes wide and looked at the gray wooden door that appeared in front of her again.

  "A door that moves!?" She suddenly remembered the mysterious object that had been sensed by the device and was approaching quickly upstairs.

  "Could it be that this thing came down from upstairs!?"

  The gray wooden door is located at the corner of the stairwell, on the left wall, just like the safety exit in a normal stairwell.

  Only then did Rainbow Candy notice that there was actually a red lighted sign above the wooden door.

  It says: Safe entry and exit.

  The blood-like red light exudes a strong sense of depression and ominousness in the dark stairwell.

  'It's so damn safe! I really think I’m a vegetarian! ? Skittles looked gloomy and took out a silver round remote control from his pocket.

  A hard press.

  A micro-drone in the shape of a black flying fish burst out from one of her pockets and rushed towards the wooden door.

  She rolled skillfully, picked up the previous shield again, unfolded it, and huddled herself in the corner.

  boom! !

  After a huge roar. Blazing flames and red light flashed past, and thick smoke and dust filled the air.

  Rainbow Candy took off the mask and had a simple gas mask on his face.

  Both hands also wore black gloves that were anti-heat and puncture-proof.

  Put away the covering.

  She looked at the wooden door again.

  A huge hole has been blown out there.

  Click, click, click.
  Suddenly, deep inside the wooden door, there was a faint sound of hurried footsteps, approaching quickly from the darkness.

  Rainbow Candy was very nervous. Knowing that it was not good, she quickly pressed the two buttons on the side of the shoe.

  Step hard.

  She flew up like a spring, crossing eight steps at once, then turned a corner and leaped up again.

  These are super stretchy shoes, and she has already become proficient in using them after training.

  Being able to survive so many times in blind spots, she is naturally not one of those trashy losers who only rely on high technology.

  He also has his own true abilities.

  In the blink of an eye, she left the gray wooden door behind.

  And the black figure with disheveled hair couldn't keep up.

  Skittles jumped one floor and rushed upstairs quickly.

  "I'm sure I won't be able to catch up like this!" She felt a little relieved.



  Suddenly there was a faint sound of a woman's vomiting and gasping coming from the front.

  The sound was very violent, with a frightened inflection and cry.

  Skittles looked solemn and pressed the button on his shoes to stop the powerful bouncing mode.

  She stood in the stairwell, turned off the light of her watch, and then took out a small thing from a small bag.

  Push something against your chest.


  Under the slightest sound.

  The thing was like liquid sludge, covering the surface of her body, and then quickly spread throughout her body.

  It's like a thin film that completely covers the body surface of Skittles, including the clothes.

  Rainbow Candy took two steps back, pressed against the wall, and stood still.

  Soon, the film she put on completely covered her whole body, and then changed color, simulated, and transformed into the same color as the surrounding wall.

  One second later.

  Breathing is closed and the mask supplies oxygen.

  Two seconds later.

  For heartbeat isolation, cover it with thick isolation material and minimize the transmission of heartbeat sound.

  Three seconds later.

  Body temperature isolation.

  Covered with thermal insulation material to prevent any trace of temperature from being transmitted to the outside world and avoided being scanned by infrared-like scans.

  Finally, it is the bio-electromagnetic field hedging of the body. The film will isolate and offset the weak bio-electromagnetic field of the human body to prevent it from being sensed by electromagnetic scanning instruments.

  The rainbow candy was pressed against the wall quietly, and the whole back of the person was covered by the film.

  The film was highly corrosive to the wall, and was slowly embedding her whole body into the wall.

  This is her last life-saving artifact - Weibang Energy Multi-Environment Adaptable Life Clothing.

  This is a special protection device that combines biotechnology and mechanical technology.

  It can temporarily provide people with an absolutely hidden environment enough to survive for three hours in extreme environments.

  And because biotechnology is the mainstay, the dead-end failure rate is still very low.

  But it only lasts three hours. And it is one-time use and cannot be recycled.

  Da, da, da, da.
  At this time, the sound of clear footsteps gradually came from the steps downstairs.

  In the darkness, there are the remnants of some silver spiders in the dim light.

  A black human figure with long hair was walking up from downstairs slowly.

  She lowered her head and was wearing a black and gray dress, so her face could not be seen clearly.

  Step by step.

  The human figure quickly walked up the steps and came to the corner.

  The corner is where Skittles is hiding against the wall.


  Fortunately, the black figure didn't notice it, and without any pause, he made a straight detour, passed by Skittles, and walked upstairs again.

  She didn't stop, just like a machine, step by step, steadily moving upstairs, and then disappeared around the corner above.

  Rainbow Tang let out a long sigh of relief. Through the film, she could see what was happening outside.

  This world-leading technological product naturally has a portable imaging function.

  The function link is within her mask, allowing her to see all images outside clearly.

  The image is a fan shape, like a ginkgo leaf, with a 120-degree field of view.

  This includes all directions of the stairwell.

  I saw the black figure going up and leaving.

  Her racing heart slowly slowed down.

  'It's such a blind spot where technology is ineffective! grass! I wasted more than ten million of my money in vain! ! 'She was furious. But there is nothing to do.

  What's even more annoying is that even if she is restrained in this blind spot, she is the only one coming in.

  Without someone else to die for her, and the buffer time, she wouldn't even have enough time to investigate the prototype.

  (End of chapter)

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