Chapter 234 Heading to the Broken Planet Marton

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  Chapter 234 Heading to the Broken Planet Marton
  The small arcane golem returned from the Silithus Desert with only some insect juice and sand dust on it.

  Those weak Aqirs had no chance of leaving any harm on it.

  But Herard didn't care about these little things.

  Previously, Krasus saw Xalatas absorbing the life force of the female insect.

  To be honest, Herard was a little surprised by this.

  He knew Xal'atath was a fragment of the Old God's remaining claw.

  It seems that in addition to providing amazing shadow energy, it should also have some special abilities.

  For example, fragments of the Naaru can be used to burn dead and dead creatures.

  Perhaps the fragments of the Old Gods are more magical.

  But absorbing life force is a bit too magical!

  This is not a weapon like those blood-sucking demon knives in Xianxia novels.

  The title of Xal'atath's Blade of the Dark Empire sounds very powerful.

  In fact, this dark artifact in the game also has a void torrent spell that can cause a lot of shadow damage.

  The Void Torrent spell is very powerful, but it will never kill anyone.

  Xal'atath doesn't display much of anything other than a chatty person.

  In reality, Xal'atath behaves a bit mysteriously.

  Herard carefully observed the strange-shaped dagger that he had been talking about since he came back.

  However, he looked for a long time and found nothing unusual.

  Xalatas, who was chatting at this time, noticed the strange behavior of Harad.

  So he said without thinking: "Do you see the difference? This eyesight is too powerful!"

  Hearing Xalatas's exclamation, Herad's brain was running rapidly, analyzing what was going on. thing.

  A brain blessed with powerful arcane wisdom could analyze more than a dozen possibilities in just two seconds.

  Then he selected the most reliable conclusions based on the observed situations.

  He tentatively said: "The damage to your blade seems to have been repaired a little."

  When Xal'atas heard the answer that suited his situation, the blade suddenly shook slightly.

  "Sure enough, your eyesight has almost caught up with mine!"

  When praising Herad, He even didn't forget to praise himself.

  The experience of this ancient god falling into a box is completely understandable.

  Compared with those cruel, cunning and vicious ancient gods, Xal'atath, who only runs away at critical moments, is simply a kind-hearted little white rabbit!
  I really don’t know how the evil and terrifying Lord of the Void cultivated such a weird thing?

  Doubts remain doubts, Herad still wants to find out what step Xalatath can finally achieve.

  "Can these damages on the blade be repaired?"

  Xal'atath's short blade had several damaged locations.

  The largest damaged gap can fit a finger into.

  If the material hadn't been hard enough, this guy would have broken into several pieces.

  Although it looked miserable, Xal'atath was very confident in himself.

  "This is definitely no problem! By absorbing enough vitality through close combat, the damage can be completely repaired."

  Herard was not surprised by this answer.

  He was more concerned about another thing.

  "Then can you restore your body through regeneration? The troll had an arm cut off and it can regenerate it quickly."

  If Xal'atath can restore his body, the cost of using him will be a bit high.

  Growing Old Gods can be dangerous.

  However, upon hearing Harad's question, Xal'atath's mood suddenly dropped.

  "I lost too much back then, and I am no longer the same person!"

  What he said was a bit mysterious, rising to the level of philosophy.

  Herard couldn't understand what exactly it meant.

  It sounds like there is no chance.

  But Herard couldn't get to the bottom of it, so he could only pretend that he understood.

  He quickly changed the subject.

  "How about that big fat bug just now? It looks very good!"

  When mentioning the female bug in the aqir nest, Xalata suddenly became very excited.

  "That's right! The vitality of that big fat bug is really powerful. I estimate that if I suck up ten more of them, the damage on my body can be completely repaired."

  The insect people in the Beetle Wall worked hard and finally succeeded in Three Aqir nests were built in the Silithus Desert.

  Only one female insect will appear in each aqir nest for a short period of time. Xalatath opened his mouth to absorb ten female worms.

