Chapter 142 The Unlucky Ogre Lord

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  Chapter 142 The Unlucky Ogre Lord
  Those ogres who dropped their sticks and ran away eventually fell on the battlefield.

  There are dozens of arrows stuck in their backs, and they look like giant porcupines.

  On the extinct volcano in the distance, the ogres who were standing on the mountain path to watch the excitement now all shrank.

  Such is the character of the Ogre.

  When they see an enemy weaker than themselves, they will pursue them ferociously.

  Beat the enemies to death, then take them back and cook them carefully to make boiled or barbecued meat.

  If the enemy is stronger than themselves, these guys will be intimidated.

  Ogres believe that when they eat their enemies, they can also eat their souls to strengthen themselves.

  Therefore, if you are eaten by the enemy, you will naturally end up with the same fate.

  In order not to have their souls eaten, they will try their best to avoid this fate.

  These superstitious ogres met Ursales, who specialized in harvesting souls.

  It can be regarded as a perfect end to their barbaric and superstitious behavior.

  The rangers circled the extinct volcano and hunted all the ogres outside.

  Then some of the rangers who could barely fly followed the small arcane puppets to the top of the mountain and occupied the commanding heights first.

  Other rangers set up large-caliber sniper rifles and shot all the ogres who dared to come forward.

  Large caliber sniper rifles are very powerful.

  Use it to fight orc infantry, and it will often be blown into two pieces.

  Those tall and thick-skinned ogres can be knocked down with just one bullet.

  In fact, the real use of large-caliber sniper rifles is to deal with lightly armored units such as armored vehicles.

  Even though the ogres are big, they still don't deserve to eat.

  One shot would leave a big hole in the chest or stomach, so there was no need for resuscitation.

  Even if the ogre warriors were taller and stronger and wore black armor, they would still be in danger if they were shot!
  The kinetic energy of bullets that penetrate armor is drastically reduced, but the bullets will explode within the body, causing considerable damage to them.

  This large-caliber sniper rifle is standard equipment for rangers.

  The damage is comparable to powerful magic arrows, and it can also be widely used, which greatly improves the ranger's armor-breaking ability.

  The ogre warriors who dared to show up were shot to death in a matter of minutes.

  The ogre entrenched on the extinct volcano was suppressed and huddled in the cave.

  Led by the small arcane puppets, the vanguard quickly took control of the top of the extinct volcano and completed the occupation of the extinct volcano.

  The rangers on the ground put away their weapons and quickly approached the cave entrances of the extinct volcano to further narrow the encirclement.

  Then they started throwing tear gas, which they said was very humane, into the hole.

  Tear gas is extremely irritating and can make victims burst into tears.

  Although it is not directly fatal, it is still somewhat toxic.

  Victims with poor physical fitness are likely to be poisoned by tear gas.

  The Rangers didn't want to test the power of tear gas.

  They put on gas masks and went into the cave to clean out the ogres.

  The environment in the cave is relatively closed, and the effect of tear gas is very effective!
  Faced with the attack of this quasi-chemical weapon, the ogres were completely defenseless.

  The toxicity of tear gas is just an itch for the ogre.

  But the strong irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract easily defeats these low-willed guys.

  Their faces were covered with tears and snot, and they fell to the ground and rolled around.

  When the rangers harvested them with melee weapons, they were no different from workers killing pigs in a pig killing farm.

  Holding a dagger in hand, poke it in at the right position, cut the ogre's neck artery and bleed it, and then continue hunting the next target.

  The difference is that the pigs in the pig killing farm are clamped by the robot and will certainly not dodge the workers' butcher knives.

  The ogre still has certain evasion and counterattack abilities.

  But for the rangers who have incredible melee combat skills, their resistance is meaningless!

  Although these ogres are very big, they may not be the rangers' opponents in close combat.

  It's not difficult to kill them while your eyes are still wet with tears.

  The cave that Herald and Alleria entered was larger than the other caves.

