Chapter 136 136 An Xin II

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  Chapter 136 136 An Xin Er

  heard that there was no movement outside.

  The black figure moved up and left.

  The gray wooden door no longer appeared.

  Rainbow Candy waited for a while, planning to slowly close the life suit.

  But she had no idea.

  To her right, in front of the wall about half a meter away, was a black human figure standing there quietly.

  The human figure remained motionless, its back pressed against the wall, and just like her, it made no sound.

  That position is exactly in the observation blind spot of the life suit.

  And Skittles knows nothing at all.

  'I have to use my life jacket sparingly. I don't know how long I will stay here. I have to find out as much information as possible. '

  She was thinking about the gray wooden door she encountered before.

  Technological equipment may sometimes work or not work in a blind spot, depending on which components are affected.

  So she planned to quickly draw the image of the wooden door by hand after taking off the life suit, so as not to forget it later.

  With the consciousness control of Skittles.

  The Life Clothes slowly dissolved and flowed like liquid metal, converging towards her chest and returning to its previous shape of a small silver-black round box.

  As the life suit retracts.

  Skittles also came out of the wall. She put away her life suit and let out a long breath.

  'Finally' she was about to hesitate whether to go up or down now.

  Suddenly I felt something floating on my cheek behind me, itching.

  'My hair is this long? ’ She tilted her head in confusion.


  The black figure with loose hair was standing behind her, close to her!
  And those hairs are not hers at all!
  But the black humanoid hanging on her shoulders!
  "Ah!!!" Skittles opened its mouth like a reflex and screamed.

  Buzz! !

  In an instant, a golden swirling light flew at high speed. Nailed hard on the wall between the black figure and the Skittles.

  Invisible light is released to illuminate the surroundings.

  A warm and sun-like force field enveloped Skittles and the black humanoid at the same time.

  The black humanoid wanted to retreat as if it was being electrocuted.

  But before she could step back, a golden figure from upstairs suddenly walked out, turned around, and raised his hand.

  Boom! !
  A golden light suddenly burst out.

  The huge golden metal palm, under the burst of soft energy, instantly passed through a distance of several meters, grabbed the black human figure, and pressed it against the wall with a bang.

  With an explosion-like effect, the wall exploded, and the black figure was squeezed into a ball and pressed into the wall.


  Invisible light intensely burned the humanoid's body.

  She struggled and squirmed, and was dug out by the big golden hand again, grabbing her upper body and smashing it against the ground.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ! !
  The ground shook wildly, with loud noises and numb vibrations coming out again and again.

  The evolved brilliance force field is like a flame burning paper, burning the black human figure into wisps of black smoke.

  After hitting it more than ten times in a row.

  Li Chengyi let go of his giant golden hand, leaving only a strand of long black hair in his palm.

  Soon, the last long hair was burned into black smoke by the radiant force field, slowly decomposing and dissipating.

  Looking at Rainbow Candy standing there blankly, he retracted his giant hand and transformed it into his right arm again.

  "Sorry, the place is a bit big. We fought all the way here."

  A deep voice came from under the helmet. It was another kind of calm and hoarse voice that was completely different from Li Chengyi's.

  "It's okay." Rainbow Sugar looked at the broken and messy stairwell around her.

  The ground was full of pits and cracks, and the walls were falling off in pieces here and there.

  There were several more holes on the top of her head, and she could vaguely see the situation on the upper level.
  She looked up at Li Chengyi.

  In her eyes, the other party was not Li Chengyi, but Xiao Hao.

  There is no light here, the only light source is the disc crystal on the chest of the opponent's golden armor.

  The crystal is filled with golden mist, releasing bright golden light, illuminating everything around it.

  The opponent was wearing thick armor that was as smooth as a mirror. His head was in the shape of a mountain, with three upward-facing horns.

  Two spikes like antennas flew out from the ears diagonally back, with patterns of wing feathers on them.

  There is a golden arm shield on the left hand, and a huge golden hand like a tower shield on the right hand.

  Countless twisted patterns, somewhat like sunflower flowers, are spread all over the armor's body.

  At this moment, Rainbow Sugar looked up at Li Chengyi on the stairs, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

  "Let's go." Li Chengyi turned around and walked upstairs.

  "Wait a minute! Brother Xiao Hao, your knife!" Rainbow Sugar suddenly woke up and turned to look at the golden sword embedded in the wall.

  But there is no trace at all.

  She was stunned again, and then hurriedly chased upstairs.

  As soon as she got closer, she immediately felt a trace of warmth being released from the other person's body.

  "Brother Xiao Hao, how did you find me? Where is Brother Cheng?" This was her first contact with Xiao Hao.

  This extremely mysterious reformer is very powerful and is said to have a very bad temper. He will kill people if he disagrees with him.

  Even terrorist organizations like Utopia have killed many reformed people by him.

  The character is quite extreme.

  In addition, the other party actually saved her once.

  So she was very careful when speaking at this time.

  "He also came in and we dispersed." Li Chengyi replied.

  He said that his feelings made him somewhat weird.

  "Then how are we going to get out now?" Rainbow Candy asked.

