Chapter 134 134 Coincidence? Four

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  Chapter 134 134 Coincidence? 4.
  "Because we are human beings." Li Chengyi replied.

  He walked towards each other step by step.

  "Creatures like humans are always dissatisfied and always want more.

  They will have emotions, impulses, cry and laugh, love and hate. You will like someone who will never move and stay with you. A stone?"

  "That sister also said something similar. I believed it and let her out." Iselin said.

  "Then, I never saw her again."

  Her expression suddenly became distorted.

  "She lied to me!! She lied to me that she would come back!!"

  "She's dead." Li Chengyi interrupted her.

  He knew who the other party was talking about. When investigating the information, he had already found out several blind spots that Clenched Hand had entered before.

  Before merging with other blind spots to form a new blind spot, information on Yiselin's single blind spot had already been found, and he gradually learned some relevant information.

  "No matter what, I won't let you out." Iselin's expression calmed down.

  "Iselin." Li Chengyi walked in front of her and stopped less than one meter away.

  "Are you scared?"

  "No, I just believed it many times, but it didn't work." Iselin answered. "You adults are never trustworthy. Neither is my mother, nor is my sister..."

  "I'm different." Li Chengyi interrupted her.

  "I am a person who is very afraid of death." He said something serious and seemed a little embarrassed.

  "Then why did you go out? It's dangerous outside!" Iselin asked.

  "Because." Li Chengyi smiled. "Fear means weakness."

  "The weaker you are, the more you need to move forward." He looked at Iselin in front of him.

  "You're afraid, so you stay where you are and never really go out to get more contact. So, for so many years, you've been here, standing still." "I" she wanted to say something else, but suddenly she


  a He stretched out his hand in front of himself.

  "Want to go out with me?"

  Li Chengyi had a soft smile on his face.

  Iselin paused, staring blankly at the palm in front of her. I didn't know how to react for a while.

  "Can I?"

  "Why not. I can give you and Aqiu a room each. You can have soft toy bears, nice little skirts, and various delicious snacks." Li Chengyi said seriously.

  "Aqiu is not a human being." Iselin was amused.

  Although the smile on her pale face was very scary,
  "Although I know that my brother is lying to me, I will believe you one last time."

  She still gave way to reveal the door behind her.

  Li Chengyi stretched out his hand and gently placed it on her head.

  "By the way, do you have any favorite scent?" he asked.

  "It would be best if there was orange-flavored oil." Iselin replied immediately.

  "Also." She was slightly dissatisfied, "Brother put a small bone of Aqiu into my stomach yesterday."

  Li Chengyi suddenly felt embarrassed.

  "So you know that, next time, next time, it won't happen." He rubbed Iselin's long hair, walked to the door, stretched out his hand and pushed it forward.


  The door was suddenly pushed open, and bright light shone in from the outside.

  Li Chengyi took a step forward, but suddenly felt that the corner of his clothes behind him seemed to be pulled by something.

  He looked back.

  Iselin was grabbing his clothes, looking up and smiling.


  In an instant, under the light, her figure quickly turned into black smoke, faded and disappeared.

  "I won't be fooled again!" Her voice sounded faintly. "I want to go out too!"

  "Are you not afraid anymore?" Li Chengyi was a little surprised.

  "I can hide in the shadow behind my brother. If you lie to me, I will take you back and never get out!" Yisselin replied.

  "Really? Then it might be my turn to be scared." Li Chengyi smiled.

  Look at the white light door in front of you.

  He strode forward and walked straight out.

  Endless stairs.

  A circle of bright white light illuminates the wall inside the stairwell.

  Both Rainbow Candy and Big Bear are wearing gray close-fitting long-sleeved sweaters and simple outdoor black trousers. There are many pockets on the clothes and trousers.

  Either zippers or openings, or openings, or tethers, all contain a variety of small tools and items.

  At this time, the two of them were sitting on the ground, concentrating on the exploration status of the mechanical spider displayed on the screen.

  The originally dark stairwell was now illuminated by the lights of mechanical spiders and illuminated watches, making it feel very safe.

  "Look, this is the power of technology!" Skittles bit the lollipop with a confident expression.

  "I requested that each of these mechanical spiders be engraved with a lot of religious talisman scriptures to ward off evil spirits! Anyway, it doesn't matter what sect it is, as long as it is somewhat targeted, all of them are engraved. Maybe any of them can be of some use." She stretched out her hand

  . A few clicks on the screen.

  "Now I have all the fifty floors up and down. Next, is the summary of detailed information. Big Bear, prepare a record." "

  Okay!" Big Bear nodded. He lowered his head and started looking for tools on his body.

  Although the two of them were wearing exactly the same clothes, she was wearing a simple sweater, and it was obvious that her body was full of waves when she lowered her head.

  "Damn it!" When Rainbow Candy saw this scene, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes. puff.