  There are more ogres living in the cave and they are more powerful.

  Ogre warriors wearing black armor can be seen from time to time along the way.

  Previously, Herard used the Mage's Eye to explore and found that the ogre lord lived in this cave. The height of ordinary ogres is generally about three meters.

  Well-developed ogres rarely reach 3.5 meters.

  The ogre lord is over four meters tall and can beat orc infantry as if they were dwarfs.

  The fist is bigger than a casserole and can smash orc infantry into meat pies with one punch.

  Horad would keep an eye on this guy, just to see it kill an orc infantry in a sneak attack, and then bring it back to the cave in a mess.

  Although orcs are descendants of ogres, they do not regard orcs as the same kind.

  Before the orcs rose up and overthrew the ogre empire's rule on Draenor, the orcs were just slaves and backup food for the ogres.

  This ogre lord has two heads, but he is not a mage, but has a shrewd mind.

  It is precisely because of its shrewd mind that it dares to kill orc infantry and improve its food.

  Just when the ogre lord was eating the chewy, spicy green roasted meat (demon blood), its end came!
  A pungent and irritating gas floated in, instantly making him feel like his eyes were burning.

  Soon the nose also completely lost its function, and tears and mucus flowed out uncontrollably.

  The eyes cannot see clearly and the nose cannot smell, which has a great impact on the ogre lord's combat effectiveness.

  It can only swing its fist randomly at the vague enemy, trying to hit the enemy by chance.

  However, it faced Alleria, a would-be ranger general known for her powerful force.

  Alleria's melee weapon is a short sword.

  The color of the dagger is very special, it is a very rare light blue.

  This is the adamantine dagger that Herad remelted from the captured adamantine battle ax and used part of it to make it.

  The adamantine dagger is extremely sharp and can easily pierce steel armor.

  However, it could only penetrate a little bit into the thick armor of the ogre lord.

  This is not because the adamantine dagger's armor-breaking ability is ineffective.

  The main reason is that Alleria's power is not enough.

  She is so powerful that she can draw magic bows and arrows with great draw power.

  He was even able to press Herard down on the sofa so that he could not move.

  But compared with the real melee profession, the ranger is just a ranger after all.

  If it were the warriors and paladins, they would have chopped off the ogre's thigh with their adamantine daggers.

  This is the purpose of warriors and paladins!

  Seeing Alleria attacking around but unable to cause effective damage, Herad decided to do something.

  The ogre lord cleverly deflected his body and used his armor to block the enemy's attack.

  If you can't dodge the attack, use the strongest part of your armor to block it.

  This is a defensive skill that a warrior must possess.

  After mastering this defensive skill, the warrior can survive as long as the enemy's attack does not completely crush him.

  If the armor could withstand attacks well, then the battle between the two sides would be in a stalemate like now.

  At this time, external force is needed to break the situation.

  Suddenly the ogre lord's feet became unsteady, and his original movements suddenly became deformed.

  Alleria seized this opportunity, quickly walked around behind it, and stabbed the adamantine dagger hard into the knee joint.

  Armor in the cold weapon era always has many weak points.

  Even in the high-tech era of power armor, the armor on the joints of the hands and feet is relatively weak.

  The ogre lord's plate armor has no protection for the movable joints, and relies entirely on reasonable defensive actions to avoid weaknesses.

  Alleria, who succeeded in one attack, quickly jumped out of the ogre lord's attack range, and then looked for an opportunity to attack again.

  The ogre lord who was already injured did not need to continue using small tricks from Herad.

  Facing this enemy whose defense ability is greatly reduced, Alleria can perfectly display her full strength.

  Therefore, Herard could safely watch this one-sided battle.

  Of course, he mainly admired Alleria's proud posture.

  As for the ogre lord who is being attacked, it has a different aesthetic sense and cannot appreciate this kind of beauty.

  And this is the opponent that is going to kill it, no matter how beautiful it is, it has no intention of looking at it.

  All it knows is that it is dying.

  (End of chapter)

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