Chapter 144 Making Adamantine Arrows

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  Chapter 144

  The rare ores used to make the Adamantine Arrow Extinct Volcano were continuously moved back to the foundry workshop by the arcane puppets, and they soon piled up into a small mountain.

  The goblins and dwarf engineers who saw this scene almost thought that Herad had robbed a goblin mining company or the ore transport ship of a goblin conglomerate.

  "Did you rob the venture capital company?"

  "It's also possible that the Blackwater Pirates' transport ship was used."

  A young goblin engineer said hesitantly: "Would it be bad to rob?"

  The goblins and dwarf engineers present looked at each other. Then they worked very hard to brainwash him.

  "What's wrong? Those damn chaebols are all robbers and they deserve to be robbed!"

  Most goblin engineers have been squeezed by goblin chaebols.

  The dwarf engineers are also unhappy with the goblin plutocrats who compete maliciously and even use despicable methods.

  However, the channels for obtaining these rare minerals in Herad are very clean.

  This is obtained by defeating the ogre.

  The mine was previously under the control of the ogres.

  Whoever defeats them will legally take over the mine.

  We kindly helped the Dark Iron dwarves drive away the ogres, and we didn't even leave our names behind.

  These are the five good young men of Azeroth!

  The rare ores obtained legally by five good young people were carefully selected and graded by the arcane puppet, and then thrown into the crucible of the furnace.

  The extremely high-temperature arcane flames can easily melt these high-temperature-resistant metals.

  After removing impurities, pour it into the mold for preliminary cooling and shaping.

  When it could be picked up, the arcane puppet grabbed the red metal ingot and sent it to a large processing machine for rolling while it was hot.

  These rare metals picked up for free, Herad used them lavishly.

  Most arcane golems still have rock bodies, and it's time to replace them with mithril bodies.

  Thorium armor should also be ready, ready to arm them at any time.

  Although Mithril is both light and hard, it is still incomparable to Thorium.

  Therefore, it is absolutely reasonable for the arcane puppet to wear Thorium armor!

  In addition to using thorium to create armor and parts, some thorium ingots are rolled into arrowheads.

  Although the promotion of firearms is in full swing, magic bows and arrows cannot be completely replaced.

  Even the Bronzebeard Dwarves, who were the first to popularize firearms, still have some people using crossbows in their mountain ranger troops.

  The dwarf mountain ranger lurking in the darkness silently fires armor-piercing crossbow arrows. This attack will be even more deadly!
  Machine-rolled thorium arrowheads, identical in size and weight, are very popular among rangers.

  However, the market demand for this kind of arrow is not large.

  Ordinary rangers usually buy about ten sticks to keep.

  Those rich local rangers would not be extravagant enough to use Thorium arrows in large quantities.

  Thorium is a precious metal, and its price is calculated in grams, almost equal to gold.

  When this thing is shot out, it is equivalent to shooting gold coins.

  Even a wealthy ranger would feel heartbroken if a few Thorium arrows were lost during recycling.

  After all, their money didn't come from strong winds.

  Prepare as many as forty or fifty Thorium arrows to use if necessary.

  For example, when he shot the ogre warrior before.

  The armor on those ogre warriors is made of Draenor's magic iron.

  Demonic iron is comparable to Thorium, and can be broken with Thorium arrows.

  When it was too late to set up a large-caliber sniper rifle, the value of the Thorium Arrow was revealed!
  Piles of Thorium arrowheads fell on the conveyor belt and flowed to the assembly workshop for assembly.

  The assembled Thorium arrows were assembled into ten pieces in a long wooden box.

  If the ranger came to visit the workshop and saw the neatly stacked wooden boxes on the pallet, he would probably be unable to walk.

  There are at least tens of thousands of wooden boxes placed here, which should be prepared to contain Thorium arrows.

  Herad mined all the rare minerals in the extinct volcano.

  He has enough resources to squander materials like this.

  When Herad returned to the arsenal from the extinct volcano, he felt the abundant arcane energy in the air, making his whole body full of strength.

  This feeling is like arriving in heaven!
  A mage can exert his greatest strength in this high-magic environment.

  There are no downsides to a high-demon environment except that it can lead to addiction.