  At this moment, several mechanical spiders on the screen suddenly lost their connection.

  "The signal is cut off? The self-destruction did not start. Is there a malfunction?" Skittles reacted quickly and called up the status on the screen to check.

  "No matter what happens in a blind spot, be careful and treat it as the worst possible outcome." Big Bear reminded on the side.

  Before she could finish her words.

  Puff, puff, puff
  . In an instant, dozens of mechanical spiders all lost contact in the direction downstairs.

  It's like losing energy and power all of a sudden, disconnecting silently.

  "Holy shit! Where's my bomb!? Blow it up!!" Skittles cursed instantly.

  "Why is there no movement at all?!?" She hurriedly started to quickly activate the attack form of the mechanical spider.

  "Something is approaching! It's getting faster and faster!" Big Bear took out something like a handheld computer and looked at it carefully.

  "I can't sense anything here!?" Skittles became anxious.

  "This is my latest research, using airflow trace technology to reversely calculate the existence of an individual. As long as it can leave traces in the surrounding environment, that's it."


  The big bear instantly disappeared like a movie skipping frames, including people and instruments.

  Everything goes quiet.

  Skittles was left alone, sitting there for a moment.

  "Fuck!!" She slammed the ground with a fierce look on her face.

  "Explode! Explode them all for me!!"

  Excited, she pressed the explosion permission button on the screen.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
  In an instant, a series of explosions came quickly from below.

  But it was no use, the mechanical spider on the screen was only quiet for a moment.

  Soon, another piece of spider began to lose contact.

  The mysterious individual was already close to the 30th level of Skittles. Still getting closer!
  And the speed is still accelerating, accelerating!
  Skittles calmed down quickly. After all, she was not a newcomer. She was also an old person who had experienced several dead ends.

  You know that at times like this, the more panicked you are, the faster you will die.

  "Is explosion useless? What about radiation?"

  She reached out and clicked on the screen.

  Mobilize another part of the mechanical spiders to meet them.

  Before this part of the spider gets close, it turns on the high-intensity radiation rays in its body.

  A large amount of special rays that can cause cancer and mutate cells were irradiated, but it did not last for a few seconds. All the spiders that released the rays were extinguished and disconnected in an instant.

  "Are you completely immune?" Rainbow Candy mobilized the spider again and took the initiative to attack.

  This time, these spiders were all equipped with microwave devices.

  At the same time, it can heat any living creature in the environment to a temperature of more than 300 degrees in a very short time.

  The point is that this heating is continuous.

  But soon, the mechanical spiders that generated microwaves went out one after another and lost contact.

  This made Skittles look even more ugly.

  At this time, the mysterious individual had reached the fifteenth floor and was still approaching.

  She stood up quickly, took out a stun gun from her pocket, turned around and ran upstairs.

  The mechanical spider's self-destruction had no effect on the monster. She didn't think she could survive if she went up to it.

  The solution now is to quickly determine whether other escape methods are useful!
  Before they came in, they formulated five disengagement laws, all of which were most likely to be effective.

  The first one cannot be completed now. I originally planned to rely on mechanical spiders to find out the boundaries, but unfortunately. The
  second one has a similar situation in many blind spots, that is, if you persist for a period of time under the pursuit of monsters, you will get a chance to escape.

  The third type is the favorite type of Skittles.

  Ice breaker!
  Wrecklessly destroying the blind spots can weaken the blind spots, and also give you a chance of completely escaping.

  Several times before, she had successfully escaped through this method.

  And this time...
  Phew! !

  Suddenly, all the mechanical spiders upstairs on the screen suddenly lost contact!
  There seems to be some individual approaching quickly from upstairs.

  'There's one upstairs too! ? Skittles looked hard, and he simply found a place to squat down, quickly took out a small black round box from his body, and threw it out.

  With a crisp click, the small round box quickly deformed, unfolded, and grew larger, forming a hemispherical umbrella-shaped cover that completely blocked the Skittles.

  "Fuck them all!" Rainbow Candy inside the shelter fiercely pressed the self-destruct button on the screen.

  boom! ! !
  At the same time, there were violent explosions and vibrations upstairs and downstairs.

  Hot air rushed in from upstairs and downstairs at the same time, hitting the surface of the shelter and being bounced away.

  Skittles breathed a sigh of relief, waited for the airflow to weaken, then opened the cover and put it away.

  She used the light of her watch to carefully look at the gray stairwell in front of her.

  And just when she didn't notice it.

  In the dust, a human figure with black hair and black skirt quietly emerged behind her.

  "Eh? A door!?" Rainbow Candy was suddenly startled and found that an extra rectangular gray wooden door had appeared on the right wall at some point.

  There is also a faint red light transmitting from the edge of the door crack.

  "This is!?"


  The door was slowly pushed open a crack.

  (End of chapter)

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