  "If we can't find the prototype, we can only use the ice-breaking method." Li Chengyi replied.

  "I tried it just now and used a lot of bombs, but it still didn't work. There may be some supernatural factors in this place." Skittles said.

  "It doesn't matter." Li Chengyi responded calmly.

  He had tested it before he came in. It was similar to the Silent Shop, and the monsters inside were all restrained by his glorious force field. Moreover,
  there are not just a few people going upstairs but a lot of people going downstairs.

  After he came in, he encountered at least five of them, and they were all completely eliminated by the radiant force field.

  "Brother Xiao, what are you going to do?" Rainbow Sugar was slightly curious.

  "Find the main body and then destroy it repeatedly. The core of the ice-breaking method is not to kill the monster, but to destroy the existence foundation of the entire blind spot."

  Li Chengyi answered.

  "The basis of the existence of this endless staircase is..." Skittles suddenly realized.

  "Stairs!" Her eyes lit up and she seemed to understand.

  "Just trying." Li Chengyi said calmly.

  "How to try? Brother Xiao asked me to cooperate. I also have some small toys here!" Rainbow Sugar said quickly.

  After the thrilling scene just now, in which she almost died, she now feels more and more that her choice to join the team was a wise one.

  Being with a good person like Brother Xiao, who has a terrible score, the sense of security is simply explosive!

  "It's very simple."

  Li Chengyi's voice was calm and he suddenly stopped.

  Skittles on the side looked at him confused, not knowing what he was going to do.

  "Catch me." Li Chengyi put his hand in front of her.

  Rainbow Tang's face turned red and she was a little nervous.

  But immediately she was grabbed by a big hand on her right arm.

  "Don't be afraid."

  "???" Afraid?
  Skittles hasn't reacted yet.

  Then he suddenly saw the golden armor in front of him dimly getting brighter.

  She heard Xiao Hao take a deep breath.

  the giant golden hand expanded rapidly, became bigger, and made a fist.

  Smash it down.

  The terrifying power completely exploded at this moment.

  After the soft energy amplification was transferred to the whole body, Li Chengyi completely used the huge force amplified by Hua Linyi to blast out with his right arm.

  Boom! ! !

  The giant hand hit the stairwell floor hard.

  The ground was dented, cracked, and exploded. The cement was crushed into fine slag, which spattered and hit the surrounding walls and continued to be crushed into dust.

  The ground collapsed.

  The stairwell on this floor completely collapsed, breaking into several large pieces and falling downwards.

  Rainbow Candy stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence.

  The bomb she had brought earlier could not have such an effect because she was worried about affecting herself.

  And now.

  The golden giant hand completely violated the laws of physics, kept extending, kept pressing down, and smashed down layer by layer.

  After the giant hand weighing more than five tons was fully released, it crashed down, and Li Chengyi's full explosive power was superimposed.

  This force is simply not something that the stairwell can withstand.

  The huge counter-shock force also caused the location where the two people were standing to collapse violently.

  Li Chengyi quickly retreated and led people to stand on another set of steps.

  After the giant golden hand smashed the fourth staircase, it quickly retracted and returned to the two people.

  ".This is much more powerful than my little spider." Rainbow Candy was shocked to the point of being numb and weak.

  The huge sound waves and physical shocks before made her whole head feel dizzy at this time.

  But miraculously, her dizziness was quickly restored by the faint warmth.

  "Is this okay?" She looked at Li Chengyi and asked.

  "I don't know. But I will definitely be able to pass this time." Li Chengyi replied.

  The words just fell.

  Everything they saw in front of them began to become distorted and blurred.

  A special feeling of dizziness came over me.

  A flash in front of his eyes.

  Rainbow Candy couldn't help but close her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, she was already in the first-floor lobby of the Botanical Garden's accommodation building.

  "Sister Sugar!" The big bear on the side saw that she was intact, and immediately rushed over excitedly and hugged her into his arms.

  "It's out, it's out!!" Dahei and Xiaozhuang were also excited and hugged each other.

  "Sister Tang, let me help you check. I have learned Sister Daxiong's equipment! There must be no problem!" The gantry crane came over from the side and said.

  "Where's Brother Xiao? Where's Brother Cheng?" Rainbow Sugar only reacted at this moment and slapped the gantry crane's dirty hands off.


  A familiar voice came from the left.

  She heard the sound and looked.

  I saw Li Chengyi holding a black notebook and recording something carefully.

  "Brother Cheng, Brother Xiao?" Rainbow Tang walked over and asked a little nervously.

  "He's back, don't worry, he's going back to inspect the module. According to the dead zone level, your depth is nothing to him."

  Li Chengyi said with a smile.

  "It's a pity that I didn't have any effect."

  Skittles looked at him intently for a while, then suddenly smiled.

  "Anyway, thank you for this trip. Next, with so much detailed information and enough time buffer, I should be able to slowly pass through the weakened endless stairs." "Come on." Li

  Chengyi smiled.

  Skittles stretched out his hand, spread it upward, and remained still.

  Li Chengyi was stunned for a moment, then reached out and patted it gently.


  The two hands made a crisp sound.

  (End of chapter)

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