  The arcane puppets who returned here were more active than when they were outside.

  Herard returned to the arsenal, mainly to make adamantine arrowheads for Alleria.

  The adamantine battle ax captured earlier was remelted into two daggers, and there was still a little bit left over. At that time, for the sake of fairness, Alleria and Sylvanas each had one.

  The remaining scraps could not be used to make decent weapons, so Herad decided to save them first.

  It turned out that Alleria also wanted adamantine arrows.

  This last bit of fine gold can’t be saved at last!
  But good things only have value if you use them.

  Twenty freshly baked light blue arrows look like fragile ice cubes.

  However, they are a harder metal material than Thorium.

  Moreover, Herad had attached two enchantments: armor-piercing and automatic flying back to these fine gold arrowheads.

  Attaching two magical powers to one piece of equipment is not allowed under normal circumstances.

  Because magical energy needs to run according to fixed channels, whether it is displayed on equipment or when casting spells.

  Just like two complex road traffic systems, they certainly cannot be merged together blindly.

  If you act recklessly, the number of car crashes will be frightening, and even traffic will be paralyzed.

  It's even more serious when it comes to magical energy.

  There is a conflict in the flow of magical energy, which can cause the magic to fail and backfire on the caster, or produce a powerful magical explosion.

  It would be very tragic to blow yourself up by magic explosion!

  Of course, this just sounds scary.

  It is actually possible to add two kinds of magical powers to equipment.

  It is far less dangerous than compound magic, and you can also see some of it on weekdays.

  For example, the magic double-headed sword in the hand of the Spellbreaker.

  Their magical double-headed swords are equipped with two magical powers: breaking demons and automatically flying back.

  When they need to hunt a mage, they will spin the magic double-headed sword and throw it out, easily cutting through the mage's magic shield.

  After completing the attack, the magic double-headed sword flies back.

  The Griffon Knight's magic flying hammer can also accommodate the lightning ability very well, and then fly back after completing the attack.

  These dual-enchanted magic weapons can be equipped in batches.

  It can be seen that dual enchantment is actually not that difficult to achieve.

  Herad's arms business was huge.

  He has a lot of money and plenty of magical materials.

  With sufficient resources invested in enchantment practice, Herad's level in enchantment has reached a very high level!
  Even the armor enchantment for the demigod-level arcane puppets, the Silvermoon City Council was able to undertake for him with confidence.

  An adamantine arrow with two enchantments: armor breaking and automatic flying back, was quickly completed by him.

  After carefully checking whether the magic pattern was complete and reasonable, Herad confidently injected arcane energy to activate it.

  Then he threw the fine gold arrow and inserted it into the target not far away.

  The throwing force of the mage will certainly not be very strong.

  But the adamantine arrow, which was blessed with armor-piercing effect, could still easily pierce the steel plate target.

  The fine gold arrow penetrated the target and flew a certain distance.

  When the flight speed slowed down, it turned around and flew towards Herad.

  The speed of the arrow's automatic flight back is not very fast, about thirty meters per second.

  With the high elves' very agile skills, there would be no problem catching it.

  Herad saw the right moment and took action, firmly catching the flying adamantine arrow.

  Judging from the test, both the penetrating power and the automatic flying back effect are good.

  He tested it a few more times and found that it still had drawbacks.

  During a real battle, who wants to stare at weapons flying back?
  When spellbreakers first came into contact with the magic double-headed sword, people were often struck by the flying magic double-headed sword.

  Were it not for the armor they wore, the process of overcoming this drawback would have been miserable.

  The Wildhammer dwarves were said to have knocked themselves unconscious when playing with magic flying hammers.

  These can only be overcome through unremitting practice.

  But the armor-piercing power of the adamantine arrow was too great, and Herad did not dare to bet that Alleria would successfully catch it every time.

  He crafted a mithril glove, enchanted to guide slow projectiles.

  Projectiles that fly relatively slowly will be pulled by the force field they emit, and their flight can be controlled as they please.

  This way you don't have to worry about being hurt by flying adamantine arrows.

  The adamantine arrows flying back to Herad were flying around him nimbly, like swimming fish.

  The lethality of the adamantine arrows in flight is not bad, and it seems to be a brand new attack method.

  (End of chapter)

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