  This dream can only be realized in a game where there are Aqir nests everywhere!
  "Don't worry about bugs. There are not many of them. You can kill the demons of the Burning Legion tomorrow."

  Xal'atath naturally knows what demons are.

  That is a very ancient evil race in the material universe.

  They are immortal and take pleasure in destruction and killing.

  But I don’t know much about this Burning Legion.

  After all, when he came to Azeroth to cause destruction, Sargeras was still a Titan with a sense of justice, looking for demons to fight everywhere.

  When Sargeras was bewitched and corrupted, Xal'atath had already been divided among his companions, so he naturally didn't know about the Burning Legion.

  Although I heard some rumors after my resurrection, there is no concrete information in these rumors.

  It's just that a long, long time ago, the extremely powerful demons of the Burning Legion invaded, and the earth was broken into several pieces.

  When those demons invade, they don't announce their identity and just do it.

  Knowing that they were attacking a broken world with many demons, Xalata was immediately looking forward to this action.

  Demons are generally tall and strong.

  Vitality is often directly related to body size.

  Therefore, they are also very complementary enemies.

  Whether it's killing the servants of the Old Gods or the demons of the Burning Legion, Xal'atath doesn't care.

  As long as there are benefits, just do them.

  The broken planet Marton is a planet whose star core was chopped into pieces by Sargeras' sword. It was supposed to be completely disintegrated and then reorganized.

  But bound by powerful magical power, it maintained its original broken form.

  The two small arcane puppets who arrived in this broken world did not survive the battle like in the game, and finally reached the core area.

  Horad dropped them directly in the core area and launched a beheading operation against the ruler Spider Queen Tyrana.

  The strongest combatant in this beheading operation was Ursalus.

  Xal'atas, the assassin, is responsible for assassinations and on-site command.

  He will make corresponding adjustments according to the situation on site.

  The mind of the remnant soul of the ancient god is much stronger than that of Ursales who was stupid and the arcane puppet who acted according to the plan.

  The core area of ​​the broken planet Marton is a huge evil volcano.

  A strange dark green tower stands in the central area of ​​the Fel Energy Volcano.

  At this time, both Xal'atath and Ursalath have opened vision sharing.

  The viewers who had been waiting in the live broadcast room for a long time were surprised to find that there were two screens.

  Study hard for world peace: "You can choose according to your personal preferences. Or you can watch two at the same time."

  The mysterious man with a blood-red light all over his body and a blood-colored giant sword looked like a frontal attack type at first glance.

  The mysterious man with purple-black light all over his body and holding a strange-shaped dagger is obviously an assassin.

  A mysterious man holding a strange-shaped dagger live broadcasted a bug nest hunt and a visit to the Beetle Wall yesterday.

  The audience chose the most at first, reaching more than 50%.

  However, when they saw the mysterious man holding a bloody giant sword taking action, the audience changed their viewing target.

  Because the blood-red mysterious man flew directly over.

  After seeing the exciting high-speed flight, the audience certainly wanted to experience first-person flight.

  Flying from the edge of the crater to the tower, Ursales arrived in just a few seconds.

  The flight was over before the audience had even experienced it for a few seconds.

  The bloody scene of rushing into a group of demons at high speed and smashing the demons into pieces made many viewers change the screen again.

  At this time, Xal'atath had already flown to the tower in a low-key manner and began to observe the situation of the demons inside layer by layer.

  This tower of the Burning Legion is strange.

  It is more than three hundred meters high, with a large interior space but not many floors.

  According to normal building standards, it is acceptable to build a 100-story building.

  However, it only looks like four or five floors.

  When Harad revealed that this was a warship capable of interstellar navigation, the audience was shocked by the methods of the Burning Legion.

  No wonder no matter how they looked at it, they felt that the tower had a strange shape.

  It took a long time to insert the star battleship into the crater and use it as a tower.

  I have never seen such luxury!

  (End of chapter)

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