Chapter 143 The ogre who takes the blame

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  Chapter 143 The Ogre Lord takes the blame.
  The Ogre Lord's calves suffered a lot of attacks. When its huge body collapsed, the rocky ground shook.

  The back of its calf was not protected by armor, and Alleria stabbed it at least ten times with an adamantine dagger.

  It's surprising that the scarred calves can hold up until now.

  The ogre lord is still not smart enough to understand how to use the terrain to circumvent his own weaknesses.

  If I had my back against the wall just now, I could have held on a little longer.

  Now that it has fallen, there is no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

  Its wildly waving hands could not stop the hunters looking for opportunities.

  Alleria thrust the adamantine dagger into its neck, giving the agile quasi-giant the final blow.

  After struggling twice, it stopped moving.

  Because of the Ursalus carried by the small arcane puppet, it maliciously replaced the job function of the God of Death and immediately took away the soul of this rare ogre.

  The moment the soul was sucked into the scythe, the devil's skull used as decoration on the scythe glowed red.

  Ursalus was obviously very pleased with this soul.

  The ogre lord is almost the top existence among the ogre race.

  Only ogre magicians can surpass them in terms of soul quality.

  Ursales is being too picky if he is not satisfied!
  After killing the ogre lord, Alleria rolled her eyes at Herad in displeasure.

  Herad's little movements just now were very secretive, but she observed them very carefully.

  The ogre lord lowered his right foot, and just when he was about to hit the ground, the ground protruded a little.

  Although it only protruded a little, it did not turn into spikes that pierced the ogre lord's feet.

  This kind of covert harassment disrupted the ogre lord's prediction and mentality.

  However, the ranger does not have the old-fashioned thinking of a warrior knight who fights openly and obtains honors.

  Rangers fight just to win, and using all kinds of dirty tricks is common.

  Setting up magic traps on the ground, hiding in the dark and shooting poisonous arrows for sneak attacks are just trivial matters.

  Tear gas was used, and cheating in the battle was nothing.

  The only thing Alleria was unhappy about was that she had just tried to use the flying armor to launch a thrust to see if she could forcefully break through the ogre lord's armor.

  As a result, a sneak attack opportunity suddenly appeared, disrupting her test plan.

  Who can resist taking advantage of it?
  Knowing Alleria's thoughts, Herard shook his head.

  "No, if you thrust within the arm's tolerance, you will definitely not be able to break that armor."

  As he said that, he took Alleria's arm and made a gesture.

  "Once your arms become this thick, you should be able to withstand the reaction force."

  Looking at the size of Herad's gestures, Alleria was immediately speechless.

  Training your arms to be as thick as your legs just so you can break armor with melee weapons?

  It would be more cost-effective than using the powerful Thorium heavy arrows.

  Alleria looked at the well-made dagger and suddenly felt that using melee weapons to deal with warriors was not very suitable.

  Not all races are as poor as forest trolls.

  Those powerful warriors can often get armor made of very fine materials.

  Even if the adamantine weapon has a strong armor-breaking effect, it still requires strong kinetic energy.

  She thought about it for a while and suddenly a good idea came to her.

  "How about melting it and casting it into an adamantine arrowhead?"

  Casting an adamantine arrowhead was only a ranger's ability to do such a thing.

  Although the arrows can be recycled, they can be corrected and reused.

  If the arrow is broken, it can be recast.

  But when Alleria uses the Wind Arrow, the range is not that far!
  Shooting it out is likely to penetrate the enemy and then never come back.

  However, after thinking about it, Herard agreed to her willful idea.

  The problem of missing arrows is not very troublesome to solve.

  Just enchant the arrows to fly back automatically.

  This is how the Griffin Knight's magic flying hammer is recovered.

  Those arrows that are stuck on objects and cannot fly back can be found by sensing the enchantment on them.

  It’s just that the process of searching is certainly not pleasant.

  Hopefully she won't regret it then.

  "If you don't mind the trouble of recycling, I'll make you some fine gold arrowheads."

