Chapter 232 Heading to the Beetle Wall

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  Chapter 232: Going to the Beetle Wall
  While the audience was commenting in the comment area, the small arcane puppet that had killed the mother insect began to return the way it came.

  This insect nest without the female insect should be dormant for a long time.

  As for the killing of the female worm leading to complete extinction, this is absolutely impossible!
  The Yaqir Zerg are not ordinary Zerg, they will be finished without the mother worm.

  The bugmen sealed behind the beetle wall will find a way to solve this problem.

  Those guys are very powerful intelligent creatures, and they have many spellcasters and powerful combat units.

  Even a coalition of night elves and some Aspect Dragons could not completely defeat them.

  In fact, these Aqirs outside were created remotely through the seal.

  The Old Gods can transform the stone and steel golems of the Titans into flesh-and-blood creatures.

  Their biological magic can be imagined!

  As servants of the ancient gods, the bugmen must have mastered some biological magic.

  It is a normal operation to cultivate insects into aqirs through biological magic.

  Biological magic and necromancy are both very evil spells.

  But the servants of the Old Gods don't care.

  Because they are the embodiment of evil!
  If the spell can work on intelligent creatures, they don't mind turning intelligent creatures into bugs or other indescribable Cthulhu creatures.

  The small arcane puppets fought their way out of the Aqir nest and ran towards the beetle wall in the south.

  It moved at close to the speed of sound, sending up billows of smoke and dust in the desert.

  The Desert of Silithus is very large, and it is covered with yellow sand as far as the eye can see.

  There aren’t even drought-tolerant plants like cacti here, it’s a real restricted area for life!

  However, in this restricted area of ​​life, the Yaqir are living well.

  This is still the case when bronze dragons often come to beat the autumn wind and give them free warmth.

  The bronze dragon's breath has aging properties, which will cause great damage to the aqir nest.

  Even so, those guys can still bounce back quickly.

  The survivability of the Aqir Zerg is evident!
  When the small arcane puppet rushed to the Beetle Wall in the south, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room did not decrease, but was still slowly increasing.

  The high elves who have lived in the forest for generations have no chance to see such an endless desert.

  Even if the high elves walked out of the forest, they would not be able to find deserts in the Eastern Kingdom.

  The Burning Plains area, which has the harshest environment, has only existed for more than three hundred years and has not had time to form a desert landscape.

  In fact, if the King of Fire Demon can be killed and the power of the flames gradually fades, life will even come back to life there.

  Deserts do not exist in the Eastern Kingdom Continent!

  Therefore, driven by the sense of freshness, the audience is very curious about the desert.

  Is there anything more pleasant than being able to enjoy the desert scenery while sitting at home?

  This is even more attractive to high elves than adventure and fighting!

  And the streamer will eventually reach the mysterious Beetle Wall.

  Everyone wants to take a look at the powerful seal that can seal the insect-men.

  The Aqir nest that was destroyed previously was already located in the southernmost part of Silithus.

  It is only over a hundred kilometers away from the Beetle Wall.

  With the super high moving speed of the small arcane puppet, it quickly approached the magical seal.

  The height of the Beetle Wall is about twenty meters.

  Azeroth's city wall is not a spectacular city wall with heights of thirty, fifty or even one hundred meters.

  At present, the Kingdom of Gilneas is very idle and is building a giant city wall hundreds of meters high.

  Wolf King Genn Greymane, who has not yet turned into a werewolf, said it would be safer this way.

  Anyway, he just wants to build a giant city wall no matter the cost.

  Outsiders cannot interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

  And this wasn't the Wolf King's sudden idea. Construction of the city wall had actually started during his father's tenure.

  It was only the recent orc invasion that strengthened the determination of the Kingdom of Gilneas and began to speed up the construction of the city wall, entering the final sprint stage.

  It is estimated that it will take less than a few years for the magnificent city wall to be completed.

  The Beetle Wall is different from those giant city walls.

  It was constructed using magical power in a very short time and became an unbreakable seal.

  The entire city wall is made of countless Zerg corpses and earth and stone. Therefore, its gray-brown wall contains elements of Zerg carapace.

  The perfect blend of organic and inorganic substances makes it a special magic material.

  Otherwise, how can it function to seal the insect-men?

  All in all, the Beetle Wall is an impressive magical building.

  It has a magical defense mechanism that prevents flying creatures from flying over the walls.

  Digging from the ground won't work either.

  Powerful magical power is connected to the earth's veins, preventing earth-burrowing insects from leaving the sealed area from the underground.

  As for the walls of this city wall, they are extremely strong.

  No matter how much the bugs bombard it, they can't break through it.

  The entire city wall is an integrated magic prop, similar in nature to an artifact, and cannot be broken open from above.

  With such a huge artifact city wall, any attack will be useless.

  It was truly a genius idea that the Aspect Dragon could come up with such a sealing measure and successfully create it!

  But behind the beetle wall, I saw the huge war machines made by the insect people, as well as the tall obelisks.

  Herard's expression suddenly turned unpleasant.

  Those wolf-headed men who were more than ten meters tall and made of black stone looked very difficult to deal with.

  When their big claws scratch the beetle wall, it always feels like they will break the wall.

  These big guys who look like Anubis can also fire shadow arrows in groups in the game.

  The corpses of players who died under their trampling and swarms of shadow arrows could cover the entire Silithus Desert!

  Other viewers who saw this scene were also shocked by these big guys.

  They forgot to even comment on it.

  The behavior of the small arcane puppet standing on the beetle wall and watching stimulated those Anubis who attacked the wall.

  They haven't seen the enemy patrolling for a long time.

  Anubis under the Beetle Wall all gathered where the small arcane puppet stood and fired shadow arrows to attack it.

  Herard knew what the beetle wall was like and did not let the small arcane golem avoid it.

  Moreover, the small arcane puppet whose body is made of shadow stone is not afraid of shadow attacks such as shadow arrows.

  Viewers who didn't know the truth saw the black shadow arrows coming towards them, and they typed nervously in the comment area, trying to persuade the anchor to run away.

  However, before these novices could type a word, the Shadow Arrow had been intercepted by the mysterious power of the Beetle Wall.

  Immediately afterwards, a viewer called "Studying Hard for World Peace" posted a long relevant explanation in the comment area.

  "Don't worry, everyone, this beetle wall is a sealing artifact made by the guardian dragon.

  Even if the real gods come, I'm afraid they won't be able to break its seal!"

  It's hard to say whether the gods can break the beetle wall.

  But those giant black wolf-headed men who looked very powerful really had no way to defeat the Beetle Wall.

  At this time, a viewer named Kane also commented.

  "The Sunwell is up there! Those big black guys seem to be made of obsidian!"

  Kane's comment immediately went viral in the comment area.

  "Are these all obsidian? There are so many obsidians!"

  "Look, there are at least a hundred of them. How many obsidians must that be!"

  "It feels like a waste! Can you think of a way to take them out?"

  The audience was confused. Commenting, not taking Anubis seriously at all.

  Study hard for world peace: "What are you thinking? These guys are immune to magic."

  The words "magic immunity" instantly turned the audience off.

  High elves mainly focus on mages.

  The enemy is a unit that is immune to magic. The mages are basically useless and can only be stacked with arcane golems and spellbreakers.

  The casualties required can be imagined!

  (End of chapter)

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