Chapter 233 The huge threat of insect people

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  Chapter 233: The huge threat of the bugs.

  A powerful war unit like Anubis can defeat the high elves from a strategic level.

  Of course, it's not just high elves.

  They can defeat all forces in Azeroth.

  In fact, all races in Azeroth possess magical powers.

  It's just a difference between a little more and a little less.

  Even the short and insignificant kobolds have kobold mages who can rub fireballs.

  Night elves reject arcane powers.

  But their natural casters are also very large.

  When a druid encounters these huge obsidian monsters, he can only choose to turn into a bear and carry them off.

  Although the giant bear transformed by the druid is indeed larger.

  But the Giant Bear is only the size of a compact off-road vehicle.

  Facing Anubis, who is more than ten meters tall, he is still a little brother-level thing.

  Those huge Anubis can kick away the giant bear that the druid turned into with just one kick.

  How can these powerful war machines be compared to the giant bears transformed by druids?
  Unless the druid can transform into a dragon or other powerful creature.

  Otherwise, their lives were beaten in vain.

  Thousands of years ago, in the Battle of Quicksand, the night elves were beaten into dogs by the bug-men.

  They worked hard and were reluctant to resurrect those demigod allies.

  If the Aspect Dragon hadn't intervened, it would have been very possible for the night elves to be exterminated!
  The same goes for high elves against these Anubis.

  Most of the arcane puppets are only five meters tall. When Anubis faced them, it would be like a strong man kicking a kindergarten.

  Maybe the arcane puppets can be killed by numbers.

  But it certainly won't be enough to eliminate them.

  The absolute advantage in size, coupled with magic immunity, can also cast shadow arrows in groups.

  Anubis can be so awesome!

  They are super puppets dubbed war messengers!
  Looking at the densely packed Anubis, the audience all felt their scalps numb.

  In fact, even the Guardian Dragon had a headache seeing these guys.

  Dragon's Breath has no effect on these guys, and they can only be solved by close combat.

  The losses caused by participating in close combat are not acceptable to the guardian dragons!

  Otherwise, the Aspect Dragons would not have created the Beetle Wall.

  The only one that could fight the Zerg to the death and win was the Troll Empire in ancient times.

  But the sacrifices made by the trolls are impossible to see!
  That's a battlefield where tens of millions or more trolls died.

  Hundreds of Loa fell.

  For various reasons, many Loa were never resurrected.

  Except for those trolls who are not afraid of death, other races are not willing to make too many sacrifices.

  Anastarian: "The Sunwell is above! We need to create more demigod-level arcane puppets as soon as possible!"

  The high elf king did not have a great say.

  However, his comments were unanimously approved by the audience.

  No one dares to bet that the beetle wall can trap those insect people forever.

  If such a powerful enemy came out, they might really push the entire continent of Kalimdor flat, and then fight their way to the Eastern Kingdom.

  If we were to face off against those terrifying enemies, even the entire High Elf Kingdom wouldn't be enough!

  Under tremendous pressure from the outside world, the MPs watching the live broadcast expressed that they would establish trade relations with the night elves as soon as possible and purchase obsidian from them.

  Seeing what the congressmen posted in the comment area, Herard was speechless towards these guys.

  The trade plan has been passed for more than half a year, and they haven't completed trade with the night elves yet!

  The obsidian that the night elves can provide is the most important strategic material.

  The most dangerous attack in the magical world is, of course, magic.

  Obsidian, a high-end magic material, can absorb the enemy's magic attacks and turn them into your own use.

  It is the most suitable machine for making arcane golems.

  Those Anubis are also designed in a similar way.

  The Titan Guardians created Anubis to deal with spellcasters.

  A demigod-level arcane puppet with magic immunity, fighting Anubis, who also has magic immunity, is currently the best way to solve the problem. But the main producing area of ​​obsidian is in Mount Hyjal.

  Mount Hyjal is the sacred mountain of the night elves, and many night elves live there.

  Therefore, trading with the night elves is the fastest!

  The night elves have long given up arcane magic and have been living a life close to nature.

  Being close to nature means overall backwardness on a social level.

  Apart from food, clothing, housing and transportation, there are no big problems, but many other things will be lacking.

  If trade channels could be opened, the night elves would need many things.

  The high elves, on the other hand, can gain a stable supply channel of obsidian.

  As for whether the night elves will cling to obsidian.

  The powerful bugmen behind the beetle wall will help them make wise decisions.

  The Night Elves must have experienced how miserable the Battle of Quicksand was!
  Whether it is out of revenge against the bugs or their own material needs, they cannot refuse to sell obsidian.

  With the matter of establishing trade with the night elves determined, the audience once again discussed the threat of the bugmen.

  Even through the screen, the threat of bugmen is still worrying.

  In addition to the puppet creations they control, the highly evolved bugmen themselves are also very powerful.

  Among those insect-men, there were even those whose strength was comparable to that of General Faceless Men.

  Looking at the dilapidated but prosperous insect society inside the Beetle Wall, Herard was even more worried about the ancient god C'Thun buried underground.

  That's the real troublesome enemy!

  C'Thun huddled inside the fortified Titan prison.

  Even if you kill all the bug-men and then kill him with his tentacles, it won't affect his ability to continue to do things later.

  The troll empire in ancient times accomplished this feat by gambling on the destiny of the country.

  Then the troll empire weakened and fragmented.

  C'Thun and the insect men he trained rose up again thousands of years later, and then beat the night elves into dogs.

  C'Thun, who is equivalent to immortality, is definitely the most difficult guy to deal with!

  In the game, the fallen titan Sargeras, when he was captured by other resurrected titans, risked his life to pierce the planet with a big sword.

  Why did that crazy guy stab the Silithus Desert?
  Because there is also the ancient god C'Thun underground in the Silithus Desert.

  Otherwise, He wouldn't have fought so hard to strike the planet at the last moment of failure!
  Finally, after taking a look at the insect-men surging inside the Beetle Wall and the various puppet creations they controlled, Herard asked the small arcane puppet to turn off vision sharing.

  Without the vision sharing provided by the small arcane puppet, the live broadcast was also interrupted.

  Study hard for world peace: "Everyone, today's live broadcast ends here. Tomorrow's content will be more exciting!"

  Most other viewers know this "Study hard for world peace".

  Although the name is a bit strange, it can always spoil the content of the next live broadcast.

  And he also has a deep understanding of the relevant information of the live broadcast content.

  I guess I know that very mysterious anchor.

  Audiences who were very interested spoke in the comment area one after another.

  "Brother, study hard, do you know the content of tomorrow's live broadcast? Is it to destroy the next insect nest?" "

  Yes, give

  me a spoiler in advance." "Brother, please study hard, let us know a thing or two in advance."

  The high elf said The circle is very small, and many things cannot withstand scrutiny.

  In order to prevent himself from being found out by curious viewers, Herard can only spoil a little bit of the content.

  Study hard for world peace: "According to my exclusive information, the anchor will go to other planets to kill demons next."

  High elves have complete astrology.

  So they know the grand concept of the universe and the planet.

  But when it comes to other planets, most high elves have never been there.

  It’s not that I don’t have the ability to go, it’s that I don’t dare to go.

  The Dark Portal to Draenor is open.

  But who dares to enter that world full of evil forces?

  It is really difficult for the powerful high elves to move without being forced into a corner!

  (End of chapter)

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