  Alleria had already considered Herad's concerns.

  Recycling arrows is normal. With the help of the flying armor, even if it can be shot two kilometers away, what does it mean?

  No matter where the arrow falls, it can be easily retrieved.

  And when you encounter an enemy with high defense and difficult to deal with, you can wait until you get closer before shooting, which will make it easier to recover the arrows.

  Thinking of the adamantine arrows that could easily break through Thorium armor, Alleria excitedly hugged Herad and kissed him, then turned around and ran out of the cave.

  Suddenly attacked by Alleria, Herad did not react for a moment.

  When he wanted to return the gift, he found that she had disappeared.

  This somewhat out-of-touch beautiful ranger probably went to other caves to look for fish that had slipped through the net.

  High Elf rangers are used to war, and both men and women are particularly interested in hunting down their enemies.

  Herard was already used to this!

  However, the gap between these hunters and the small arcane puppets whose top priority is hunting is still very obvious.

  Just now, Herad was still talking to Alleria about the adamantine arrows, but it had already gone to other caves to kill the ogres.

  There are only about a thousand ogres stationed in this extinct volcano.

  Divided evenly, each person would kill three or four.

  No one will be humble in this regard.

  Whoever is faster can kill more ogres.

  The rangers, who were viciously competed by the small arcane golems, were all depressed.

  The small arcane golem can fly, and it can't be troubled by the twists and turns of the cave.

  The super jumping ability of the rangers is nothing in front of it.

  It flew around inside the cave, never landing when it attacked, and quickly wiped out all the ogres in the cave.

  When you see an ogre, fly over and slash it with your scythe, then fly to the next target.

  No ogre can withstand the razor-sharp scythe.

  If it weren't for the advantage of striking first, the rangers probably wouldn't be able to grab a single ogre.

  When the rangers and the small arcane golems were fighting for the ogres, Herad opened a temporary portal and transferred the arcane golems from the arsenal.

  This extinct volcano is rich in rare mineral resources.

  These winding caves on the mountain are the mines where the Dark Iron dwarves mine.

  Ogres have no ability to smelt rare ores.

  They just live in existing mines.

  It was secondary for Herald to lead the team to hunt the ogres, but to mine the rare minerals was the main task.

  Under the influence of earth spells, the thorium ore and mithril ore embedded in the cave wall fell off one after another.

  The ore deep in the mountain is also squeezed out by the force of the earth.

  When the dwarves see this mining method, they will probably be too depressed to eat.

  This method of prospecting and mining using earth spells can only be used by Herad who masters the Hammer of Destruction.

  Other mages or shamans, their elemental spells cannot reach this level.

  What the arcane puppets have to do is pick up the ore, put it in a frame, and move it away.

  Herad quickly dug up the mines in the extinct volcano, and there were still no traces of excavation on the surface.

  When the Dark Iron Dwarves regain this place in the future, the miners will probably be confused.

  It’s understandable that the ores on the surface are gone, but why are the ores on the inside gone?
  Dwarves have very high mining skills, and they also have the means to prospect.

  The approximate number of mines in this extinct volcano is still known.

  But figuring out where the missing mineral deposits went is beyond their capabilities.

  As for Herard, who had been here before, he would definitely not admit it.

  He would definitely tell the Dark Iron Dwarf.

  "These mines must have been mined by ogres. They once ruled the entire Draenor, and it is normal to have such mining technology."

  Rule the entire world? Is it so powerful?
  The Dark Iron dwarves would never have imagined how low the requirements to rule Draenor were.

  Because Draenor is known to have oceans making up the vast majority of its area.

  The land area of ​​the entire planet is about the same as that of the Eastern Kingdom.

  The Ogre Empire, which sounds very powerful, is no more powerful than the undivided Dwarf Kingdom.

  But they, the black carbon heads who cover their heads and dig underground, will not have the opportunity to learn more information.

  Let the dead ogre take the blame for this.

  (End of chapter)

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